"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 4



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Up another 0.7lbs this week. Seems that since I stopped weighing daily, my choices have been out of control and I'm going in the wrong direction. It was a very worthwhile experiment though. I know I'm not ready for it yet though.

    My plan for this week is to:
    1. Drink 15 glasses of water
    2. Be under on sodium every day
    3. Exercise at least 60 minutes on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
    4. Get as close to 50% of carb grams in protein grams daily
    5. Eat 5-7 servings of veggies and 1-2 of fruit every day (one dark green and one orange coloured)

    And participate in 2 of the group challenges from here :) (Sodium and pampering I think)

    Also I need to start focusing on the things I'm doing right....Feel like I'm always complaining...
    1. Got > 5 hours of sleep every night
    2. Spent some physical activity time with my family
    3. Ate chocolate only 2x this week
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Posted on my wall as well....

    Ok my friends...I have fallen to the great food beast. Vacation in Vegas brought me 2 lbs!I need the kick in the a** to get back on track. Eating nonsensibly has taken me over. The couch has taken me prisoner! I start my day out with the best intentions but then I fail miserably. It is Monday...I have been here a year, time to do what I planned a year ago! Eat better, move my body, get healthy! So...if you see me without my diary complete or my exercise logged...let me know. I need you my friends to get me back in the game. Have a wonderful week!
    Now to get to work on those challenges!

  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Down 2 lbs this week and lost 1.5 inches. :happy:

    SW - 189.8
    Week 1 - 187.8
    Week 2 - 183.8
    Week 3 - 181.8

    THANK YOU, Ladies, for your support! It helps so much have a group of people that are trying with you. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, April, for the great challenges this week.

    Hubs and I started P90X this morning - whew!!! I went to put in my stuff and I typed in push-up and the only thing that came up was "vigorous" push-up. Ummmmm, my one and only, was MUCH less than vigorous. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I did manage to do three. :laugh: Yeah, I need some help in that area. :wink: But I'm trying hard - I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning. :bigsmile: We're not doing it in 90 days like it says to. We're doing it for 4 days each week. That's what's best for us right now. :wink: The best part is my brother and sister-in-law are doing it with us (Linemansgirl), only they live about 7 hours away. But that will help keep us on track.

    So have a great Monday, Ladies!!!! Get up and gain some muscle today!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    I'm up on weight as of this morning but Im going to wait until to tomorrow to see what it says to see if I really gained that much. Monday have always been a horrible day to weigh for me. I know part of it is I ended up with some ribs out and had to make a trip to the chiropractor and about 4 days off from working out.
    Challenge 1 Week 4-I will work on the sodium part but its so hard.
    Challenge 2 Week 4-I wont be doing this.
    Challenge 3 Week 4-I will do something of the sort, depending how sore I get.
    Challenge 4 Week 4-I pretty much eat what I want, just in smaller portions as it is. I dont diet cause I always gain it all back after the diet is over.
    Still working on the walking and boxing thing. Didnt get any done this past week but will be working on it this week. Im trying to get hubby to let me buy a bike trailer/jogging stroller thats covered so that I can get out more often. Cross your fingers for me lol.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    100 miles in 70 days, how are we doing on this challenge? Those of you who are actually doing it. (are you having a hard time getting your miles in, is this doable still?)
    * Getting there! It went and snowed on me last night and it was WAY too icy to go out this morning, so I did a kickboxing DVD instead of my run. It's sad because I love the run, but it was just too dangerous.

    Challenge 1 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Keep your sodium in the green all week. keeping your sodium in the green, will help you with retaining water. Along with keeping your sodium in the green all week, I want you to atleast drink 8 glasses of water daily. (up it by one or two glasses, if you can't seem to get past the 8 glasses)
    *I really really want this for myself!! I try so hard to keep it low, but I've found there is sodium in tons of my "healthy" food. It's a work in progress.

    Challenge 2 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Pilates (pronounced: puh-lah-teez) improves mental and physical well-being, increases flexibility, and strengthens muscles through controlled movements done as mat exercises or with equipment to tone and strengthen the body. (give pilates a try, I realize it isn't for everyone) get on youtube and search pilates videos, or if you have OnDemand, go under free pass, then sports and fitness, fitness tv, and youll find some pilates. :)
    * I've been doing some yoga mixed in with my other workouts, but maybe I'll give Pilates a try. It's more for strength, right? I could sure use that!

