When someone says you should stop losing weight....



  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hi All,

    I just have a few things to add to this discussion, as I can see it as a problem with society as a whole.

    It seems that society is contradicting itself in many ways. Celebrities are shown to us looking slim and fit, magazines are constantly trying to get us to try out the new diet fads or to try this one quick technique every night for 7 days to lose the belly fat quick! Our entire culture centres around body image, and tells us to stop eating all of the processed foods because we are clogging our arteries. But then everyone turns around and sees ads for McDonalds, greasy burgers, french fries, ice cream, etc. Basically all of the foods that we should be avoiding are the easiest for us to get! Not only that, but it continues from there. We are told by people that we should be slim and fit, but then we also target the people that are in the 120 ranges. We hear comments that they look anorexic, should get some meat on them, look sick, weak, etc, and this is mostly due to the fact that the people making the comments are the ones that are not happy with their body image, hear the pressure from the media to lose weight, but can't control their eating habits because of the easily available fatty fast foods! They get jealous that other people can control themselves and then lash out at those that have achieved their goals. They get a small amount of self-satisfaction, but it could really affect the self-esteem of the person who has reached their weight loss goals.

    Just try to remember that you are doing this for YOURSELF. Don't fall into the trap, don't be like the rest of the sheep. Work towards being happy with your body so that you can care for it properly.
  • goal30Lori
    goal30Lori Posts: 307 Member
    I saw that comment Theresa, and was put off by it as well! I don't think it's a jealousy thing, since this person is very fit themselves, but if it was concern, it was very poorly worded. I know that you have struggled to try and stop losing weight since you have reached your goal, and of course, it doesn't post your gains so nobody knew you gained a 1/2 pound the week before. Could you send thus person a message explaining how their comment made you feel, or do you think they would not get it?

    Sorry sista. :(
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I haven't actually read the other replies but my grandmother recently said the same thing to me and I was happy...LOL. In my opinion it was her way of saying "wow you lost a lot of weight...slow down" I think if this person is a friend they may not have meant it as an insult. When someone loses quite a bit of weight and are down around average they just look skinny, compare to the way they were. Hope that makes sense.

    When I started I was 170 and she called me fat quite a bit. When I was around 145 she told me to stop losing weight and start eating. I think she sees the results not the work, progress or goal.
  • everet36
    everet36 Posts: 39
    I have my dad making comments saying I look "too thin". I'm a size six. I've lost 8lbs in 2 months by exercising 3 days a week and eating 1500-1800calories a day. I'm not starving myself, I'm just keeping myself accountable for what I put in my mouth. I can't stand it when he makes those comments. I have a lot of body fat to lose -- I'm currently 28.8% body fat, even though I am of a normal weight. I was actually upset I lost more weight, I'm pretty sure it's muscle :(. I guess I need to up my calories even more.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I experienced the same thing a lot when I lost a bunch of weight (before re-gaining it, heh.) I think some people really just don't like to see others succeed because it makes them feel insecure. I'm the same height as you, and my goal weight is around 130-135, but have been as low as 120. It totally depends on the person/body type/everything. Don't let it bother you girl, the progress you've made is amazing. She should be patting you on the back, not putting you down.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    My friend, is really short and lost a lot of weight and very possibly is only around 100 pounds, but she just looks great. She for sure is not too skinny at all, but wow I was shocked at all the grief she gets from other people. She is a nurse and the other nurses are steady on her case. These women are just mean and actually it is scary how people will treat you.