Are Men Sensitive?

Let me start by saying I have the most wonderful fiancee ever. He's smart, funny, talented, and just a good man. That being said, he is 5'11" and 130 lbs.

He was at 155 in college, playing hockey/working out/seeing a nutritionist 4-6 days per week. He was trying to gain weight for a while, but has since given up.

I'm far from "fat" but I'm soft around the edges and a full foot shorter than he is. However, when we (meaning his family, friends, and I) joke about how skinny he is, he takes it in stride and then gets angry and defensive. Why is this? He's perfectly healthy, and it's just genetics that make him as naturally thin as he is. He even retorted, "Well how would you feel if I told you that you were too fat all the time, and that you should lose weight?"

Why does he get angry?


  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    He even retorted, "Well how would you feel if I told you that you were too fat all the time, and that you should lose weight?"

    He's tired of y'all making fun of him for being skinny.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    For the most part men come in 2 types for the emotional stuff, the overly sensitive type and the overly hard type. They can switch between them at any given time, as almost all men are taught from birth to not be sensitive. Its kind of a catch 22, there are topics that all men are sensitive about your fiancee sounds like he is sensitive about his size and when he hears that stuff he may feel belittled about it to which 99% of men will get angry about. I am willing to be that when you guys joke about his being skinny he equates that with being made fun of just like people teasing a woman about being overweight. So ease up on it and if he gets sensitive just chime in and say that he is more than adequate in the areas that count. This will boost his ego and improve the relationship.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    He gets angry because it's not nice to make fun of someone for their weight, even if they're thin. There's still a hint of criticism in the comments, and he knows it. He's right -- how would you feel if he teased you about your weight? You'd feel like crap.

    Thin people don't automatically have tons of self-confidence, and there's not some invisible barrier around them that makes them immune to teasing. It's not because he's "sensitive." It's because he's being teased, and that's not a good feeling.
  • ezreka
    ezreka Posts: 53 Member
    Yes men are sensitive about being to skinny. Men feel they have to be big and strong to protect the little woman :) When you are telling him he is to skinny he is hearing you say he is to small.
  • jdrop
    jdrop Posts: 24
    I don't know if he's tired of being made fun of, because he does nothing but make fun of people all day. We all have very thick skin, because we do a lot of poking at each other...friends and family included.

    Is it looked upon as weak or something? He's very very strong (can lift a whole transmission by himself, and nearly a whole engine).
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    He even retorted, "Well how would you feel if I told you that you were too fat all the time, and that you should lose weight?"

    He's tired of y'all making fun of him for being skinny.

    Exactly it's pretty simple. If I pointed out a flaw someone had and joked about it, anyone would get mad. Especially for a guy, being small it's a touchy subject. All guys want to be muscular, it's "manly". If he gets upset about it, don't talk about it.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Huh? Just the overly sensitive and the overly hard? I have to say that is damned sexist! That would be like saying "you know women are either frigid or crying wimps". What the hell?
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    You (all) are touching a raw nerve in him. Tread lightly. :flowerforyou:

    BTW Yes. Men are sensitive. We can hide it behind our bullsh!t but we are all sensitive and we have our own buttons. So be careful which ones you push. You may not like the reaction you get.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I am a bit hurt that you would even ask. :)

    I don't think either gender has a corner on sensitivity. I do think that for men, sometimes there is an insecurity around being thin and/or small as it might be perceived as somehow less "manly." I think equating this to other body image concerns is quite valid.

    My wife was always very skinny growing up. To this day, I can joke with her that her butt looks big in a pair of jeans, but I can't joke with her and say her arms look skinny in a sleeveless shirt. I just know that this would NOT be funny to her at all regardless of how I intended it. So, you do have to be sensitive to the people you love and their vulnerabilities. I would lay off the jokes about his weight and encourage your friends to do the same.

  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    Maybe he got teased as a child and is self conscience about his weight. Or maybe he's just uncomfortable about his appearance. The gold standard for men isn't really tiny skinny. It's something that bothers him and I feel teasing him about it (esp in front of people) when you know it bugs him is pretty insensitive. If he joked that you were fat or it's your genetics all the time you probably wouldn't like it. I wouldn't write it off that he's just too sensitive. It bothers him and your his wife so you shouldn't do it. Think if the roles were reversed.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Sexist, kinda but for men it does apply, its not intended that way but men are taught to be "manly" which means not being sensitive. Sexism has little to do with it really its just the nature of the beast for men.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Being skinny for a man can be just as bad as fat. I don't know one guy that wants to be skinny. Fit yes, skinny no. Think about being overweight, then being made fun of for being overweight. He may feel the same when being made fun of for being skinny.
  • SpartanHard
    SpartanHard Posts: 170 Member
    He has a body image issue just like us overweight people. Its no different really. If you would call someoone fat then dont call him skinny and make sure oyu tell the rest of his family to back off. In private of course you doont want him thinking your "fighting" his battles.
  • ChristineMiller2
    I don't think what you are describing is about "men being sensitive" I think anyone would get tired of being picked on for their weight (or lack thereof). I don't have this problem anymore but I use to be rail thin and I got tired of people always commenting on it, it gets old. FAST. Now that you know it bothers him, stop doing it. :)
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    He even retorted, "Well how would you feel if I told you that you were too fat all the time, and that you should lose weight?"

    He's tired of y'all making fun of him for being skinny.
    ^^^^^What he said.

    Why do people assume that us guys are thick-skinned and don't mind people making fun of us?

    Just because at times act like it but we're not actually emotionless robots :smile:
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Are men sensitive? Of course they are. They're human!

    Many have been socialized to play the tough guy, but it doesn't mean they aren't self-conscious, worried about how others see them, and sensitive about their own flaws--real or perceived.
  • kidtechnical
    Why? Because you are being mean and persist to tease him about something you KNOW he is unhappy about. Is it a control thing?
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    to some people.... skinny means non muscular and just sticks and bones. Its not the same as calling a woman skinny...
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I don't think be is being over sensitive. I think just like those of us that are overweight and working on it, he is not happy with his body image. It doesn't seem like he is content with his body and doesn't want to be reminded of it, simliar to the rest of us, just in a different way.