

  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    I exceeded my goal for this week. I planned to do 120 minutes of workout and I've more than doubled that! I did 268 minutes and I burned 1,445 calories. I'm so excited and proud of myself! I don't think I've really lost weight yet. My MFP says 3 lbs but I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate, or maybe I just can't believe I actually lost weight. :tongue: On average, I was weighing about 233, and now I'm averaging between 229 and 230. So maybe I have!

    Results: 268 / 90 minutes & 1445 / 760 calories burned

    Goal for next week: Now that I know I can easily do 268 minutes, I'm going to shoot for 250 minutes this week (and hope to exceed that).
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Had a great week! I managed 180 mins exceeding my goal of 150. As an extra bonus I'm down 5lbs.:happy:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Well my aunt passed today it was a rough and stress ful day. After getting home I was trying to keep from binging and decided to workout, didn't hit my goal but did lessen the gap.
    45 minutes tonight burned 408 calories and covered 2.5 miles.
    total this week 147/200

    Oh Kris, I am so sorry. Sending a family prayer & a ((( hug to you))). Take care of yourself. We are here for you.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Hey to all my friends

    I too LOVE these weekly goals and they are what is keeping me focused and losing again. Thanks to all of you!!!

    I must apologize This has been a very hectic & weird week for me.
    First I hurt my hip, then my hubby going to doctors 2 1/2 hrs away. Then helping my daughter move & with grandkids.

    Sooooooooooo, that being said, I DID make my goal of 120 minutesof exercise, but only because I counted my moving & packing time.

    I am agonna stay with 120 minutes next week, and hope I get it in through walking or exercise.

    I did have a loss again this week so now I am up to 10 pounds plus gone. YEA!!!!!

    I will start a new thread for next weeks goals & post the link here.

    I seem to have problems tracking everyone, so I will just leave it up to you to post goals & results. Then I don't embarras those that join and can't keep up. Or embarrase myself not to remember everyone. LOL

    I thank you all so much for support & encouragement!!

    The NEW people are always welcome!! Feel free to friend me!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    made it! goal was 20 minutes of working out every MORNING. did c25k on monday, wednesday, and friday. did some walking in the hills on tuesday. and thursday my legs were super sore, so i did a workout dvd in my apartment. total is 140 minutes of morning workouts. for the next workout, i'm gonna use "1 week" to mean 7days, instead of just Monday-Friday.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Had a great week! I managed 180 mins exceeding my goal of 150. As an extra bonus I'm down 5lbs.:happy:

    WoW!!!! CONGRATS!!! I must have missed this!! Was that 5 pounds just in one week? still an amazing job!!

    welcome to the new people!!
  • welcominganewself
    My challenge was to make it to the gym atleast 3 day this week and to workout for 300 minutes (5) hours. Also to stay under my calories every day.

    I stayed under everyday and made it to the gym 5 days, but only for a total of 230 minutes. Overall, not a bad week.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    My challenge was to make it to the gym atleast 3 day this week and to workout for 300 minutes (5) hours. Also to stay under my calories every day.

    I stayed under everyday and made it to the gym 5 days, but only for a total of 230 minutes. Overall, not a bad week.

    I thnk that's FANTASTIC!! Good for you!!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    my goal for this week is to do 400 mins of working out.

    got 424 mins this week
  • joystica
    joystica Posts: 9
    still new to the site, but loving it already. will join the challenge and my goal will be to lose 2Ibs this week...... yes i can