breakfast ideas



  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Fiber one bars!I'm addicted now only way to start the day and its fast.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    i do the kashi cereal, jimmy dean whole wheat bagel with egg white omelet, cheese and turkey sausage! yummy! smart ones breakfast meals, egg omelets, whole wheat toast with peanut butter or oatmeal! hope this helps some!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning!

    I'm the sort who feels better starting the day more liquid than solid...not that real food isn't fabulous but it tends to upset my tummy. So what I do:

    Homemade really healthy smoothie:

    1 cup Plain unsweetened soy milk (I like West soy because its not diluted and has enough protein for a meal)
    3/4 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 of a normal size banana
    blend it all up in makes about 2 cups of smoothie.

    I like it because its low fat, good protein and not too sweet, just fresh tasting. I use other fruits too (all individually frozen like mangos, strawberries, peaches) but I'm liking all the antioxidant benefits.

    I got the idea from Alton Brown plan to lose weight......

    Anyway, it keeps me full till later morning.
  • nursemom27
    nursemom27 Posts: 36 Member
    Egg whites, english muffin with nutella spread, protein shakes, or grek yogurt- it has twice the protein and half the sugar of regular yogurt. Just make sure you start the day with a high protein, low sugar meal to help curb cravings throughout the day.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'm a big oatmeal fan, but breakfast is my favorite meal!

    Omelets, made with egg sub, and veggies.
    Vitalicious 4oz muffins, with 1/2c egg sub and 1/2 yogurt
    Cream of wheat (pumpkin cream of wheat is good too!)
    Bob's red mill super tasty cereal.... or something like that!
    Pancakes and french toast are my faves. French toast takes all but like 2 minutes to make! And I've found it works best with egg substitute..
    An egg+egg substitute, 1/2 c greek yogurt, 1/2c fresh raspberries, 1/4tsp sweetner (eat the eggs separate from the raspberry yogurt haha..)
    Fat free yogurt and low fat granola, with some eggs...
    1c cantaloupe, with the greek raspberry yogurt, and some hot cereal
    erwhon rice crispies, I do 1.5 servings.. and some fruit

    hope that helps a smidge!
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    I try to make it so I don't have the same thing all week if I can help it.

    Routine guests:
    Kashi w. soy milk
    egg scramble with a bit of canned chicken
    egg scramble with a boatload of veggies
    toast with peanut butter and banana
    protein pancakes (usually on saturdays)
    Sunday breakfast (the works, in some sort of calorie controlled fashion- eggs, potatoes, turkey sausage, etc. This is typically brunch, so it fits in my daily budget).
  • Jacy707
    Jacy707 Posts: 18
    Toasted Orowheat sandwich thins with a Tbsp peanut butter and either a banana or an apple.
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Great ideas!! Thanks!
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I have 1 or 2 eggs, yogurt, babybel light cheese, 2 pieces of fruit, rice cake with 1/2 tbsp of PB. I mix em up, so it's not the same thing every day. I'm shouldn't be eating wheat so don't eat cereal and things like that anymore.
  • cbonuz
    cbonuz Posts: 63
    Thomas hearty multi grain english muffin, light cream cheese, Smuckers sugar free strawberry jam. Less than 200 calories!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    Think outside the box! Who made the rule that eggs and bagels are for breakfast and chicken is for lunch or dinner?? If dinner from last night sounds good, I'll have some for breakfast. Yes, I've had chili for breakfast! I've had ham sandwiches for breakfast. I've had a piece of pie for breakast. :happy:
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I havent made them in a while...but fava beans and eggs. Awesome!!!!

    However you spell it, it is pronounced 'fool.' It is middle eastern in origin. You rock out with some fava beans, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, cumin, tomatoes, and onions. You cook it down according to the recipe and you pack it away in the fridge. It will last for a couple of days. In the morning, you can take a small bowl of it, heat it up, and then top it with eggs or egg whiles, scrambled or fried. Filling, full of energy, and super delicious.

    Also check out Jillian Michaels recipe for breakfast in a bowl. It is also really good and filling.

    This sounds interesting.. and yummy! Will have to give it a try!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    And your post just reminded me of something I used to make alot. It's a Southbeach diet recipe. Great for breakfast, b/c you can make on the weekend, and have ready at any time through the week. Can mix up veggies or add some ham as you like.

    Veggie Mini Quiche

    •3/4 cup liquid egg substitute or 3 large eggs or 3 /4 cup egg whites
    •1 package frozen chopped spinach (10 oz.) or one large bunch fresh spinach
    •3/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheese
    •1/4 cup diced red or green peppers or mixture of both
    •1/4 cup diced onions
    •Dash of hot pepper sauce
    •Salt to taste - I like it salty and used a half teaspoon.

    Makes 12 mini-quiches
    Need: muffin tin, cooking spray, oven
    1. Heat oven to 350F

    2. Spray the muffin tin cups with the cooking spray. Be sure not to omit this step, or the quiches will stick badly to the baking cups. Another option is to use silicone muffin pans.

    3. Thaw and drain spinach - I wring it out well in my hand, which eliminates a lot of the "spinachy" taste for those who hate boiled spinach. If using fresh spinach, steam it in the microwave, press out all juice, then chop.

    4. Mix the spinach, eggs or egg substitute, cheese, peppers, onions, hot pepper sauce, salt in a bowl.

    5. Fill the muffin tin cups with the mixture.

    6. Bake at 350F or 20 minutes. You will know they are done when a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

    7. Remove from cups to serve.

    Fajita spice variation: Add fajita spice to taste at step 4 (a dash to 1/8 teaspoon). If you like it spicy, you may even want to add a bit of chopped jalapeno.

    Ooohh.. this sounds perfect, like you said, to make on the weekend and just pop it in the fridge for the work week!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Think outside the box! Who made the rule that eggs and bagels are for breakfast and chicken is for lunch or dinner?? If dinner from last night sounds good, I'll have some for breakfast. Yes, I've had chili for breakfast! I've had ham sandwiches for breakfast. I've had a piece of pie for breakast. :happy:

    LOL.. Yep.. have had leftover chili for breakfast as well! :smile:
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I like to eat half an orange, a small banana, 2 or 3 plain rice cakes spread w Laughing Cow cheese, I like the creamy swiss the best!
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I'm not a breaksfast food type person, how about Ole' High Fiber wraps, heated with low fat mexican cheese, add black beans drained/rinsed, heat in a skillet, dip in of my favs. It's a good way to add fiber and protein to your morning. You could add scrambled egg plus 2 egg whites for a breakfast burrito, it's quicker than it sounds, specially if you've got your beans in the fridge prepped, and rotels in a bowl, less than 4 minutes total.
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    Scrambled eggs that I make with as many vegtables as I can find. Such a great use for leftover veggies!!!!
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    i always have an ole spinach wrap with 1/2 cup of egg white & a turkey sausage. All this for 271calorie. It's very filling.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Ezekiel Bread, Better Butter Nutty Chocolate Chip (ordered online and love it), homemade skim milk latte, banana