If I eat too much fat but yet stay in caloric range???



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.
    who said to my hearts content? that's the issue. If you can control it and make it fit, it isn't going to destroy you.

    You lose weight by being at a deficit. You lose weight by the amount of food that goes in. You can certainly feel better/healthier by WHAT you put into your body.

    That's why I might have a chicken breast, an avocado, and maybe a big handful of carrots for lunch a few days... then a big-*kitten* burger with bacon and cheese on it on others.

    It isn't deprivation. It isn't cutting it out.

    ....it's finding a balance.

    ETA: That's even more reason my diary is closed. What works for me isn't gonna work for you in terms of calories/macro goals. I have actually had complete strangers PM me about "hey, I ate what you did and didn't lose" then get butthurt about how I shouldn't ever give advice. I can't make them understand it, so that's why I keep it closed.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.
    who said to my hearts content? that's the issue. If you can control it and make it fit, it isn't going to destroy you.

    You lose weight by being at a deficit. You lose weight by the amount of food that goes in. You can certainly feel better/healthier by WHAT you put into your body.

    That's why I might have a chicken breast, an avocado, and maybe a big handful of carrots for lunch a few days... then a big-*kitten* burger with bacon and cheese on it on others.

    It isn't deprivation. It isn't cutting it out.

    ....it's finding a balance.

    This may be where our disagreement comes in. I do not consider hamburger, bacon, nor cheese to be junk food. Cheese is my main staple, as is beef in all it's glorious forms, and although we haven't had bacon in awhile... well, I think we got sick of it as we were having it nearly everyday. Yes, while I was losing that 20 pounds. My idea of processed junk is the chips and cookies and other processed garbage. And I am pleased you do not eat that garbage either.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    I love fat it's my favorite thing to eat-- om nom:love: Although I must add it is mostly from nuts and oils. I love coconut oil, olive oil, and every single nut! Scratch that I've never had a pistachio!! :O
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.
    who said to my hearts content? that's the issue. If you can control it and make it fit, it isn't going to destroy you.

    You lose weight by being at a deficit. You lose weight by the amount of food that goes in. You can certainly feel better/healthier by WHAT you put into your body.

    That's why I might have a chicken breast, an avocado, and maybe a big handful of carrots for lunch a few days... then a big-*kitten* burger with bacon and cheese on it on others.

    It isn't deprivation. It isn't cutting it out.

    ....it's finding a balance.

    This may be where our disagreement comes in. I do not consider hamburger, bacon, nor cheese to be junk food. Cheese is my main staple, as is beef in all it's glorious forms, and although we haven't had bacon in awhile... well, I think we got sick of it as we were having it nearly everyday. Yes, while I was losing that 20 pounds. My idea of processed junk is the chips and cookies and other processed garbage. And I am pleased you do not eat that garbage either.
    I had a bag of chips last night. A few cookies yesterday afternoon, and 44 oz of beer last night. I went over on my goal yesterday. It isn't the end of my world. I don't feel bad for it today.

    Processed food isn't the end of the spectrum for me. Would I have felt different today if I hadn't gone over? Maybe..

    ...but sometimes, cheese puffs and beer just work.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Fat is fat. Isn't that why you're here.

    Don't fool yourself, you will absolutely slow yourself way down. Give yourself breaks, we need those, but a full blown retreat - not so much. But then I guess it depends what you really want to get out of myfitnesspal.

    Just trying to keep it real . . . more for me than you! "It's Now or Never".

    All you really did was do a fantastic job of being 100% wrong. Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Even a "high fat" diet won't do it provided you're eating at an overall deficit. It sounds like you have a long way to go toward educating yourself. Good luck to you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.

    Why do people assume that those who still eat whatever they want do that in mass quantities or just those items they deem "junk".

    It's called moderation.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member

    I had a bag of chips last night. A few cookies yesterday afternoon, and 44 oz of beer last night. I went over on my goal yesterday. It isn't the end of my world. I don't feel bad for it today.

    Processed food isn't the end of the spectrum for me. Would I have felt different today if I hadn't gone over? Maybe..

    ...but sometimes, cheese puffs and beer just work.

    Wow. Now you're reading way too far into what I was saying. I never said anything about going over goals, actually, neither did OP. Nor have I said anything about feeling guilty when one does go over goals. Going over one's goals...Ii can't find where that entered into our back-and-forth until you brought it up. OP wanted to know if eating a diet high in fats would hinder her weight loss. I gave my opinion, as have others, including yourself. Going in to new territory with your "end of the world" and "don't feel bad" statements tells me you may simply want a fight in order to prove your opinion correct. Well guess what, two different ppl can have two different opinions and both can be correct. But if you must have only one correct opinion, then fine, your opinion is the correct opinion.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    I had a bag of chips last night. A few cookies yesterday afternoon, and 44 oz of beer last night. I went over on my goal yesterday. It isn't the end of my world. I don't feel bad for it today.

