JM 30-day Shred starting tomorrow 3/11...



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    . I think she meant to say "just take the elevator." Taking the stairs is hard.

    I think she meant that people who tell you "take the stairs, it'll make you fit" are spreading a false message of lethargy. Yeah, it's harder than taking the elevator, but isn't close to being enough to produce the kind of results she aims for,

    I'm afraid I have to spread my own message of lethargy. Everything I've got hurts, so I'm taking a day off.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Felt better after lunch and managed to find the motivation to push through, so that's day 4 out of the way.
  • Yemaya1129
    Did 40 mins of Zumba with my Shred yesterday. Ouchie.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi, Yemaya, I was beginning to think everyone but me had dropped out. I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 2 mile "Start Walking" video on Exercise TV every day along with the Shred. Thinking about Zumba for later. The city holds classes a couple of evenings a week for a buck a pop.

    Day 5 is done.
  • catycee1
    catycee1 Posts: 29 Member
    after 3 days of shred and kickboxing my knees were killingme. I took today off I plan on getting back on it in the morning
  • Yemaya1129
    Hi, Yemaya, I was beginning to think everyone but me had dropped out. I've been doing the Leslie Sansone 2 mile "Start Walking" video on Exercise TV every day along with the Shred. Thinking about Zumba for later. The city holds classes a couple of evenings a week for a buck a pop.

    Day 5 is done.

    Still hanging in there! I did the Zumba Wii game and really liked it. I have to do day 4 yet, but I promise to do it before bed. I went lighter on the cardio today because I was so sore this morning.
  • Yemaya1129
    Shredded. Tomorrow's going to be another intense day - 40 min Zumba Wii and Shred.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Shredded here too, this morning. Tomorrow will make a full week.
  • Yemaya1129
    Shredded here too, this morning. Tomorrow will make a full week.

    Nice job!

    I'm getting bored with Level 1, but I'm not *quite* ready for 2. I picked up a copy of Shredded with Weights at the grocery store today. I may mix it up a bit.
  • DanaMon
    DanaMon Posts: 7 Member
    I got bored with level one after about a week and a half and bumped up to level two. I sometimes go back and forth between level 1 and 2. After doing level 2 for a week it was easier to do level 1 and I am more able to do the "non-modified" versions of the exercises. :happy: I am on day 17 and have lost 12 pounds since I started. It is worth it!!! You are worth it!! Stick with it :smile: