confused... urgh



  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I'm not convinced that anything that comes out of an animals bum can ever be good for you..

    ( there you go shazza, lowering the tone :bigsmile: )
  • boognish1972
    boognish1972 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm not convinced that anything that comes out of an animals bum can ever be good for you..

    ( there you go shazza, lowering the tone :bigsmile: )

    Must be a vegetarian, eh? If we can just get politics into this conversation somehow, we'll have a doozy of a conversation going. :tongue:
  • shhhh, im about to watch the want in on some of this popcorn i have?

    @kettlewitch - hilarious. and i totally agree. every other day its something different in complete contradiction from the day before. meh. data can so easily be manipulated to say anything you want.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    RE Nuts and seeds, etc. I don't know the movie, but I would be very careful to believe a movie, even a documentary. Ask your doctor instead.

    FWIW, my own doctor is very up on the latest research and she's told me to get flax seed, whole grains, brown rice and nuts into my diet. They are a good source of LDL fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Also, they have the right kind of fats, (walnuts have Omega-3 fatty acids) unlike processed fat sources like margarine or Pringles.

    As other posters have said, it's about moderation. There are no truly bad foods, just foods that should be eaten in smaller or larger proportions. Nuts are good for you in reasonable amounts.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    ...our bodies have a harder time digesating the whole grains.

    I thought that was the point. Processed grains that have been stripped of most of their dietary fiber are digested too quickly. Too much glucose is dumped into the blood in too short a time.

    I have read that Americans get only about half as much fiber as they need, on average, and that any increase should be done incrementally to avoid gastric distress.
  • There was something about cheese but I'm not sure if that killed you or made you superman.

    Damn my lactose intolerance!
    Lex Luthor you evil genius - making cheese my new Kryptonite :angry:
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    ok so now im confused i just watched the movie fat head....they said that eating nuts and seeds and things of that nature are bad for you and like breads and pasta even whole grain is bad too. so who do i believe them saying only eat fruits veggies and meats sence thats what we evolved from or throw in grains and nuts and all that?

    I saw that movie and don't remember them saying not to eat nuts & seeds (I could have just missed that). I thought the point of the movie was that what we have been led to believe about saturated fats is not true. That eating refined carbs is what is causing health problems and weight gain.

    There is a website for the move: Maybe your questions will be answered there.

    Also might be helpful to read the books by Gary Taubes?
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    First of all we did not EVOLVE! We were created in the image of God. Second of all, nuts, seeds, whole grain breads and pasta are good for eat them (in moderation) and you're body will thank you!

    Why would you even bring "god" into a conversation about NUTS ? Seriously, you're just looking for an excuse to preach. Please, keep it to yourself - we don't all share your beliefs!

    OP: I think everything in moderation is appropriate. There's a place for everything, and cutting out any food group would have negative effects!
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