"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 4



  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    FINALLY... was able to get my weigh in and measurements today...

    Good News all the way around this time :)

    Bust: 33.75 (+ .75, gotta like that!)
    Waist: 29 (unchanged)
    Abs: 34 (unchanged)
    Hip 38 (unchanged)
    Thigh: 22.50 (unchanged)
    Arm 11.50 (unchanged)
    Weight: 141.5 ( - 2.50 lbs)
    Body Fat: 22.20 ( - 1.90% )
    BMI 22.33 ( -.39 )
    Total Inches: + .75 (I'll take it! It's in the bust, so I WONT complain...LOL)

    Since rejoining Curves:

    Total Inches: ( - 3 inches)
    Total Pounds: ( -7.50 )
    Total Body Fat: ( -1.90% )

    So... in summary. My Weight Loss prior to this month WAS due to loss of muscle tone. Adding a daily protein shake or two every day for the last month has helped rebuild the muscle and helped me burn the fat! I'm so happy! In one month, my Fat% dropped to below what my starting percentage was.... which had increased consistently over the first 4 months I was working out again!

    The Power of PROTEIN! Make sure you are getting plenty of it!


    Glad to see you are getting it figured out. Protein is very important.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Before I go and catch up on everyone, I just wanted to let y'all know that I did a whirlwind of spring cleaning in my closet today and therefore have 11 dresses, 2 tops, a coat, and a puffy vest (think Marty McFly, "hey kid, whad'ja do, jump ship?") that are up for grabs! I've taken pics and will post them, along with descriptions, either later tonight or tomorrow. I'm not going to ask anything for the clothes, just that you pay for postage.

    In all honesty I need to do another sort-through of my clothes as I have WAY too many (but there's nothing ever to wear!!), but this is a great start.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    OK! Here's what I've got! I think this collage is going to be ginormous...so sorry in advance...


    And here's the link for the descriptions...http://bit.ly/eHunIa

    If you want anything from the collection, just send me a PM with the item number and description. Totally on a first-come-first-serve basis. Don't want any money for the clothes, but just ask that you pay for shipping. We can do the money stuffs on PayPal to keep it easy. I hope some of my things can go to better homes!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Beautful Pinky!!

    I'm still going through what small amount I have to see what can go, if I find anything, I'll let you all know :) Have a great Wed all!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Looks like I'm a thread killer...lol! :laugh:

    So, during every commercial break while watching Biggest Loser, I got up and moved. I did planks, crunches, calf raises, walking planks, jumping jacks, jogged in place, and then some!! I also decided last night while trying to fall asleep that I would map out a mile via mapmyrun.com and then run it in 11min (5.5mph which is often what BL contestants run on the treadmil).

    So I did just that. I mapped it out, got the HRM ready and headed out. I wanted to walk for 5min first, which lead exactly up to my mile starter that I mapped out. Then I ran. And ran. And ran some more. I had a few seconds to spare but d@mnit I ran an 11min mile!! And it was like 35-40ish degress out there!! I then had a 5min walk back home. 21min and 1.62miles. I'm happy with that!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Way to go!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    WTG, Bru! I remember doing something like that when watching a movie on TV once. It's a great plan! What are walking planks?

    So today's weigh-in day for me...I'm up, 171.2. I was really hoping to get into 160world, but I guess that just wasn't in the cards for me this week. My inches are down this week, so, thereyougo.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member

    ashley0616 - seriously, why does it seem like there is sodium in EVERYTHING?! Frustration station. For your side challenge with your hubbylove, are you guys doing a pound-for-pound challenge, or % of weight lost? *MUAH* buh-bye 230's!

    Sodium will be the death of me, I swear. I hate it, but it's part of life and we're learning how to get around it. Most days. :laugh:

    Hubs and I are doing pounds, but the contest is whomever reaches their goal first gets the prize, so hopefully we'll both win in the end! I'm aiming for 18 and he's aiming for 25. I know guys lose it easier than we do, but he doesn't exercise much and I swear he's in starvation mode 1/2 the time. His job is REALLY stressful and busy, he works probably 90 hours a week on the road and doesn't always have time to eat and almost never has time to exercise. I'm trying really hard to get him to eat and take walks with me...he thinks I'm feeding him so much to cheat at the contest LOL!! I just want us BOTH to be healthy together, so I like the challenge. :)

    BTW, HUZZAH on your inches lost! That's awesome! You are SOOO close to the 160s, you'll be there soon. I know how frustrating it is, I've been stuck around 232 for nearly a month now. Gr. I bet you feel amazing though! (PS you have beautiful clothes up for the swap, I wish I could take some of them off your hands! Some day!)

