Very angry and disappointed with myself.



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i had a look a the diary and i would say that you could easily halve if not more the amount of pasta. 200g of uncooked pasta would almost serve 2 or 3 people once cooked.

    that prawn cocktail looks a bit high as well? perhaps do it as individual prawns and then some seafood sauce.

    and the good thing about overestimating your calories ( i wasnt at the meal but the pasta alone would be 300 higher) is that when weigh in comes, there are extra calories in your bank
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Are you sure you logged dinner correctly? I mean, I know you said you had to pull numbers out of the air, but you logged 200g of uncooked pasta - that's a WHOLE BOX of spaghetti noodles. That would be a whole pot of pasta. I can't imagine that was your actual portion size! Hopefully the "damage" done at this dinner will be less than you fear. Good luck! :)
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Hmmm. I definitely relate but for different reasons.

    When I turned vegan three years ago my family attacked me for not wanting to eat meat anymore. I had been vegetarian for many years prior and ate fish, eggs, dairy. But because I no longer ate even these things they took it personally and thought I hated them as well as meat. Truth is I don't hate meat (or my family for that matter). I just don't digest meat or dairy very well and get quite ill so it only made sense to change. And for as much as I tried in vain to discuss my values, principles, feelings, and reasons, my words fell on deaf ears. After that I discovered certain family members snuck dairy and meat into certain 'vegan' foods they prepared and then lied and told me it was vegan. Of course my stomach told me different. It got so bad that I had to stay away from my family for almost a year. And when I did return it was under the understanding that I would bring all of my own foods to family functions (plus enough for everyone else to share in too). Eventually my family grew to understand my choices, but only after many of them suffered from ill-health and were forced to change their diets. Still, they grew to understand, or at very least have compassion.

    I understand your disappointment because your health/fitness and weight loss goals are so important to you. And yet, in fairness, your family did not know beforehand. Hopefully now that you've had this discussion things will 'begin' to improve. Have patience though because these things take time. People always feel challenged whenever those who are closest to them change, especially when it comes to food. Food is a cultural thing - the way we eat, why we eat, how we eat, with whom we eat, etc. I believe the reason other people feel challenged whenever those closest to them change is because they feel as if they are now being judged in their choices. It's a form of projection, they're judging you and think you're now judging them. And maybe you are. Or maybe you're not. To them it doesn't really matter because it's what they believe that is most important to them.

    My husband always says, "There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, anywhere from 28 to 31 days in a month, 52 weeks and 365 days in a year."

    What he's trying to convey when he says that is, "Don't let this moment, this hour, this day, this week, this month, this year, or in your case this meal, determine the rest of your life or your goals. And if you do, then find a way to make it a positive influence instead of a negative one, something you can build on instead of being torn down by."

    Be patient with yourself, your family, your failures and your successes and everything will be okay.
  • Thank you all so much for your replies, Reading your words of support has really helped me.

    I really needed to vent and sometimes I feel no one really understands what i am going thought, so your support has been and will be very important for me.

    With regards the size of the meal, it was a "super sized meal" as thats how I used to eat, I added a little more pasta to account for the really thinck creamy sauce that was all over it, I didnt want to cheat myself by logging things low.

    Also my wieght loss goals, I have it set to lose 1.5lbs a week, and i am hoping if I dont eat all my exercise kcals back, i could avg 2lbs a week to start, I have never done any healthy living before I joinned myfitnesspal and I hope I am doing it right.

    My body shape is the most worrying, I have legs and arms any women would love, they are so thin, it seems all my weight is around my gut, its quite large for my frame and height, I have very little strength in my arms and that tells me that I dont have much mussle, I hope to change that over time.

    As I woke up this morning my body told me how much it doesnt like overeating and poor foods anymore, I feel alittle sick and bloated, I think I learnt more last night about myself than the last 2 weeks.

    So once again thank you all so much, thank you for listening and thank you for your support, you have all made a big difference to my mind set and I feel much better about myself this morning, it really does help to talk about it and to not "cheat myself" by not logging the bad days, I am very happy I logged it all now, I was so tempted to not log it, as I didnt want to look bad.

    thank you all and good luck on your journey
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't see the problem myself.

    With your stats your maintenance level of calories should be around the 2,800 mark anyway (depending on your activity levels it could be more or less)

    Your calorie deficit level seems to be set at about 1000 a day. If you stick to your diet for the next 6 days that is a whopping defcit of 6,000 calories over the entire week, equivalent to about 1.8lbs of fat loss despite yesterday.

    Lots of people allow themselves a free meal every week and do very well. Used tactically it can be very beneficial. You need to look at the big picture here.

    Listen if you have an adherence rate of 90% and above on your diet (as you seem to do looking from your diary) then one meal a week where you are off diet isn't something to worry about (unless you go to ridiculous extremes that is!)

    Enjoy your weekend.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    we all have bad days. I personally dont fret over it. on my next cardio or gym session I push myself extra hard. the important thing is to not have a bad day become a bad week, then weeks, then month. lol you get the idea.
  • messa5
    messa5 Posts: 3
    Don't let the one day get you off track- It is a learning experience- You can bounce back from it- The guilt feelings can be overwhelming, but you can get over it..
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Please don't beat yourself up about this, this is a lifestyle change and it doesn't happen over night and we are all human we all have bad days I also wouldn't avoid all family gatherings as you have to adapt to situations and not avoid them.
    I think possibly the best thing that you could do is sit down and have a talk with your family, tell them how important this journey is for you and I am sure they will support you. You don't even need to put them out by asking them to cook a seperate meal for you, just dont feel the need anymore to be the one that eats the most at the table and watch your portion control. We all have little treats now and then and avoiding situations are only going to add to the pressure you are feeling. Keep strong and don't be so hard on yourself. Today is another day :wink:
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