Does your spouse know how much you weigh??

Ever since I started trying to lose weight my husband keeps asking what I weigh....Now back when we met I had no problem telling him because I was 118lbs and Im 5'8''. Clearly that isnt the case anymore cause Im on here. He keeps saying to me " What, do you think that Ill think of you differently if I know?" Well....yea. See he is 6'3'' and 190lbs...Tall, thin, and in shape. So I dont want to tell him that when this all started I weighed more than him (195). I have tried to comprimise with him by saying that I will tell him once I am happy with the number on the scale again, but I dont think that will ever really happen.
So what should I do? Tell him? Keep it to myself? Does your spouse know how much you weigh? Are they more supportive because they know?


  • XBabigrl72
    My husband knows how much I weigh. He supportive of me no matter what whether I happy with being majorly over weight or unhappy with it. If he knows what your working on number wise he may want to help or keep you motivated. A good partner takes your challenges on with you.
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    I've never felt that he needs to know my weight
    He is super supportive
    But I don't tell anyone my weight
    My numbers are my business - and I guess MFP's :)
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    My husband knows exactly how much I weigh. He's 6'5 and in the Air Force so he's in shape. I'm 6' and just hit 289. He always tells me I look like I weigh so much less and helps me with my work out goals and food choices. At first I didn't want to tell him, but my husband and I have the relationship where nothing is held back.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    yes, he has always known what I weigh and i always check in with him after my weigh in.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Nope. He has never known how much I weigh. He still thinks I wear the same size I wore when we met or so many pounds ago. Rose colored glasses I suppose.
  • ultraviolencexo
    My mister knows exactly how much I weigh and is very supportive and hasn't even mentioned that I clearly weigh more than he does lol
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    My hubby is supportive but he doesn't know my exact weight. I've raised my boys to never do two things....Ask a woman her age or weight. LOL:blushing:
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    my husband knows my weight. he is under weight for his height. he is suppotive. i hate being bigger than him but i probably will weigh more than him at my ideal still! he is 6ft 2 155lbs now , me 5ft 8 250lbs. we say we married the metabolim we need.funny thing he is as embarrased/self conscience about his weight as i am about mine! :smile:
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    I'm with you Eava57!!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    My hubby knows exactly how much I weigh. Why would I keep something like that from him.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    I completely relate to how you feel. I don't like to share my weight with my husband, but he's smart enough not to ask me. haha I'm sure he knows cuz we have one of those scales that records weight, but then again I don't think he really cares all that much. But I really don't like it when he tries to pick me up. He says that I'm light, but I am no where near light. He might ask me things like what size clothes I wear cuz he wants to buy me clothes or something and I still refuse to tell him. I shouldn't feel embarassed about my weight with my husband. He knows everything there is to know about me, but for me personally, I carry a lot of shame with my weight so I'm ashamed to share anything about it.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I've told my husband but he doesnt care, hes a naturally thin muscular guy but he eats like a cow haha so he would prolly prefer me to stay fat so he can eat all his junk food 24/7 lol
  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member
    Mine knows but not because he wants to. I tell him just to give myself a loud reminder that I need to fix it. I don'thave major support at home. Well, I do from my kids. He loves me no matter my size apparantly lol. He's proud when I tell him what I accomplish, but he doesn't really ever ask me about any of it. I recently started walking and running. I have to tell him to tell me I did good sometimes. It's really aggrivating, but I know that when it's all said and done I did it for me and not for him anyway. I have you all and others that encourage me and motivate me to do well. You make up for what he doesn't do lol
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I think everyone's relationship is different. I like to share everything with my man, but that's just us. I know he still thinks I'm attractive--he tells me everyday!--so I don't feel I have anything to be ashamed of around him. Especially now that I've been losing, I'm constantly updating him because I'm very proud of the weight that I've lost. He's proud of me, too, which feels awesome!
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    My husband sure does. He's the most supportive man ever, though.
    He's a bit of a midget - short, but still taller than my 5 foot 2, and thin. He's always been a good deal lighter than my weight. (He was underweight for a good deal of time, too.)

    But he's never ever commented on my weight. Only the comments like, "Wow, you've lost weight baby." And tells me where the loss is showing. And the daily, "You're so beautiful."

    :blushing: :heart:
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    My hubby knows my weight. I tell him whenever I lose anything. However, he has much more weight to lose than myself. If he was in shape (and especially if he weighed less than me) I don't know if I'd tell him. Though, I was 202 when I started and that was about 10 pounds more than my dad. That hurt.
  • n0pants3ver
    n0pants3ver Posts: 175
    My boyfriend knows how much I weigh. He is so so supportive. It's wonderful having him there. I weigh myself in front of him, so we're very comfortable together. He's such a motivator. He's a little bigger guy too. He's my support system & here the whole way through this life time change!
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    My husband and I tell each other how much we weigh every morning and every night. It's a competition who can lose the most now. He's down 40 pounds in a year and I'm hovering between 20-25 pounds.
  • losing4myself
    I used to keep my weight very much so on the down low with my husband. But I've come to a point where now I do not care because I know I will NOT be that weight forever. Letting him know my weight makes him a part of my journey and makes it easier for him to support me. Mind husband is in the army and very fit. I have been heavier than him now since we had our son 2 years ago. My husband comes home this month and i've talked to him by phone about my success and fails along the way. He weighed the other day and to my suprise...we are close in weight now. Of course i'm all fat and he's all muscle...but is SOOO important to me that my number on the scale is less than his. I'm the I feel ungirly in a sense being heavier than him. Almost like i'm not worthy of being treated like a sexy wife by him. My confidence will boost way up once I weigh less than him. Even though I will still have a far way to go! But now that i've let myself get out of that comfort zone I must say it is very very nice having that bond with my husband and sharing this life changing journey with him. I vowed to share my life with him, and this is a big part of my life that he wants to be in...and deserves to be in!! Not to keeps you going because it kinda sucks to slip up when your hubby knows your weight :laugh: But your hubby knowing your weight and if you slip up...means that you have a support system to get you back on track!!
  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    can't say if it makes him more supportive, but my husband and i both know eachother's weight, and it's no biggie. i mean, at least with us its obvious i'm bigger than him (more curves, more rolly bits when i'm bending around), so i don't think it's any kind of a shocker -- plus, it seems like a lot of guys hear weight numbers in an entirely different way than a lot of women do -- in my experience, they're used to thinking of the ideal weight being around 160 at least, whereas women seem to have some ridiculously small number like 130 in mind for a MAXIMUM weight. regardless, tell him if you want to - he's your husband, he's clearly not going to run off once he hears some number off a scale :)