    Bru: Congratulations on your 11 minute mile! That is amazing! I know how hard it is to do, I've been running for a while now and am probably still in the 14ish minute area. You should be SO proud of yourself!

    Ladybug: Those are great results, good job!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thanks all!!

    A walking plank (as I call it) is found in 30 Day Shred level 2 (I think). Start in a standing position, feet hip-ish width apart, then bend and walk out into a plank, hold for a few then walk back to standing. The 'harder' version is a pushup instead of a plank, I'll get there eventually!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Day 1 of the Lenten Scale Diet… and I’m doing just fine, as I had NO desire to go near a scale today! I may have celebrated Fat Tuesday a *little* too hard last night :sick: Did fine on my overall numbers, but I am SUCH a lightweight now that I am feeling my two drinks. At least I kept my sodium in the green while doing so :drinker: HAHA
    April D – yay for the scale not being so mean yesterday! I never weigh on Mondays either… weekends always seem to mess me up, whether I make good choices or not :grumble:

    Nikster – that’s quite the evening for feeling like you’d rather curl-up and relax… send me some of your motivation!!! Also, I’m with Tannie and April D… check-out BL online, and you can skip the commercials, too!

    April V – good that you figured out what was giving you such a hard time… I think I’d still tell myself in my head it was TB so I wouldn’t be tempted to go :laugh: I can’t really do the SF candy for the same reason… it’s like our bodies are trying to tell us something, huh? :ohwell:

    Ladybu/Lisa – awesome that the BF % is going down!!! I don’t know mine (beginning or now), so I’m just doing what I think is healthy. Do you get yours checked at Curves? Isn’t it funny how a simple thing like adding some protein has such a big impact? I second your statement—make sure you’re getting your protein, ladies!

    Brunette – I so envy your 11 min mile—kudos to you! And I’ll have to check-out that website (thx for sharing!), as I generally run with NO idea of how far I go :huh: OH… and that rocks that you were working-out during BL—isn’t it funny how we sit on our butts watching folks exercise most of the time?!?! I’ll have to give that a try…

    Pink – I still think you’re doing awesome, as I would rather look smaller (inches) vs just weighing less any day!!! You could always join me in the Lenten Scale Diet… :wink: PS—your clothes are fab… are you like, a professional club-hopper?!

    Ashley – I think it’s SO great you and hubs have a challenge going on… I might borrow this idea :smile: My honey works-out with me every now and then, but his eating during the day is CRAP… so I think that just MIGHT level the playing field! ;)
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    ladybug - great job losing inches and body fat! I agree with you about the protein, and I have 1/2 a protein bar or some almonds after every hard workout.

    pink_and_shiny - you have some lovely clothes, and I was sad that none of them are in my size! They're all too big or too little :( But it looks like you've had some very fun times! And as for the scale, you'll be in the 160s very soon, and it's fantastic that you've lost the inches.

    BrunetteWife - an 11 minute mile is awesome! That's such great progress and I'm really happy for you. Plus you knocked another 1.6 miles off the 100 mile challenge...

    And the walking planks sound kind of like "burpees" but walking instead of hopping - am I visualizing it right? They sound slightly like torture either way :)

    Ashley - my husband works the same kind of crazy hours that yours does and we have a similar challenge to workout and lose weight. He gets up at 4:30 or 5:00 am to run, which I could never do. I arrange my work schedule so I can workout in the afternoons, which is way better for me! I really do hate the way a guy can just think about losing weight and the pounds melt off though.

    As for me, I was thrilled when I got on the scale this morning and realized I'd lost the 2 pounds I put on during my honeymoon. I'm actually down 2.5 lbs, which means I'm back on the right track. I was very happy about this, but I'm a bit down because I'm sick and can't do a workout.

    Going to work and teaching for 2 hours was exhausting so I've cancelled my class for tomorrow. At least I'm staying in my calorie range though (but icecream would feel SOOO good on my sore throat...) Ah well, I'll have more green tea, which is also good for my throat.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    ashley - The challenge you and your hubs are doing together is great. You're gonna smoke him!

