Didn't know I was getting fat till I got fat!!



  • LiveLife73
    When I got on a Doctor's scale that maxed out at 350lbs and i weighed more then that... I wanted to crawl under a rock but instead I did something about it.....
  • cunokyle
    cunokyle Posts: 58 Member

    but my breaking point was tying my shoes

    This was it for me. When it got to the point I could barely bend over to tie my shoes, I knew I had to change what I was doing!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I noticed when I was checking my arm for bruises and all of a sudden I saw the fat....then I decided to look around and just saw it all...I wanted to cry and say it wasn't so, but after that moment...all I could see were those few images and knew I had to change...and change is where I am at.
  • tjcase75
    tjcase75 Posts: 4
    I knew I was getting fat I just didn't want to believe it. When my 6 year old son started making comments to me about my weight I knew that it was time that Ibelieve it was happening my weight wasn't going to just go away. I know that I have a long way to go and it isn't going to happen overnight I just need to keep at this and know that it will happen if I work hard.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I was around ten stone at the age of fourteen. Highest was ten four. I dropped down to nine, but over the last few years, my weight has slowly crept back up, all the way to eleven stone. Now I'm back at nine, I realised that I was much bigger than I thought I was at the time.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    That's me! I know some people say...there's no need for a scale, you'll know what size you are by how you look or how your clothes fit. Not true for me. My mirror lied to me for about 50 pounds. And clothes? They have a way of stretching...and then you buy new clothes and they just happen to be a little bigger and....next thing you know, someone takes a picture of you and you really *see* yourself and you're like *whoa*. Is that ME? Am I really THAT BIG?

    So now, I have a scale. And I get on it. At least once a week. And when it tells me I've gained weight, I listen to it. I don't care how I feel or what other people say (they'll tell you look fine...(stop eating those salads...you look great!)...until you've gained 30 pounds...THEN they'll tell say you need to lose weight!). Some people look in the mirror and always think they look fat. I am one of those people who always look in the mirror and always think--eh, I'm thin enough!
  • kiisha_11
    kiisha_11 Posts: 55
    I realize I was getting fat around my brothers wedding (about 16 years old). I couldn't fit any of the dresses, i was devastated. And after that was over, I went home and tried on some clothes and some of my clothes didn't fit right and things were hanging all over. :(
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    For me it was the beginning of the summer and I noticed that none of my capris fit. I waddled myself over to my Fashion Bug. The 22's got up to my ankles, the 24's made it to my kneecap. When I finally got a pair on over all of my yummy goodness, they were a 30?!?!?!? And they were a little snug around the belly. I'm like you have got to be kidding me. But it's true. I realized then that I would die a victim to my weight if I didn't take action.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Two incidents that happened in quick succession. First, I picked up my then half grown puppy one evening and stepped on the scale to get his weight by subtraction, and was shocked, SHOCKED to see a number greater than 200 pounds come up. Sure, I was fully dressed, including shoes, and it was after dinner and I had a dog in my arms.... but still... That was way more than I expected. Joey is just a little fellow (that's him to the left) and quite svelte. I never did get his weight that evening because there was no way I could face the number that would have come up on the scale without him

    The second red flag was when I took my car to be serviced and was sitting in the waiting room, bored out of my gourd, and realized I could no longer cross my legs above the knees. Well, I could, but they wouldn't stay crossed once I'd relaxed the muscles. They reminded me of those balloons clowns twist together to make animals, except that these were defective balloons. I'd twist them together but as soon as I let go of them, so to speak, they'd fly apart.

    This was a couple of years back, when I dealt with it by cutting out all carbonated beverages(with or without sugar) and most sweets, and also by walking 40 minutes to an hour nearly every day. I lost 15, maybe 20 pounds just from doing that before hitting a plateau. A couple of months ago I stepped up my efforts.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Funny (now, not then) story of how I realized I was fat. I was wearing a pair of suspenders years ago--the kind that snap to your slacks (not button). I was working at my office desk and a pen fell off onto the floor. I bent over to pick up the pen, the suspends stretched and the back clip came off! Like a rubber band, the metal from the suspenders hit me in the back of the head so hard that I sprawled out face down on the office floor! It hurt so bad I thought someone shot me in the back of the head!

    That same day at lunch, I drove to Wal-mart, bought a pair of shorts, shoes and a shirt and went to the gym!

    God bless!

