What do you think about....



  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    LOL @ goron59.

    Well..her name sure pulls up a lot of porn on google images :tongue:

    She looks beautiful to me. I think her abs look uber developed but I can't really criticise her over that. I'm very accepting of a wide range of body types however. I'm not one of those people that finds ONE certain look to be the apex of beauty. I like how I can look around at my fellow humans and find differences. I like our box of crayons...hard to pick one out :]

    I did the same thing!! I was in a panic trying to clear it all from the computer, everyone would be accusing each other and it would have been mom responsible for the porn on the puter. haha!

    She's definitely attractive, and I can't complain about anyone being that dedicated. I personally find it more attractive to be toned, not sculptured.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    She looks awesome to me! Not too much muscle and she's pretty. I would not mind having a body like hers.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I am impressed by muscle bound women. Look at all the hard work they MUST have done to get those muscles. Now, as far as sexy....I think if I were a guy, I thnik I would be more attracted to a toned but curvy woman who looks like a, well, a woman. Any way, if you like muscles, I think that is what you should work toward. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many people think that a muscled up woman is hot! Do what you like. :smile:

    She definitely is muscular and probably more so than most people would consider feminine. With that being said though, from my quick look at her site, she has an incredible body and I wouldn't mind having half the amount of toned muscle that she has! Definitely going to look into her workouts now. Thanks!

    The woman in question is not a muscled up woman or what I would call muscular, she is an extremely fit, but still thin woman. I'm sure her arms are smaller than many women that don't have defined biceps.

    This was my thought too. I'm not generally attracted to beefcake types (male or female) but I don't see this girl to be a total beefcake. She seems quite tiny and feminine to me...just reeeeaaally fit. Plus I'm gonna guess she is super flexing her muscles in most of those pictures.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    True, her muscle definition does through you off because you don't see that very often on women. But the photos of her in 'regular' clothes? Amazing no question! Personally I think she is amazing all around! And her shy husband is also in excellent shape as well, just harder to find images of him.

    Her simple body weight exercises are all she does, in addition to making healthy diet choices. It might take me 3 years to get to that point, but I want to be free of this body fat and look fantastic like she does! Gotta keep at it :smile:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Um, I would love to have a body like that. I'm setting my sights a little lower because I don't think I have the dedication it must take to look like that, but I think she looks amazing.

    Edit: You know what? I changed my mind. I'm going to look like her. I've bookmarked the site. Thanks. :)
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    Zuzana from http://www.bodyrock.tv/ ? Is she sexy or scary? I'm curious, because I posted a status update about a quick workout on her site, and one of my MFP pals said that she has a horrible body and should stop doing "guys' exercises." I find it strange that it seemed socially acceptable to her to say a woman with muscles has a horrible body, when people wouldn't say those words about an overweight woman. So, if you do find muscles scary (and you are female) why is it? Opinions from males are, of course, welcome as well. I already know my husband thinks she's hot (but he'd have to fight me for her.)

    I think she looks great. I certainly wouldn't mind looking like her, and if I have to do "guy exercises" so be it! I'll do whatever works, whether it's aimed at men, woman, or three-toed sloths. :bigsmile:

    That said, while I admire her appearance, I am struggling to convince my husband that there is nothing wrong with a little muscle on a girl. His negative comments when I start to add definition usually lead to another backslide on my end.
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    I LOOOVE her body and would give anything to have mine look like that. I think she is amazing!!