    Challenge 3 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Lets throw in some lower and upper body exercise. Lets try some boxing.. Front kick: Stand with feet shoulders' width apart. Bend your knees slightly, and pull your right knee up toward your chest. Point your knee in the direction of an imaginary target. Then, kick out with the ball of your foot. Repeat with your other leg. Throw some punches in with the kicks to get upper body movement.
    * I do a kickboxing video a few times a week, and I LOVE IT. It makes me feel strong and powerful. :smile:

    Challenge 4 - Week 4
    (03/06) - Allow yourself ONE free day, as far as splurging.. but with doing so, still plug it all into your food diary. Stay true to yourself. just remember not to go over board.. :)
    *Oh boy. A free day. I will try to do one this week, but I JUST did one Friday night. I'm struggling with the scale, so we'll see. My plan this week is to zigzag. I'm going to try to stay at about 1200 net for 3 days and between 1300 and 1500 for 2 days and see if that helps the scale budge at all. Trying new things to make it move!

    I was up on the scale again this morning. It's frustrating, especially with the side challenge I have going with Hubs. I'm not going to let it get me down, though, if anything it has lit a fire under my *kitten*! I am going to try to plan out workouts and food for this week so I don't get out of control. I will see a lower number on that scale! Here's to kissing the 230s goodbye in about 14 days! :happy:
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Posted on my wall as well....

    Ok my friends...I have fallen to the great food beast. Vacation in Vegas brought me 2 lbs!I need the kick in the a** to get back on track. Eating nonsensibly has taken me over. The couch has taken me prisoner! I start my day out with the best intentions but then I fail miserably. It is Monday...I have been here a year, time to do what I planned a year ago! Eat better, move my body, get healthy! So...if you see me without my diary complete or my exercise logged...let me know. I need you my friends to get me back in the game. Have a wonderful week!
    Now to get to work on those challenges!


    As you wish! :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Chantal - once again you continue to amaze me with your consistent losses. You're so good at this!

    Tannie - have you looked on Craigslist for a used puching bag or dummy? I'd found some really cheap punching bags on there before for my area...worth a shot! *ba dum bum*

    cazz - I HATE those days...when you feel like vacuum and nothing is staisfying. OK that totally reminded me of a parody video...TOTALLY NSW and probably 18+ video, but if you have a naughty sense of humor, you'll love it http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/704b311c2f/welcome-to-my-home (the vacuum reminder is at the end during the "credits")

    prila13 - nice job on your loss!

    violet - boo to your plateau. I know how frustrating it is. How many calories are you aiming toward every day? Maybe if you up 'em by 150ish for a little while (couple weeks), it might kick-start your metabolism and break your plateau.

    fitterpam - well, sounds like you need the scale to help keep you accountable. I'm glad you participated in the experiment. :) Yes! Focus on the good! It is so easy to only think about the negative things that creep into our lives.

    Linda - tough love, got it!

    Crystal - WOW! That's fantastic! You're doing great!! I think it is great that you and your hubs are doing P90X together, and that you're doing it at the pace that is best for you guys. Before we know it, we'll see you logging 50 push-ups!

    aprildauer - hope tomorrow morning's weigh-in is kinder. I've got my fingers crossed for you that you can get a covered jogger thinger.

    ashley0616 - seriously, why does it seem like there is sodium in EVERYTHING?! Frustration station. For your side challenge with your hubbylove, are you guys doing a pound-for-pound challenge, or % of weight lost? *MUAH* buh-bye 230's!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member

    cazz - I HATE those days...when you feel like vacuum and nothing is staisfying. OK that totally reminded me of a parody video...TOTALLY NSW and probably 18+ video, but if you have a naughty sense of humor, you'll love it http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/704b311c2f/welcome-to-my-home (the vacuum reminder is at the end during the "credits")

    HAHAHA very funny!

    dreading weigh in tonight with slave driver... ugh!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member

