Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I miss my scale :sad:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I walk by a walk-on medical scale everyday when walking in our treatment room (dialysis... no pts on T & TH, and after 11am every other day--2000 sq ft to get my walk on!). It literally took EVERY ounce of my willpower today not to step on it!!! My smaller size clothing is already feeling a little loose on me (woo hoo!) and I'm DYING to know what the scale says. Grrr... not important though, right?!

    My most exciting NSV during this whole thing... I bought a pair of size 12 shorts this weekend :noway: 12?!?! I haven't worn a 12 since HS, MAYBE beginning of college (but it probably didn't look to great!). WOO HOO!!!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I gave up chocolate and my scale for Lent. Last night I dreamt that I "accidentally" ate a chocolate chip cookie and didn't realize that a chocolate chips ARE chocolate until I was already half way through it. By that time it was too late to save myself, so I decided to finish the cookie and go ahead and weight myself too. I got on the scale, but of course, since our dreams love to screw with us, I couldn't see the number! Obviously, my brain is trying to tell me something! Easter cannot come soon enough...
    I walk by a walk-on medical scale everyday when walking in our treatment room (dialysis... no pts on T & TH, and after 11am every other day--2000 sq ft to get my walk on!). It literally took EVERY ounce of my willpower today not to step on it!!!

    Wow...don't think I could do that. I took my father to the doctor the other day and when they weighed him, I was pretty tempted to push him off the scale and hop on myself! Good thing the nurse was there to protect him!
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I got on the scale, but of course, since our dreams love to screw with us, I couldn't see the number! Obviously, my brain is trying to tell me something! Easter cannot come soon enough...

    Wow...don't think I could do that. I took my father to the doctor the other day and when they weighed him, I was pretty tempted to push him off the scale and hop on myself! Good thing the nurse was there to protect him!
    So funny!!! I have been dreaming about weighing, too and I also never get a number :grumble: Not that it would mean anything if I did.

    I am picturing you pushing your dad off the scale to weigh yourself and it's cracking me up... again, Easter cannot come soon enough! :laugh:

    Happy Hump Day friends! T-Minus 10 days until the big (or little, hopefully) weigh-in, Cadbury Creme Eggs, Reese PB Eggs, and a BIG 'OL BEER for me :bigsmile: And there will go any progress I've made... HAHA!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    @ Mio - I am CRACKING up at your dream girl!!! That is hysterical!! I haven't had any night dreams about weighing in or eating chocolate, but I often daydream that I am writhing around naked in a bath full of Reese's Easter Eggs while I'm eating one. And I'm like a little kid with that big melted chocolate ring around their entire mouth!!! T minus 10 1/2 days!!!! We can do this!!!
  • caitlinsmum
    caitlinsmum Posts: 55 Member
    I'm getting reallly nervous now that there are only a few days left ...what if I haven't lost anything or worse GAINED !!!!!! I don't think I have gained, as I have lost 17cm's all over, but I'll be gutted if I haven't lost anything .....
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm just letting you all know that I'm weighing in next Friday. That way it will hopefully really BE a GOOD FRIDAY :bigsmile:

    My parents will finally be home from Texas & I haven't seen them since Christmas Day. I miss them SO much & I know there will be lots of eating out the entire weekend, and I also want to be able to say how much I have actually lost. It sucks when people ask me lately & I say "somewhere around 55 lbs...could be more, but I'm not sure" that is just weird to say. I am PROUD of what I've lost & want to be able to report it! :drinker:
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Good luck!!! I think you're going to be super happy with your result! And I hope it really is a GOOD FRIDAY for you!!!! Congrats on sticking with it this long!
    I'm just letting you all know that I'm weighing in next Friday. That way it will hopefully really BE a GOOD FRIDAY :bigsmile:

    My parents will finally be home from Texas & I haven't seen them since Christmas Day. I miss them SO much & I know there will be lots of eating out the entire weekend, and I also want to be able to say how much I have actually lost. It sucks when people ask me lately & I say "somewhere around 55 lbs...could be more, but I'm not sure" that is just weird to say. I am PROUD of what I've lost & want to be able to report it! :drinker:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    One week left!!!! WOOHOO

    Now, I know this may sound super crazy... but I'm thinking of waiting until the week AFTER easter... I'm going to be right in the middle of PMSing on Sunday and I'm afraid that the number won't reflect the work I put in for the past 6 full weeks!
    Although, I think I have enough mental strength at that moment to recognize that the number may be lower then what is actually reflected on the scale. Hmmm we'll see.....