    Bru - aahhhh, ok! Sounds intense.

    emily - You're so much stronger than I...I don't think I could give up the scale for Lent. You're so awesome for doing that. Two drinks is all it takes for you?! You're a cheap date! :P And LMAO that my clothes make me look like a club-hopper. Only dress that's been to a club is the teal bandage dres...that one was my sexy Vegas dress. Everything else was worn at family events or work or special outings. No club bunny here! :laugh:

    Alegria - sorry nothing of mine is in your clothing range. :( Fantastic job being down 2.5 pounds! That's really great. Feel better, though. Maybe sneak just a little teaspoon of ice cream. ;)

    I made a Google spreadsheet for the clothing swap, if anyone else wants to join in please feel more than welcome!

  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Really fighting some allergy stuff today, throat's all scratchy and pretty congested too. Energy level is very low and I just want to curl up with a good book!!!

    But, I have managed to stay under or super close to my sodium goal so far (I really have a hard time with this one but I know how important it is. I actually cooked dinner tonight even though I didn't feel like it. I even went to the gym and did my two miles on the treadmill along with a quick 1/2 hour of weights. Nothing super special or extraordinary, but I'm glad I did what I did.

    Biggest disappointment of the day... I have been a Dish Network customer for years and we don't have NBC right now due to some stupid disagreement... so I can't watch Biggest Loser. I may have to hurt someone.. but I refuse to overeat because of it. They will NOT win!!!

    Happy "un-fat" Tuesday.

    If you have internet at home heres a site for you. ALL current season BLs. Give them a day or two and the other will be up.


    you can also go to nbcrewind.com I think it is for this weeks episode. It usually takes them a couple days to post as well. I find Fancast plays them better, but you never know. Try it and see.

    You are a LIFESAVER!!! Thank you SO much.. I'll have time tomorrow to check this out, then I'll finally know what happened!!! I'm so addicted to this show...
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Ladybu/Lisa – awesome that the BF % is going down!!! I don’t know mine (beginning or now), so I’m just doing what I think is healthy. Do you get yours checked at Curves? Isn’t it funny how a simple thing like adding some protein has such a big impact? I second your statement—make sure you’re getting your protein, ladies!

    Thanks! Yes, they check my body fat at Curves once a month... would more if I'd remember to ask, but I always forget until after I workout and you can't do it then, it's gotta be before...LOL.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    It is safe to reveal who you are. In fact, your happiness depends on it.
    - Dorothy Mendoza Row

    i found this on facebook.. i <3 it.. hoping to revamp my weight loss in the next couple days.. need to re-evaluate it..
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    hi everyone. i'm afraid i have some bad news. i wont be updating my weight loss for the nexrt week or two. i hurt my back last night. i had to go to ER. light duty for a week. they think i pulled a muscle. it sure hurts thats all i know. lol. i can barely walk. as soon as i am able to walk better, i will be at least walking but probably no workouts for 2 or 3 weeks.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    hi everyone. i'm afraid i have some bad news. i wont be updating my weight loss for the nexrt week or two. i hurt my back last night. i had to go to ER. light duty for a week. they think i pulled a muscle. it sure hurts thats all i know. lol. i can barely walk. as soon as i am able to walk better, i will be at least walking but probably no workouts for 2 or 3 weeks.

    Ouch! Hope you feel better!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bru, congrats on your run! That's amazing! How high did your HR get? I ran a half mile yesterday (carrying bags - I was trying to catch my bus) and thought I was going to die. :laugh: But my HR quickly recovered, which made me a very happy girl!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    hi everyone. i'm afraid i have some bad news. i wont be updating my weight loss for the nexrt week or two. i hurt my back last night. i had to go to ER. light duty for a week. they think i pulled a muscle. it sure hurts thats all i know. lol. i can barely walk. as soon as i am able to walk better, i will be at least walking but probably no workouts for 2 or 3 weeks.
    Oh no!!! I hope you're able to heal quickly!!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Finally got rid if the water weight!! If it wasn't gone by today, I was logging a gain!! No gain here!! Woot woot!! This also means I've officially gotten rid of 50lbs!!! Aka a small hay bale or a medium/large dog or a small child or even a bag of concrete!! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!! GOOD BYE 50! :drinker:

    Weighed in this morning at 193.2!

    Oh and my HR I think I saw 168 but I wasn't focusing on my HR because I'd see how much time I had and would freak out ;)