Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/11 week 10



  • jacque509
    So I logged in today and even with being over 52 calories I feel good! I set a goal and finish it. yay me!
    I know what you mean about sweet tooth, I got a bad one. I need to get rid of these christmas cupcakes, I had one tonight and that what put me over. so tomorrow another day Good night all!!!
  • jacque509
    So I weight myself today and was 248, not bad considering being so inactive the last couple of months. I know when I went to the doctor a week ago I was 254. I think just getting back to work help bring it down. So hope to do a little better today. If not to cold going to take a walk outside at lunch time. Goal again today is logging food. Praying that the kids decide to finish up the cupcakes before I get home tonight. LOL
    Hope all is well! talk to ya later
  • jacque509
    So went for a walk thru the tunnel too cold for outside. It was only 10 min but hey every little bit helps huh lol.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey there gang.

    I am glad, very glad to see Miss Jacque back here. I think about all you ladies a lot. Miss ya. I don't know what my problem is, other than I am an emotional eater. probably a binge eater. likely an addiction. I just get so dang tired of this battle. Seems impossible. I have been eating so horribly, so very, very bad. I mean, I feel like I did when I was 40 lbs heavier. I ate fast food often and did nothing besides spend too much time on my rear. I have been reading the success boards every day this week and nothing seems to get me motivated. I made some returns today. Had a piece of cheese and some almonds before leaving. Took an apple and some yogurt with me, and felt good that I had intentions of NOT stopping at a drive thru. Ate apple on the way. Went well with all of my stops, had my nails done. Then, it happened. Burger King. I ate in my car on the way home. 4 bites of my sandwich and I wanted to heave. That was after eating fries & onion rings. All washed down by a Coke. Started to put Christmas decor away when I got home. Had heavy feeling in chest, upset tummy. Heart burn. Confession. I have been doing this a lot lately. I think I am nearing 200. So mad at myself. I don't like what I see in the mirror. I really don't like how I *feel*. I know this is all psychological. Can I exchange my mind with..a transplant? Very bummed, yet, oddly, I want to get to where I have been. I want to go there. I really need to take myself to that place. I guess I am just a little lost right now, wandering around. Need to find my way back. Desperate. Hopefully sooner than later.

    What do you think about moving US to a group? Our topic is from March. We can just be the smokin hot green pepper's and go from there. 500 posts and we'll be a Part 2 like it is now. comments? ideas?

    have a good one...gonna move my pudgy self to the kitchen and clean up supper. love ya ladies. :heart:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I'm cool w/a group.

    Kelly, I will say I have been emotionally eating as well. Cookies, candy, crap like that.
    Let me tell you it was very hard being at Mike's Mom house -- there is an overload of cookies, donuts, cakes, candy, pretzels, chips, etc etc etc. And it doesn't help that Mike has a huge sweet tooth.

    The depression bug must be hitting me hard. On Tuesday, I could barely keep my eyes open at work. Yesterday. I called out of work -- slept most of the day either on the futon (w/o my cpap) or in bed (w/the cpap). Mike told me at times he couldn't wake me - or he spoke to me, I opened my eyes, mumbled a few words & went back to sleep. Today I am yawning frequently.

    I too have been increased in weight. I up to mid 180s now. Haven't been to kickboxing - not in the funds. Sometimes I wonder how the hell am I going to pay my bills. Some of the finanical debt Dave put me into.... he was paying for some things and now he certainly isn't. Can't cancel the phone w/o paying a large cancellation fee.... trying to chop down the credit card debt.

    All I want to do is sleep.... sleep... sleep....
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I'm cool w/a group.

    Kelly, I will say I have been emotionally eating as well. Cookies, candy, crap like that.
    Let me tell you it was very hard being at Mike's Mom house -- there is an overload of cookies, donuts, cakes, candy, pretzels, chips, etc etc etc. And it doesn't help that Mike has a huge sweet tooth.

    The depression bug must be hitting me hard. On Tuesday, I could barely keep my eyes open at work. Yesterday. I called out of work -- slept most of the day either on the futon (w/o my cpap) or in bed (w/the cpap). Mike told me at times he couldn't wake me - or he spoke to me, I opened my eyes, mumbled a few words & went back to sleep. Today I am yawning frequently.

