annoying weight related nicknames.



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I've never been called names due to my weight. I wasn't heavy until after I had 2 kids and I never lost the weight I gained. The only time I've ever been called something remotely close is when my DH got mad at me once and called me a fat *kitten*. Whether that's how he really views me, or if it was just something he knew would hurt me--I don't know.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    ok so my mother in law is a bigger girl and has been her whole life. I am skinny compared to her. She calls me danish hen, since she is the big hen. (this would be flattering if I was actually small, and she wasn't saying it as an insult) I have gained what I feel is a lot of weight. I have always been a person who's weight goes up and down 20 to 30lbs all the time. I do have a small frame so it is very noticeable either way. She also says I am way to skinny and look like a little weakling when I am at my ideal weight. It is as if she is encouraging me to gain weight to be a big girl like her. I love her but hate that she makes me feel bad when I look and feel good. I AM NOT THERE YET> That is why I am on here. I have decided to ignore her comments and make myself healthy. I am finally back into the healthy BMI level but am still trying to lose a little more to be my pre pregnancy weight. I know some of you will say I am skinny. But when you have been 125lbs and then all of a sudden it seems like out of no where you are 158.6 you look in the mirror and freak out. You don't see yourself anymore and just want to be you again. So even if you are small framed or big we still have the same goals and that is to be the person we feel we are deep down, under it all. Even if we don't get to be little skinny minnies at least we can be healthy and happy with who we are. :blushing: We can and will do this together.
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    I think it's horrible that somehow it is still "ok" for people to say hurtful, tactless, insensitive things to people of size. It's unacceptable to insult someone's race or gender or sexual orientation, so why is it acceptable to insult their size?!

    Watch out: I'm getting fired up! :mad:
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    My name is Sam. In my parent's circle of friends (all big nerds) it was popular to call me Samwise... Yeah. The fat hobbit. Not that any hobbit was particularly healthy, but Tolkien makes a special note of Samwise's tubbyness. It has always bothered me.

    Then there were the basics in school, tubby, fatty, other basic things like that. I'd be less bitter about it if they had at least TRIED to be creative.

    My flatmate calls me samwise...having never read the book...I had no idea that samwise was fat.... oh : (
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I have noticed that mine is nothing in comparison to what some of you have had to deal with, some of those names and comments are just plain rude and wrong. People are just not nice sometimes. I hate that people have to go through that kind of torture from day to day. Those comments just make others more depressed and then a lot of times turn to food for comfort so they are not doing good by being mean just a lot more hurtful.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    No one calls me out of the name I tell them. Should they, they meet my wrath....
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    My brother always called me big 'un growing up, lol, in a teasing, but hurtful way.... now times have changed. *evil laugh*
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My name is Sam. In my parent's circle of friends (all big nerds) it was popular to call me Samwise... Yeah. The fat hobbit. Not that any hobbit was particularly healthy, but Tolkien makes a special note of Samwise's tubbyness. It has always bothered me.

    Then there were the basics in school, tubby, fatty, other basic things like that. I'd be less bitter about it if they had at least TRIED to be creative.

    My flatmate calls me samwise...having never read the book...I had no idea that samwise was fat.... oh : (

    now don't jump to conclusions. Samwise Gamgee is also the kindest most tenderhearted, loyal friend anyone could ever imagine. He goes through hell for Frodo. He's a much more special character than just a fat hobbit. And ALL of the hobbits are fat, fond of their food, certainly not just Sam. So what I am trying to say is Samwise is not necessarily a "fat" reference.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Buddha - and not because I'm enlightened!
    You know those kids w/ enormous heads? My head was so big that I couldn't actually wear my sister's hand-me-down shirts b/c they had been washed so much that the collars wouldn't stretch enough to fit my head through!

    Edited to add: My poor mother! :huh:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    My name is Sam. In my parent's circle of friends (all big nerds) it was popular to call me Samwise... Yeah. The fat hobbit. Not that any hobbit was particularly healthy, but Tolkien makes a special note of Samwise's tubbyness. It has always bothered me.

