Who's up for a WEEKLY challenge.....

Shua456 Posts: 211
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
This would be a 4 out of 5 challenge. Meet 4 of the following goals every day to stay in the challenge.

Goal 1 - Log all food
Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water
Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day
Goal 4 - stay under your calories
Goal 5 - do something for yourself (read a magazine article, a book, work on a hobby, etc....)

Each day you'll log in and tell us how many goals you've reached for the day. If you don't reach 4 goals you'll be out for the week (but don't worry you can join us again the following week).

If you hit all 5 goals three days in a row you can earn a grace day. Grace days can be used at any time for any reason, you don't need to justify it - simply state that you're using a grace day. Grace days can be banked from week to week but you have to earn them within one week. That means you can't count Saturday, Sunday, Monday as your three days in a row because each challenge will begin on Monday.

We'll start on Monday and I'll repost this over the weekend but if you're interested let me know.


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