    I too have been increased in weight. I up to mid 180s now. Haven't been to kickboxing - not in the funds. Sometimes I wonder how the hell am I going to pay my bills. Some of the finanical debt Dave put me into.... he was paying for some things and now he certainly isn't. Can't cancel the phone w/o paying a large cancellation fee.... trying to chop down the credit card debt.

    All I want to do is sleep.... sleep... sleep....
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I'm cool w/a group.

    Kelly, I will say I have been emotionally eating as well. Cookies, candy, crap like that.
    Let me tell you it was very hard being at Mike's Mom house -- there is an overload of cookies, donuts, cakes, candy, pretzels, chips, etc etc etc. And it doesn't help that Mike has a huge sweet tooth.

    The depression bug must be hitting me hard. On Tuesday, I could barely keep my eyes open at work. Yesterday. I called out of work -- slept most of the day either on the futon (w/o my cpap) or in bed (w/the cpap). Mike told me at times he couldn't wake me - or he spoke to me, I opened my eyes, mumbled a few words & went back to sleep. Today I am yawning frequently.

    I too have been increased in weight. I up to mid 180s now. Haven't been to kickboxing - not in the funds. Sometimes I wonder how the hell am I going to pay my bills. Some of the finanical debt Dave put me into.... he was paying for some things and now he certainly isn't. Can't cancel the phone w/o paying a large cancellation fee.... trying to chop down the credit card debt.

    All I want to do is sleep.... sleep... sleep....
  • jacque509
    The Group sounds ok to me not sure how to find group if luall can get me a hint lol

    So I went over cal by 1 point last night big improvement from yesterday. Hope to do good today but I got very little sleep last night the kids decided to fight over the TV. I just finish makin dinner and they start fighting. end up in the ER with Kelly cause Jack unintetionaly during the fight smash Kelly foot in door. Well we waited and hour to see if the pain went aaway but of course all it did was get bigger and uglier. So Er trip at 9:30 and home at 2:30. Foot fracture and on crutches, AGH!!!! Cause I just started this new job I can't miss any work for 6 month. So this is where I get into trouble with eating. When I am tired I tend to overeat.

    Now some sisterly advice. Basically I am just goin to repeat what both of you have said to me. Tomorrow another day, Take a new baby step each day. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Now from Me... Put it in Gods hands. When I was out of work from surgery the last 2 months I got really depressed and not eating right , not moving, no money to pay bills, I couldn't do Christmas with the kids and the kids were acting out. I started praying about every little thing. When I had a bad day eating I prayed, the next day I did better. When I couldn't move I prayed, then I started moving slowly, prayed -money came in the mail, prayed -kids got a little better.

    So yesterday I did number 3 on my 100 things to write a List of 100 about, " 100 ways I sabotage myself" OMG what an eye opener! No wonder I am overweight and have bout of depression! I beat up myself so much and stop my success before I even start due to fear of failure. So after I was done I read an article on sabotaging yourself and one of the advice it gave was people don't set Goals anymore. So i made my goals for 2012 .... Here goes...
    1.Lose 50 pounds
    2. Buy a car
    3. Complete 6 courses for RN
    4. Build up Avon clinets
    5. Finish my Bible reading plan for the year.

    So today list is "100 things I'm good at"
    try it , it really open ur eyes
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy thursday evening.

    re the *group* idea. at the top of this page is the Community tab. from that you can choose Message Boards which is where we currently are. next tab is the Groups. that is where we will move to. I will go ahead and create our group and post the link at the bottom of this message.

    I am going to begin weighing again....tomorrow. as much as I dread it, like Jacque mentioned, I need to have a starting point for goals. I have been thinking a lot lately of a Bucket List. Most of it is fun things and traveling. I suppose taking care of myself is necessary if I intend to put check marks by them. Not a good day eating, but was productive otherwise.

    Tanner and I painted his room today. Way over due. Last time it was painted was when we moved in, 1996...he was 4. We have plaster walls in 1/2 of the house, and the holes in the walls were not properly filled and repaired at that time. Now they are. I used spackle and then we used this Paint N Tex material. You just add it to your paint. It's like sand. Looks like brand new walls. Color is called Spiced Sugar...a light beige. He has sage curtain-panels, and his bedding is sage, grey, tan, beige. area rug is a shag in creme, sage, grey. The paint was mixed in '09. :ohwell: Ok, so it took me a couple years. I will be sore tomorrow from painting. That is bad.:frown:

    will check in Friday. have a good one