    Crystal - WOW! That's fantastic! You're doing great!! I think it is great that you and your hubs are doing P90X together, and that you're doing it at the pace that is best for you guys. Before we know it, we'll see you logging 50 push-ups!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'm hoping for 5. :laugh: I'll let you know if I ever hit 10. :tongue: I'm not sure what's on the list for tomorrow. I think every day is different. If we have push-ups again, I'll shoot for 4. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the encouragement! Made my day. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not sure how to "unquote" all of this, but oh well. :wink:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    cazz, you'll rock your weigh-in. If it isn't as awesome as you want it to be...then you'll be getting your money's worth out of Heather for a hellish workout. :laugh:

    Crystal, just move the [/quote] to wherever you want the quote to end...if that made any sense...anyhoozles if working on push-ups is a goal of yours, maybe try to do as many as you can every day, even on days that you don't do P90X. To build up stamina, y'know?

    Just spent a nice long chunk of time outside with the puppy loves. Worked on the garden in the front yard...pulled weeds, moved a couple planters, made a little rock barrier, scattered some wildflower annual seeds...I can't wait to see these flowers bloom! This mix has candytuft, baby blue eyes, five spot, chinese houses, african daisy, CA poppy (I'm most excited about this!), CA bluebell, shirley poppy, bird's eyes, dwarf godetia, clarkia, globe gilia, and tidy tips. I don't know what most of those are, but the picture on the canister sure is pretty! :laugh: Then cleaned out my dirty little Biscuit (my car)...poor thing was stuffed to the gills with random under-seat vacation 2009 trash and paycheck stubs and email print-outs from early 2010. :huh: Must be better at keeping my wheels clean!
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Just spent a nice long chunk of time outside with the puppy loves. Worked on the garden in the front yard...pulled weeds, moved a couple planters, made a little rock barrier, scattered some wildflower annual seeds...I can't wait to see these flowers bloom! This mix has candytuft, baby blue eyes, five spot, chinese houses, african daisy, CA poppy (I'm most excited about this!), CA bluebell, shirley poppy, bird's eyes, dwarf godetia, clarkia, globe gilia, and tidy tips. I don't know what most of those are, but the picture on the canister sure is pretty! :laugh: Then cleaned out my dirty little Biscuit (my car)...poor thing was stuffed to the gills with random under-seat vacation 2009 trash and paycheck stubs and email print-outs from early 2010. :huh: Must be better at keeping my wheels clean!
    I cant wait for spring and flowers myself. I need to get out and work on my garden.

    Here is a pic of the stroller/bike trailer I want.
    This one is red.
    This one is yellow.
    Cant decide what color I want. Im leaning towards yellow.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Workout/weigh-in with the Slave Driver went not-so-good. Because I got in trouble for over working myself into ineffectiveness. I'm a nurse, I should know better. Sometimes, less is more. I was working so hard, pushing myself to go faster on the elliptical and bike, etc. My heart rate was very often into the 160s. So I wasn't burning fat, I was burning carbs. NO WONDER I always CRAVED carbs after working out!! duh! SO it's like working for nothing... I want to wallow in my crap for just a minute or two!!

    breathe... breathe... breathe...

    Okay, I'm over it. I know better now, so I will do better. LOL I should be happy about it... I won't HAVE to work so hard!! :bigsmile:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I made a bad bad bad bad bad choice today, and im paying for it. Maybe its karma reminding me that I shouldnt be eating the garbage.

    I slept way too late today, and didn't have alot of time before work, so I went to Taco Bell of all places.. ;( My stomach is killing me.. :( Its horrible..

    I came up with an idea today.. a girl at work was saying how she eats too much chocolate and so forth.. So I said.. what if it had lard rubbed all over the outside.. and she said after she thought of that, it didnt taste the same. just a thought i came up with.. if your struggling with something thats really bad for you.. Dont know if anyone likes the idea or not.. but its out there.. ;)
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    LOL! Lard covered chocolate... hmmmm. Then again, people eat that all the time... Fried candy bars.... just sayin. lmbo. :sick:

    Well, I got to pay my whole stinking electric bill myself. Which is fine. Would have been nice to have SOME money to get my kid to school on, but what can I do? I have no choice. Ive tried to cut back on heat and whatnot... Made Hannah seriously ill. I swear that girl cannot be below 75 for more than a few minutes at a time or she gets sick enough we got to make a medical trip. So ya know where Ill be tomorrow. :frown: I just cant seem to EVER get an effing break! :grumble:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    LARD - yum!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Posted on my wall as well....