    Processed food isn't the end of the spectrum for me. Would I have felt different today if I hadn't gone over? Maybe..

    ...but sometimes, cheese puffs and beer just work.

    Wow. Now you're reading way too far into what I was saying. I never said anything about going over goals, actually, neither did OP. Nor have I said anything about feeling guilty when one does go over goals. Going over one's goals...Ii can't find where that entered into our back-and-forth until you brought it up. OP wanted to know if eating a diet high in fats would hinder her weight loss. I gave my opinion, as have others, including yourself. Going in to new territory with your "end of the world" and "don't feel bad" statements tells me you may simply want a fight in order to prove your opinion correct. Well guess what, two different ppl can have two different opinions and both can be correct. But if you must have only one correct opinion, then fine, your opinion is the correct opinion.

    I'm not trying to fight. You said you'd love to meet someone who loses and still eats what you determined to be junk.

    So, hi.

    I've lost a ton of weight. I eat what you call junk. I'm healthier than I have ever been in my entire life. I don't demonize food or think that "processed garbage" is going to hurt me or anyone else.

    Nice to meet you.

    Now, just take note that it can be done. It's called moderation.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I had a bag of chips last night. A few cookies yesterday afternoon, and 44 oz of beer last night. I went over on my goal yesterday. It isn't the end of my world. I don't feel bad for it today.

    Processed food isn't the end of the spectrum for me. Would I have felt different today if I hadn't gone over? Maybe..

    ...but sometimes, cheese puffs and beer just work.

    Wow. Now you're reading way too far into what I was saying. I never said anything about going over goals, actually, neither did OP. Nor have I said anything about feeling guilty when one does go over goals. Going over one's goals...Ii can't find where that entered into our back-and-forth until you brought it up. OP wanted to know if eating a diet high in fats would hinder her weight loss. I gave my opinion, as have others, including yourself. Going in to new territory with your "end of the world" and "don't feel bad" statements tells me you may simply want a fight in order to prove your opinion correct. Well guess what, two different ppl can have two different opinions and both can be correct. But if you must have only one correct opinion, then fine, your opinion is the correct opinion.

    Not trying to "start a fight" but I didn't take anything Trog said as the "One true diet to rule them all" attitude that you are inferring.

    To be honest, it seemed you were the one wanting to start a fight by exaggerating and passively belittling his statement of that he "didn't cut "processed junk" out" when you wanted to see his diary and suggested his diary consisted of only candy and chocolate.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    From the research i've done and my personal experience, Sodium and simple sugars will "clog up" your metabolism. Dousing the fires of fat burning ability if you will. You want to stoke up that "fire" and you can do that with fiber, protien and complex carbs. The more of the sugar and salt you cut out, the quicker you will see results. I'm sure there is basic truth to the "just burn more calories than you eat" rule, However if sugar and salt are slowing your metabolism then it stands to reason that it is going to be like pulling teeth to drop pounds, not to mention you will be fighting cravings (or not fighting them) constantly. If you can get off of processed foods, for 2 weeks, I promise you will stop craving them! That's my 2 cents anyway! I wish you the best!

    According to my research, carbon and sodium are #1 and #3 on the list of the six most prevalent chemicals in living organisms.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Genetics aside, the common thread between all these different diets working for different ppl is that a vast majority of the processed junk is cut out.

    Unless I've not met the weight losers on a junk food diet. In which case, hook a sista up :tongue:
    I don't cut "processed junk" out. I'm not saying that it's a junk food based lifestyle I lead, but it's also not one of having a fear of food.

    I also don't eat garbage. that's gross.

    I wish I could see your diary. I would LOVE to be able to see how I might possibly lose weight eating chips and cookies and chocolate and Twizzlers to my hearts content. Maybe not the Twizzlers and chocolate, but everything else that I could possibly stuff into my face.
    who said to my hearts content? that's the issue. If you can control it and make it fit, it isn't going to destroy you.

    You lose weight by being at a deficit. You lose weight by the amount of food that goes in. You can certainly feel better/healthier by WHAT you put into your body.

    That's why I might have a chicken breast, an avocado, and maybe a big handful of carrots for lunch a few days... then a big-*kitten* burger with bacon and cheese on it on others.

    It isn't deprivation. It isn't cutting it out.

    ....it's finding a balance.

    This may be where our disagreement comes in. I do not consider hamburger, bacon, nor cheese to be junk food. Cheese is my main staple, as is beef in all it's glorious forms, and although we haven't had bacon in awhile... well, I think we got sick of it as we were having it nearly everyday. Yes, while I was losing that 20 pounds. My idea of processed junk is the chips and cookies and other processed garbage. And I am pleased you do not eat that garbage either.

    I eat chips and cookies and twizzlers...in moderation...as part of a balanced diet. Check my diary.