How to get rid of a "lower belly pouch"



  • rgirl23
    I would suggest getting jillian's 6 week 6 pack video... She says straight up that you can't loose belly fat without some cardio intervals integrated into your workout. You can do crunches which work out your abs but you're still gonna have that layer of fat over them. It's a tough workout but only for 30 minutes. You can get it for free (if you know how look for it).

    Also, for a slight lower back problem, if you do pilates for abs, you can fold a pillow and put it under your butt and do the exercises. Or you can buy one of those cylinder pilates things and put it under your butt while you do them.

    Also again, I can't believe that many people didn't know what a FUPA is.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    My personal trainer says that belly fat is worked off in the kitchen and not the gym. There are foods to help fight belly fat, such as lean turkey, avocado, and eggs. There is probably an article somewhere that tells you exactly what foods to eat for that.

    I do know that cutting carbs is a big deal when trying to lose belly fat, even good ones. No alcohol, period.

    Pilates are EXCELLENT for the abdominals and I suggest them to everyone for many reasons. They also help with the back as well as flexibility.
  • gerrie1957
    Reverse chrunches i would put a small blanket under your lower back and i got my hubby to cut a broom handle the length that fits behind my knees and use that to pull my legs into my belly.Iwould not do very many the first time then work your way up to 20x 2sets it worked for me i hve lost 5 inches off my belly good luck!
  • kevbot34
    My personal trainer says that belly fat is worked off in the kitchen and not the gym. There are foods to help fight belly fat, such as lean turkey, avocado, and eggs. There is probably an article somewhere that tells you exactly what foods to eat for that.

    I do know that cutting carbs is a big deal when trying to lose belly fat, even good ones. No alcohol, period.

    Pilates are EXCELLENT for the abdominals and I suggest them to everyone for many reasons. They also help with the back as well as flexibility.
    Adding to that, alcohol is a big no-no. That's what hurt me since going to college. After wrestling 2 years ago, I was a healthy 185. All I did was workout, but on weekends, I ate poor food and drank the brewskis. Summer I went on high "true" protein diet, limited alcohol and I got to 210. Kitchen has a BIG impact on abs. Gotta watch what you eat and drink (soda, alcohol). Eating late also hurts. Majority of sumo wrestlers are very healthy. They just eat a lot of healthy foods at night, but the weight adds up. Good lower ab workout is a reverse situp. Also, I say do this with extremely light weight and don't go for the time goal if you are not very physically active or just starting out, the 300 workout is a great fat burner. There are various "300" workouts out there, so if you find one, they're all great.
  • ToxicCrayonPoop
    the fupa is the bane of my existence. it's godawful and when i look down and see it, i want to cut it out with a jigsaw.

    the only solution is to lose weight and hope your body doesn't like to hold fat there
  • ToxicCrayonPoop
    I realize that I wasn't very helpful.

    blogilates on youtube has videos that are fantastic. short and sweet pilates videos and other fun workouts like cardio, to good songs.

    for those who like the hunger games, there's a hunger games workout.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i find that the more i work out my legs, the more my man FUPA disappears.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've got 2 kids 22 months apart, the youngest is 19 months now. They were both overdue (10 days and 12 days, my 1st 7lbs 13 and my 2nd 8lbs 10) but I had natural births.

    I've still got that lower belly flabby bit but it's got a lot smaller. I've got a personal trainer so he's helping. I do a lot of abs work, crunches, planks etc. I'm hoping it'll eventually get really small or disappear.
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 142 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 DS and other workouts are free on Youtube! There is a commercial first for a few seconds!:smile:
  • MamaTeter0912
    MamaTeter0912 Posts: 14 Member
    Jackie Warner DVD is helping mine it's nearly gone. I have to kids though :/ (3 yrs & 10 months)
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost enough weight to be considered at a healthy BMI, however, my--and I'm sorry if the term offends anybody--FUPA still remains. In fact, I have the beginnings of UPPER abs due to kickboxing with cardio twice a week! I have not had any kids, so this shouldn't be an issue to lose. What am I doing wrong? Is there a specific exercise you can do to trim it?

    Also, I feel like mentioning my very SLIGHT lower back problem is important.

    K-dizzle...try Jillian Michaels kickboxing quick fix, the 20 minute ab workout is killer on the FUPA. I mean killer.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Well, running is the fastest weight loss method. but for those of us who cant run very long, skipping with high knees or bicycle crunches work pretty well.
    I'm doing Jillian MIchael's 30-day shred. She uses these exercises and wow...seeing results after 7 days. its wicked.

    Negative ghost rider - strength training / HIIT are better for you then a long cardio run. Lift weights and get stronger if you want to be sexier.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Same issue here, was desparing earlier, but I keep telling myself "the lower my bodyfat gets the less the gut will be there".

    Good to see so many suggestions and people in the same place though :D