


  • my3kidos
    my3kidos Posts: 19
    This may be a stupid question...But....what is Lent? Sorry, I really don't know. Thanks

    Lent is the 6ish weeks leading up to Easter Sunday. Its when Catholics (and some other Christians) prepare to celebrate the most Holy day of the year by prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Traditionally Catholics deny ourselves something that we find enjoyable as a form of penance/self denial in addition to giving up red meat on fridays and fasting on Ash wednesday and Good friday.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I gave up telling people that I am opening a strip club, called the Platinum Cheetah. I have no real funds or desire to open a strip club, I just enjoy the look of horror on people's faces when I saw, 'nothing sells in a bad ecomony like boobies and beer!'
    Anyway, it has been hard. I hope God appreciates the effort. I really do.