TOPIC: Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 3/7-3/13



  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    I hope you guys will forgive...I am too ADHD to remember to come back! LOL :)

    Starting W 161

    Will copy and paste later but yesterday excercise complete: N and 4 F Only got 45 min in yesterday...
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I just found this thread...and I would love to join....though I only got a half hour on the treadmill tomorrow

    starting weight-149.9
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    MON – Exercise Complete: N ~ F/V: 5 or 6
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 0/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables:1/7
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Servings can be so small in size! I want to do 3 veggies and 2 fruits as well, and the fruit is never a problem for me! I wanted to count edamame as a veggie, but it's a bean... Would I count a sweet potato? I am... I wouldn't count a regular potato... Or would I? :huh:

    MON – Exercise Complete: Yes (80 mins) ~ F/V: 3F - 3V = Yes
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 1/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 1/7
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    This challenge really pushed me to keep swimming laps until that hour was completely up! :)

    MON – Exercise Complete: Heck yeah! (60 minutes of swimming) ~ F / V: 2/3 = YEAH!
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Looks like you all did great yesterday! I had a little stumble. I'm positive I would have got my vegies in (had Minestrone soup leftovers for lunch chockablock with veges - cabbage, celery, carrot, tomato, zucchini etc). Then I had a dinner and movie date so struggled with the vegie intake for dinner. Plus 2 fruit. No exercise though.

    I would count sweet potato as a vegie : )

    I'm impressed with an hour of swimming you must have been starving after finishing that!!
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    MON – Exercise Complete: N ~ F/V: 3/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y (45 min jog & 15 min walk) ~ F/V: 4/3
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 1/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Haven't had dinner yet--probably have a spinach salad with balsamic vinegar and dijion mustard as I'm very close to 1,200C.

    MON – Exercise Complete: Heck yeah! (60 minutes of swimming) ~ F / V: 2/3 = YEAH!
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Yes (60 min. swim) ~ F/V: F-3 V-3...maybe 4 =Yep, yep!
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Looks like you all did great yesterday! I had a little stumble. I'm positive I would have got my vegies in (had Minestrone soup leftovers for lunch chockablock with veges - cabbage, celery, carrot, tomato, zucchini etc). Then I had a dinner and movie date so struggled with the vegie intake for dinner. Plus 2 fruit. No exercise though.

    I would count sweet potato as a vegie : )

    I'm impressed with an hour of swimming you must have been starving after finishing that!!

    SO hungry! I made a quesedilla with almost 3 cups of veggies and ate it in minutes!! :)
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    Thank you. I was slacking in the fruit department.

    MON – Exercise Complete: Y~ F/V:3/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y ~ F/V: 3/3

    Days of Exercise Completed: 2/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    MON – Exercise Complete: N ~ F 4
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y ~ F 3
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 1/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 0/7
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON – Exercise Complete: Not today ~ F/V: 2/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: haha nah stayed home with sick honey ~ F/V: 1/4
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 0/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
    Sweet potato is a root VEGGIE! ;-D So, yes.
    I came home and had pho with the honey today, he was feelin ick and just needed some snuggle time. Now he is sleeping, which I will let him do since he leaves for work in 2 hrs. I guess I am making my snacks and lunch as well as HIS. :-D Oh well. Now for my meal planning for tomorrow, then some BL and off to bed. Oh wait we are in bed haha.
    Looks like I have the next 5 days to get in my 5hrs! hahaha EEK! ;)
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    MON – Exercise Complete: Y ~ F/V: 3/5
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y ~ F/V: 3/5
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 2/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    MON – Exercise Complete: Y ~ F/V: 2/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y ~ F/V: 3/2

    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 2/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    JesaGrace- Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Steph-I don’t understand how the serving size for veggies are so small but I have a difficult time getting my daily servings. I just have to continue to work on that. Sweet Potato is a Veggie-Regular Potato-I don’t think so :smile:

    Kai-I think you definitely got your veggies in with the Minestrone soup

    TacoGibbons-Good Job pushing through to complete that hour

    Shawnalee-Hope your Honey feels better! Try your best to get your workouts in this week
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Kai, Shawnalee, and loveme... Thanks for the sweet potato advice!

    MON – Exercise Complete: Yes (80 mins) ~ F/V: 3F - 3V = Yes
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Yes (77 mins) ~ F/V: 3F - 2V = Yes
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 2/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 2/7
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    MON – Exercise Complete: N ~ F/V: 5 or 6
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y (brisk, inclined walk on the treadmill) ~ F/V: No I think I only got 1 or 2 today:sad:
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed:1/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables:1/7
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    MON – Exercise Complete: N ~ F/V: 3/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Y (45 min jog & 15 min walk) ~ F/V: 4/3
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y (60 min walk) ~ F/V: 3/3
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 2/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 3/7
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON – Exercise Complete: Not today ~ F/V: 2/3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: haha nah stayed home with sick honey ~ F/V: 1/4
    WED - Exercise Complete: YUP, circuit training and spinning ~ F/V: 3/4
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 1/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 3/7
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    MON – Exercise Complete: Heck yeah! (60 min. swim) ~ F-2 V-3
    TUE - Exercise Complete: Yes (60 min. swim) ~ F-3 V-3
    WED - Exercise Complete: Y (60 min swim) ~ F-3 V-4
    THU - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    FRI - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SAT - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##
    SUN - Exercise Complete: Y/N ~ F/V: ##

    Days of Exercise Completed: 3/5
    Days of 5 Fruits/Vegetables: 3/7