  • meshell216
    meshell216 Posts: 21 Member
    I was in denial also. I have known for a while but it really sunk in when I was in the car for a 3 hour trip and I just couldn't get comfortable! My stomach and boobs were in the way and I couldn't stand it!
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    For years I worked in retail pharmacies where I was on my feet all day. Plus I was broke and didn't have a car so I walked a lot. Then, I switched to mail order pharmacy. I got a raise, bought a car and a cozy desk job. Sitting all day not only burned fewer calories, but it also aloud me to snack. Add to this recipe falling in love, getting married, and 2 pregnancies. I always knew I was fat, but I didn't care. I still felt sexy, and I was happy. When I started to feel unattractive, depressed, and when little comments that use to roll off my shoulder would make me cry I knew I needed to do something for me. I'm doing this for me. My next goal is to go back to school. I want to be a pharmacist.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    my wake up call was when my doctor told me i would have trouble getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy! i want that when it comes time!
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    Four words: airline seat belt extenders
  • lebrown37
    I didn't realize how much weight I had actually gained. I had been battling depression for a couple of years and had been really skinny. I found the love of my life and started to gain a bit of weight. My family called it my " happy weight". My boyfriend doesn't mind the extra weight....he says he loves me more everyday. That's awesome...but I mind it. I have gained 20
    pounds in less than a year! I don't feel like myself anymore. I have gotten in a rut and I feel like it is hard to climb out. I was always a thicker girl until a few years ago. I started running and lost a lot of weight and promised myself I would never go back.
    Now I feel so hopeless. My boyfriend is also a bit overweight which makes it hard to get motivated to get up and get active. I feel myself falling back into a depression and I'm trying to muster all I have to get active again. I know it would be
    beneficial to both of us. I need some encouragement.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Funny (now, not then) story of how I realized I was fat. I was wearing a pair of suspenders years ago--the kind that snap to your slacks (not button). I was working at my office desk and a pen fell off onto the floor. I bent over to pick up the pen, the suspends stretched and the back clip came off! Like a rubber band, the metal from the suspenders hit me in the back of the head so hard that I sprawled out face down on the office floor! It hurt so bad I thought someone shot me in the back of the head!

    That same day at lunch, I drove to Wal-mart, bought a pair of shorts, shoes and a shirt and went to the gym!

    God bless!

    I smiled at this one because I could visualize it so well. Kind of a slap in the head revelation like, "You could've had a V-8!" :wink: MY revelation came at our local fair when the carny wouldn't let my husband and I on the Ferris Wheel, "until more people our size came along to balance it out." That was enough for me.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Well, I used to be a lot heavier and then lost it all, then had another kid and lost some again. Then recently things were getting a little snug, but I ignored that.

    However when I went to the doctor she mentioned that I am now in the overweight bit of the BMI I realised if I don't do anything now it'll continue unabated ... so here we are (and yes I have hated my pictures lately, so it is time)
  • evastria
    evastria Posts: 30 Member
    Im still marvelling at what I've done. Always been chubby, biggish, round... Now i feel like a whale!
    Was 140 lbs on a 5'5 frame (slightly overweight but not major) now I'm pushing obesity (oh how i hate saying that) at 172ish. Gained 32 lbs - the weight of a child! - over 9 months. Not in pregnancy either.
    Quite a few moments which should have told me something; having to order new shirts at work because my chest was straining the buttons, getting rolls of fat when i sat down, feeling tired constantly, my mother saying i look 'well'... A friend at work even said sympathetically, "don't worry, everyone puts on weight when they're in a good relationship" for crying out loud!
    I feel like I've let myself down and let my partner down. He's never said anything about it but when i pushed for an opinion he said he found me more attractive when my belly was smaller. I know i pushed but that was the last straw. Im doing this for me and for him. Going to try to get to a more toned old me, hopefully 135 lbs.
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    Part of my problem is that I pretty much live in leggings and Lululemon. I gained twenty pounds and didn't really notice because my clothes all still fit! 5 lbs down, 15 to go- once I hit my goal weight I will be putting on my size 6 denim at least once a week so if I start to gain a bit, I notice!!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    It took me 20+ years to gain 50 unwanted pounds and like another poster, I had my ah-ha (or is it oh-sh#$) moment when I was weighing our cat and the scale went over 200. I also noticed I was huffing and puffing when climbing more than a couple flights of stairs. I had shoulder pain, foot pain, even some back pain. Family photos brought the pain of embarrassment. I was no longer the healthy woman in the family photos 30 years ago.

    Funny, though, how pain is a powerful motivator. Not going there again!