Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/11 week 10

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
good luck everyone:flowerforyou:


  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all,
    So I wt in at 255, no loss but no gain either so that a plus. Just got to work. Have a busy schedule today then gotta drive to Dallas after work so going to be major tired. The Weekend is fully booked. I will try and check in.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    omg! we have not have internet all day....i was goin crazy! wt down 182. had a few days under cals and some, not the healthy way to lose. and i am not exercising, so am losing muscle. well, my lily had surgery this am on her eye at 11:30. all went well, and she is back home. kinda glad i am here to watch her all day long. we have to put drops in and give her pain meds and antibiotics. my pain has been a little better today and am taking meds every 4 hrs along with icing.

    wtg on maintaining Jacque....enjoy your busy weekend!

    have a good one ladies, hope to check in tomorrow.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    been doing ok w/my shoulder..the last 2 nites i have slept better. my mom is taking me to my dr appt tomorrow. tom is here, sugar and salt cravings, so chips were my choice of snacks yesterday. dh got the day off and he is baking a ham and party potatoes. plan is to have couple small bites of each.

    thinkin of you all....enjoy the rest of your weekend!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hi all! o loss no gain still 188
    Ate a huge steak at the boys and girls cluub auction night lastnigt! It was amazing and they made 94000!! amazing!! anyhow the steak was my end to all meat again! SO NO MEAT anymore.
    Barb hope you are ok with this flooding that is near you?
    Have a great weekend!
    Angie GREAT to hear from you!
    Gotta really work it now! have to go to a huge convention in vegas at the end of july,too bad it isnt while my pepper friends are there;( But must look hot
    ~Drink WATER!!
    ~NO MEAT
    ~DOnt over snack
    ~get a walk in
    realx time
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Morning Pepper's,
    Well time to face the music and Pepper's, for the last 3 weeks I have been doing nothing, not counting calories, not exercising, not even going to give any excuses. I could come up with a dozen or two. I know when I stepped on the scale on Friday I was not happy it was a gain of 5 pounds. I will wait until this friday to confirm that much.

    Now that I got that out I was so upset I just did not want to check in. I really need to get on track will start over today and really work at it. I scheduled a walk at lunch with one of my clients so will get a good walk in today. and even if it is cold will try to walk again everyday. (so out of shape).

    Well Kelly hope your pain is getting better. I will check back in after lunch and catch up with everyone.

    Check back later.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    morning ladies...yesterday was goin well until my mom insisted we stop and have breakfast after my dr appt....i wanted to go home cuz i was tired, needin pain meds, heavy flo. but i'll comment on my appt first....he touched my upper/arm shoulder area and my hand to make sure i had feeling...the he felt for my pulse. we went over my surgical photos. said there is no sign of arthritis. i told him about my pains and he said i need too push thru it. i don't have to use the foam barrier with my sling anymore, yay! gave me a prescription for motrin 800mg. i go back in 6 wks (4/25). now onto Village Inn. i had a 'make your own' 3 egg omlet / sp? with mushroom and sausage, 3 pancakes, and hashbrowns. a little of each was boxed to take home. on the way out we donated a $ for some fund raiser and received a slice of pie....i chose the chocolate. breakfast was about 9:45, and around 1 ish i ate my pie. within an hour i was sick...nauseated, cramping bowels. totally miserable on the couch til therapy time...which was uncomfortable. she gave me 2 more exercises and commented my rom was better today. i am concerned that i cannot even lift my arm up on my own. no muscle strength at all. none. a supper of mostly water and a few visits to the rr... by bedtime i was back to me again. gosh it ain't worth it. the sugar/pie is what did it. blech. will try hard to do better today.'s ok. we all have weeks like that. i know myself, even months. we share a common battle, you're not alone. you have been extremely busy, so give yourself some slack. just try to take one day at a time and plan as much as you can...and follow thru. commit to it. i know you can do it, and you know it as well. we're here to ride this journey with you! :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi everyone...thinkin of you all and wishing a good day. didn't have the best eating yesterday, over in cals about 300. having some nicer days here..50's / 60's. gonna try and go for a short walk. take care :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    # 45 today. nothing planned but sure my folks will be stopping by. youngest son is making me a cake. have therapy later. have a happy day all.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry things are crazy for me right now. My stress level have reach Defcom 1, I even been smoking again and I am really mad at myself that I let everything get me to this level. Wish i could say that I will be better tomorrow but my spirts are brokeen. Got to find a new job and then maybe I can get this all together again.
    I will try to talk more when I can, is my only goal at the moment.
    Hope all of you are ok.
    Praying for ya Kelly
    barb you Ok?
    Cindy i know we will get it together soon
    V whaats up?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    been up since 4:30. still tired but can't sleep. haven't weighed yet, likely gonna be up, after celebrating...

    gonna make a suggestion here....instead of making a new 'topic' each friday, how bout we just keep with the thread until it is full/locked? we are a very small group and rarely get more than 2-3 pages, plus, we would have a longer time period tracked and therefore saved longer. i know i have made comments on threads and tried to research it, and it's gone....not sure how long topics are saved or the data required before something is taken off. hope this is manageable for you all....

    therapy went good. she said i am improving. ds made me a cake, green frosting, shamrock candies and all! had Subway for supper, had 1/2 of my 6". taking lily to vet this am for check on her eye. looking forward to seeing oldest ds return from tx.

    will check in later
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    dearest smokin' hot green pepper many of us are going thru very extreme, dark times right now....i'm feeling your pains like they were my own. and though this may seem impossible, there is value in our difficulties, and we do come through on the other side. most situations are not permanent. try to stay positive, keep it simple, and fill your life with joy wherever you can find it. hang in there, you're surrounded by love here...i will keep you close at heart and send prayers.:heart:

    God sustains us daily
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Its Friday,
    so i wt in at 254. it a pound but i gladly take it. Yesterday was the top of cake. The job i told you about. but last night when i got off work I found out that my great uncle died, my poor Dad has lost too many people in a short time. Then my dd was having an attitude and during that my mom called back crying cause my dad was in a car wreck. Well dad is doing better and plans to go to wedding tonight for his best friend daughter, the one that died last Nov. so needly tosay I am running late. Should of already on the road. So I will write later Got to drive to thorndall then to Austin for Wedding. It at 6 tonight. Talk later
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :flowerforyou: happy friday pepper friends:)
    Had a busy week! But now that it is friday I am glad to put it past me!!! WHEW! MY little girls birthday was yesterday as well as my darling pepper friend Kellys:O):love: The girls were in a parade and I walked with them, it was about 48 degrees here which wasnt too cold but it still was not warm! the parade wasnt very long as it was mostly little kids so about a mille and a half there and then back to the car! then took the baby out for birthday dinner at one of the mexican restraunt which wasnt very good this full fast but still on tract with NO MEAT! Also took yesterday off from practice and exercising as aunt FLO is here and decided to give me cramps really bad ones, havnt had ones like those forever. It was good to be home and hang out with the girls! I rarelly get to anymore and on the nights that I do I love to read them a chapter od Charlottes web :heart:
    Missing the hubby but he will be home sometime in May so time really is flying:love:
    Worked this butt out at the gym today for 2 hours on some strength machines and the treadmill and whatnot. Im an hearing good compliments from people around me about me shrinking but I know Im not loosing anything, gonna start checking inches at the end of the month and compaire.
    found my vegas dress for the ball that I have to go to( think I said that already last post.... gotta get a picture on here to see what you all think)

    Feeling good about life and whatnot today! baby girl has her skate party tonight so gonna get my skate on, gonna not eat too much pizza or cake:)
    DONT get DIScouraged!
    I:heart: you pepper friends!
    Jaque:heart: Congrats on the pound! way to kick is off the body!!!:drinker:
    Kelly~Glad that your moving along at therepy ! hang in there
    Barb~ worried about you
    Sindy-Hang in there love!
    That being said I am up a pound 189
    aunt flo is the catty hag to blame!<
    atleast I think so
    GOALS for this weekend:
    -WATER water water!!!!
    -work it out
    -have fun with the monster kids
    -MEAT FREE eating
    -Love thyself
    Have a wonderful weekend pepper friends!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    good saturday mornin ladies. ds returned from tx and will be here for the weekend:smooched: yesterday was a good day for my shoulder. took lily to the vet and she is doing good, go back in a week. i can tell this bothers her. she acts depressed. but she has no idea that in a couple weeks the stitches will hopefully be removed and she will be able to see again..with both eyes! didn't do so well eating, but gonna try harder today. got a few groceries yesterday, so just need to plan ahead! well, thinking of you gang. have a good one and grab your smile today :happy:
    vita ~ you are amazin' hon! i am so happy for you and proud! one busy mommy! ~~ love thyself ~~ that says it all, so very true! i feel like making some post it notes with those words, and putting them in each room in my house! love it:heart:
    jacque ~ hang in there lady...praying for you, sending God's love. :flowerforyou:
    cindy ~ hope all is well, missin' ya, let us know how ya are:flowerforyou:
    barb ~ thinkin of you, dave and the day at a time :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Options rid of the double post:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    went to my folks today and watched Paranormal Activity 2 with my sis and her 2 teen kiddos. fun time. ate too many snacks. gonna get logging again. pretty sure my in-laws will be home tomorrow. they are near st louis tonite. will be taking my youngest son to his "evaluation" tomorrow. he's pretty set on not gettin a restricted license for school/work. believe it will be early Aug before he can drive again. his first court appearance is a week from Tues, the 29th. i have therapy later afternoon. gonna try and get a haircut too.
    hope you're all doing well.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi everyone...just wanted to wish you all a nice day. let's have a good week and focus on why we are here. c'mon gang, do it for **you**:flowerforyou:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi all -- since 3/9, my life has been turned upside down. So much has occurred. On 3/14, my primary doctor put me out of work for stress - prescribed anti- anxiety & anti-depressants plus blood pressure medication for my soaring blood pressure.

    Let me add Dave was hospitalized on 3/10 -no idea when he'll be released. He's in a Philadelphia hospital which is an hour drive from the house. And having challenges w/my oldest daughter & drug use.

    It's been tough, very tough for me. My home computer isn't available thus I'm here at the library letting you know I'm managing the best I can.

    I can see your posts to my profile on my email via cell phone - just not able to respond. I can see a FB message via my phone. Those I can respond to. Of course, your text messages & calls mean a great deal to me.

    I'm losing weight - could be I attend as many kickboxing classes as I can during my out of work time. Could be I'm eating less. Some of this weight loss is stress.

    Thinking of you all.... Take care.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Oh, forgot to add, I'm in counseling..... much needed for this time in my life.
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    OH my goodness BARB!??! I am so sorry that you have all of these stressors going on in your life. Your body is deffinatly loosing weight ecause of stress!.....I sure hope taht everything starts to get better for you and that it happens FAST! you are suck a strong womand to be dealing with all of these things by yourself! Know that we are here for you and praying for you and your family! If you get a chance to talk and want to we are here !
    I hope all my pepper friends have a good day