    What am I kidding.... I'll be on the scale on Sunday. Okay, thanks for letting me talk this one out!! haha
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Does anyone have a plan for what to do after the scale diet?
    I have come up with a plan that I think will be good for me.... I am going to weigh every 2 weeks. Every other Friday morning I will weigh ... and keep the scale out until Monday morning. Whatever weight in the lowest is what I will take (this will allow for some fluctuation) ..... and then I am going to put it away for the next 10 days and repeat ... :)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I am planning on weighing in every 2 weeks after this too. I'll see how that goes for a couple of months before changing it.

    Right now, I am just terrified that I am going to get on the scale and discover that it hasn't budged. The fact I've been eating junk for the past week isn't helping.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I am also planning to weigh every 2 weeks... maybe even longer if I can put it out of my mind for long enough! I measured once about halfway through this "diet" (or about 3 wks), and it was nice to see a good change in numbers. We'll see how that goes for a couple months or so!

    Last week folks--good luck this week. Work hard, watch your "fuel", drink lots of water, and KICK SOME *kitten*!!! :bigsmile:
  • Little_Lisa_Ann
    I gave in yesterday and stepped on the scale :embarassed: ..mostly because the last time I weighed in (before this whole thing started) I did it on my bf's scale, and since scales seem to always be slightly different, I wanted to weigh in again on his scale so I got a more accurate reading..and I didn't know if/when I'd be able to step on his scale again before Easter. Well, turns out I only lost 1 pound..I was so disappointed with that result, and I feel like it set me back a bit..I'm almost always under my calorie goal, I exercise 3-4 days a week..it just makes me wonder like what am I doing wrong? :frown:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    So, I haven't even stepped on it, but I officially hate the scale--I am having a freaking panic attack about weighing in on Sunday!!! Why do I still care?!?! :devil:

    Little_Lisa_Ann--how are your measurements? Perhaps you gained a lot of muscle and/or lost some inches if you were really consistent during this time. I haven't looked at your diary, but were you eating enough? What kind of exercising are you doing-Cardio/Weights/Both? Maybe you need more of one or the other? But how do you FEEL?!?! If you're feeling healthier now than you were 6 weeks ago, I'd say you still make great progress :happy:

    Good luck with the rest of this week everyone--I know I am going crazy at the gym/running, drinking tons of water, staying away from sodium, and trying to get good sleep. :drinker: <--That's water, promise!
    :heart: Anyone else have last-minute efforts???
  • rivlong
    rivlong Posts: 29 Member
    Looking forward to weighing in on Sunday, especially after an NSV today. I fit back into my UK size 12 jeans, woooo!

    Well done everyone who has participated, not long now x
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hubby's going away fro the weekend so he took the scale out from hiding tonight. This is going to be a looooong couple of days.

    Still haven't decided which easter candy treat I'm going to choose... maybe a solid 3 foot tall chocolate bunny... ;)

    Great job everyone - I can't wait to see those tickers MOVE!!!!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Hubby's going away fro the weekend so he took the scale out from hiding tonight. This is going to be a looooong couple of days.
    Good luck! I doubt I could handle temptation like that right now--it's too close. In fact, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for this afternoon but I rescheduled it. I know I could close my eyes when they weigh me and I ask them not to tell me my weight, but I don't think I trust myself! :blushing:
    Still haven't decided which easter candy treat I'm going to choose... maybe a solid 3 foot tall chocolate bunny... ;)

    Might I make a suggestion? This is (among other things, I'm sure) is what I'll be having! :noway:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hubby's going away fro the weekend so he took the scale out from hiding tonight. This is going to be a looooong couple of days.
    Good luck! I doubt I could handle temptation like that right now--it's too close. In fact, I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for this afternoon but I rescheduled it. I know I could close my eyes when they weigh me and I ask them not to tell me my weight, but I don't think I trust myself! :blushing:
    Still haven't decided which easter candy treat I'm going to choose... maybe a solid 3 foot tall chocolate bunny... ;)

    Might I make a suggestion? This is (among other things, I'm sure) is what I'll be having! :noway:

    OH, MY! Is that a Cadbury egg INSIDE a cupcake?

    I have to admit I've given in to too much Easter candy temptation already. :) That just means less splurging on and after Easter though! Got to focus on getting water in this week... and I am scared about the scale too!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    WHOA!!!!! THAT LOOKS AMAZING!!!!! Honestly, my stomach just growled looking at it!!! YUM!!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I dont even like Cadbury eggs and I think that looks good...
    I wonder if I could make a cupcake with a Reese PB egg in it?

    Does anyone else feel that they are struggling not to sabatoge themself? Like normally I am right on track but this week its like I am TRYING to fail .... like I know the weigh in is coming?