Need to RANT!



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I agree with what everyone has said. I am in Iraq right now and I am tryinng to stay in good shape and get thinner. I don't have the guy from the movie thinner to make me thin I have to do it myself. And usually when I do eat treats I go overboard. Cravings kill me but I work my butt off to make up for it. As long as you are content in what you are doing it really does not matter what anyone else says or thinks. Please yourself because you are the only one that can.

    Samyrice - THANK YOU for your service to our country!!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Are people telling you off via PM, on the boards or are you friends with them?

    This concept is bizarre. I can't understand what it is that makes people so judgmental.
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya guys sorry not had chance to reply to this - you are all stars and made me feel fantastic