    Then there were the basics in school, tubby, fatty, other basic things like that. I'd be less bitter about it if they had at least TRIED to be creative.

    :bigsmile: Like Samwise, I'm a big fan of 2nd Breakfast!
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    My name is Sam. In my parent's circle of friends (all big nerds) it was popular to call me Samwise... Yeah. The fat hobbit. Not that any hobbit was particularly healthy, but Tolkien makes a special note of Samwise's tubbyness. It has always bothered me.

    Then there were the basics in school, tubby, fatty, other basic things like that. I'd be less bitter about it if they had at least TRIED to be creative.

    My flatmate calls me samwise...having never read the book...I had no idea that samwise was fat.... oh : (

    now don't jump to conclusions. Samwise Gamgee is also the kindest most tenderhearted, loyal friend anyone could ever imagine. He goes through hell for Frodo. He's a much more special character than just a fat hobbit. And ALL of the hobbits are fat, fond of their food, certainly not just Sam. So what I am trying to say is Samwise is not necessarily a "fat" reference.

    I feel better now...Its cleary reference to my loyalty and kindheartedness : )
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    That's RIGHT!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Most of the nicknames regarding my heft were from my dad: big bertha, tubby (and, sometimes, tubby, tubby two by four...). The "tubby" name had to have started before I was 9 (and end around then).

    I wasn't a willowy child, but I wasn't unhealthy or inactive.

    The one that was the weirdest from me was when my body type was characterized on a corporate physical form as "stubby". At that point, I weighed 135. Now that I'm back down in that range, I'm even more baffled.
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    My name is Sam. In my parent's circle of friends (all big nerds) it was popular to call me Samwise... Yeah. The fat hobbit. Not that any hobbit was particularly healthy, but Tolkien makes a special note of Samwise's tubbyness. It has always bothered me.

    Then there were the basics in school, tubby, fatty, other basic things like that. I'd be less bitter about it if they had at least TRIED to be creative.

    :bigsmile: Like Samwise, I'm a big fan of 2nd Breakfast!
    2nd breakfast is something i would sign up to as well ! : )
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    My first husband was from Colombia and his parents (especially his father) used to call me "La Gordita" "the fat one." Nice. No wonder I used to have anxiety attacks every time they came to the States. And on the other hand, my ex-husband had such poor self-esteem, he wanted me to get/stay fat because he figured that if I was, no one else would want me, so that meant I wouldn't leave him. Yeesh! I'm so lucky to be rid of that baggage!!

    When I dated a French man for a year, he used to call me voluptuous. He said that women are supposed to have curves, not be sticks. I still have great affection for that man, lol. And my husband, God love him, feels the same way. His ex-wife was about 120 lbs. I haven't weighed that little since probably my Freshman year in high school.
  • Girlypeekaboo
    Fluffy puff puff.....I tend to make fun of my weight first be4 others get a chance and so far its worked out good...ppl don't really tease, I tend to find girls who r jealous of my pretty face to call me bad names behind my back... but soon enough they won't have crap to say teehee ;)
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    My mom enjoys saying stuff like 'look at your gut' so I nicknamed myself "Gut McBelly". Self-inflicted nicknames are always fun.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Big Red cuz of the red hair and obviously being big lol. and ONCE somebody called me Shamu. he won't be calling anyone else any names anytime soon. i made him cry. and i'm not talking about when we were little. we were both in our 20's lol :)

    that's awful! in high school one of my friends poked me in the side and startled me at lunch and i fell off the chair (i had slippery pants on) and this other kid called me a beached whale. i thought he was my friend, but not after that! i ended up losing my temper and slapping him in our next class cuz he was bragging about it and my teacher made HIM apologize! he got his :)
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    Flubber Blubber, Lardass, Fatass, Lazyass, Bubblebutt, Wideload, Lazy, Worthless, Big Butt Bertha, Humongous, Blimp
  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    Tubby, chubby, all woman, a lazy fat toad, and more recently someone called me flabby.