Why I'm Dumping CHEAT DAYS >:(



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    The concept of exercising just to have a cheat day is just crazy to me. I exercise to lose weight not to indulge in unhealthy eating. Thats what caused me to reach 324 lbs. My journey is leading me down a different path. If I'm going to indulge its going to be on tasty healthy alternatives....not Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Subway, candy, soda and the like.

    I'm not putting down anyone else's choice. I just chose not to return to 324lbs in a few years by opening pandora's box.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    My "Cheat Day" "free day" "me day" whatever you want to call it is Sunday. I still log it and it's usually a meal with dessert that I wouldn't normally allow myself to have.I think I've only ever gone over once and it was by less then 100cals, I think people need to do whats best for them. If having a cheat day is to much for you and you feel it's messing you up then don't do it. There are people who take their cheat days to an extreme that I think it does mess with them,however I don't think those that have a cheat day and thats the day they allow themselves that fried chicken and a cupcake are sabotaging themselves. For me when I'm craving something unhealthy I tell myself that I can have it on Sunday, then usually when Sunday rolls around the craving is gone, but it made me feel better in my mind,because I wasn't telling myself no, just simply wait. Again I think it depends on the person and in the end it all comes down to doing what YOU need to do to get fit & healthy and ignore the haters.

    That's exactly what I do too. I still say no to myself though, but I know if I still want it on my cheat day, which is Saturday or Sunday depending on my weekend schedule, I can have it.
    I agree that you shouldn't use your cheat day to binge, just to have the extra desert you want or the not so healthy alternative you wanted for lunch one day. I like ham sandwhiches but they don't usually factor in too well, so sometimes I have a ham sandwhich on my cheat day instead of turkey or chicken.