    Ok my friends...I have fallen to the great food beast. Vacation in Vegas brought me 2 lbs!I need the kick in the a** to get back on track. Eating nonsensibly has taken me over. The couch has taken me prisoner! I start my day out with the best intentions but then I fail miserably. It is Monday...I have been here a year, time to do what I planned a year ago! Eat better, move my body, get healthy! So...if you see me without my diary complete or my exercise logged...let me know. I need you my friends to get me back in the game. Have a wonderful week!
    Now to get to work on those challenges!


    Linda - it's great that you're motivated to get going and lose those 2 Vegas pounds. Last year I went to Vegas, gained a couple of pounds, and didn't do anything about it. The next thing I knew it was 4 months later and 10 pounds! I've lost those now, and I went on vacation a week and a half ago, gained two pounds, and taken off 1.5 of them already. So I know how you feel, and you can totally do it!!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    pink_and_shiny: I'm so envious of your gardening! I'm in Winnipeg and we're still buried under feet of snow, and this morning the temperature was -26 C on the way to work. I want pretty flowers too :) Maybe I'll buy some for inside...

    AprilVal: the lard thing just turned my stomach, so maybe that'll work (though I'm not desperately craving anything right now, so we'll see later). Thanks for the great challenges this week...I did an upper and lower body weight lifting session yesterday and I feel all nice and sore today (in the good way!)
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Aprild - I like that stroller. I'm not sure which color I would choose, either. I like them both. :happy:

    April V - sorry about the bad day. I think I'll pass on the lard chocolate though. :laugh:

    Tannilew - hang in there!! :flowerforyou:

    Cazzincall - :grumble: That's so frustrating about your workout.

    Alergria - great job on the weight loss!!


    Anyone want to come sing at my funeral? I'm thinking hubs will need to be planning it soon - did I mention that we started P90X yesterday? (sigh) I'm such a wimp!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Happy Tuesday, Ladies!! :flowerforyou:
  • linemansgirl
    I am back from a week away for my brother's wedding. I was THRILLED to weigh this morning and find out that I had maintained! :bigsmile: I did not track and I was unable to exercise all week. It was 20 degrees or less outside the entire time and we were staying upstairs in my sisters very old house. I didn't want to crash through her ceiling! :laugh: I am getting started on p90x this week and I am SO excited about that! I will try to do the fit test this evening.

    Thank you April, the challenges look great this week!!!!! :happy:
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    cazz, you'll rock your weigh-in. If it isn't as awesome as you want it to be...then you'll be getting your money's worth out of Heather for a hellish workout. :laugh:

    Crystal, just move the
    to wherever you want the quote to end...if that made any sense...anyhoozles if working on push-ups is a goal of yours, maybe try to do as many as you can every day, even on days that you don't do P90X. To build up stamina, y'know?

    Just spent a nice long chunk of time outside with the puppy loves. Worked on the garden in the front yard...pulled weeds, moved a couple planters, made a little rock barrier, scattered some wildflower annual seeds...I can't wait to see these flowers bloom! This mix has candytuft, baby blue eyes, five spot, chinese houses, african daisy, CA poppy (I'm most excited about this!), CA bluebell, shirley poppy, bird's eyes, dwarf godetia, clarkia, globe gilia, and tidy tips. I don't know what most of those are, but the picture on the canister sure is pretty! :laugh: Then cleaned out my dirty little Biscuit (my car)...poor thing was stuffed to the gills with random under-seat vacation 2009 trash and paycheck stubs and email print-outs from early 2010. :huh: Must be better at keeping my wheels clean!

    I need to move where you live! In Bozeman (like Winnepeg), it's still snowing today... we haven't seen green grass in awhile... and I LOVE gardening!!! It's good for the spirits to just dig your hands into dirt and be outside in the sun. :-)