one food you won't give up?



  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Tried and decided it was not worth flavored coffee creamers in the early mornings.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    I haven't given up anything. Tonight I had a bacon cheese burger & onion rings for dinner and am still under my calories for the day.

    I agree, it's all about moderation for me. If I want a cupcake, you better believe I'm gonna make it work somehow. If that means exercising an extra 20 minutes or losing the baked potato with dinner than so be it.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Like many others have posted - I won't give up anything! I just try to plan ahead and give myself plenty of calories for days/nights when I want to splurge (helllooooo Mexican food!). But, two things I have everyday without fail are bread and dark chocolate. mmmm.....
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    i will never give up chicken nuggets :o) they are my weakness <3 i make sure to save calories for them lol

    watch a video of how chicken nuggets are made and u will never look at them again - TRUST ME!
    Jaime oliver did it on his show and it was gross :sick:
  • mikerox
    mikerox Posts: 14
    Workout until I burn every calorie afterward
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Like many others have posted - I won't give up anything! I just try to plan ahead and give myself plenty of calories for days/nights when I want to splurge (helllooooo Mexican food!).

    AGREE! i did a month of bootcamp and didnt lose weight cuz i cudnt stop eating my fave foods. but guess what I still lost 6inches all around my body and I am sure as hell happy with that!
  • britt_fit
    britt_fit Posts: 169
    I'm definitely not giving up anything...well besides frosting...I used to eat an entire jar in one sitting! :blushing: Now I'm just learning to find smaller portions of the things I love or "budgeting" them into my calorie goal if I really want something.
  • SparksFly460
    I've tried clean eating...I personally can't do it. I feel too deprived. I wont sit and have pizza everyday and expect to be healthy...but if once in a blue mood I crave a slice and dont feel like making my own healthy version...yes, I will go and grab a slice.

    I do my best to substitute my favorite "naughty" food with healthy versions or just overall better options but sometimes the worse, unhealthy version in a small, reasonable portion is the only thing that will do.
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    this thread is making me hunrgy... lol
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member

    I switched to eating frozen yogurt. We have a frozen yogurt chain called Uswirl and all flavors are around 35 calories an ounce. It's really DELICIOUS and it tastes good even without toppings.
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Potatoes!! Never ;)
  • yodacho
    yodacho Posts: 90 Member
    Yup, not giving up any food. I am giving up overeating on a daily basis, and underexercising!
    hopefully my soda pop i will cut down but i dont know if i can just quit
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    Pizza! I eat it in moderation now..not like half the pizza anymore! :)
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Even with a transition to vegetarianism and eventually to veganism I really really really really dont think I can go without tuna rolls not the spicy kind though. just brown rice tuna roll. I get wacky cravings when TOM hits for it and become a raving lunatic if I don't have it. well almost :tongue:
  • litljoy2001
    white wine on fridays and saturdays.....and once a week chips and salsa
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    Haribo Cherries!!! But, I'm trying to limit myself to once or twice a month! :)
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    Coffee! I love coffee...
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Fried Chicken ... and I probably eat it about 3 times a year. The good news, I guess, it's hard to find really good fried chicken, and I'm not talking KFC or Popeye's. :noway: Yuck

    I should say I'll never eat it again, but hey, life is to short to give up something you love.

  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    Since I want to eat healthy the rest of my life, I have to be sensible about what I can do long term.
    I will not give up my sugar fee coffee-mate french vanilla coffee creamer. Some mornings that's what gets me out of bed.

    I with ya on that one!!! SF French Vanilla just makes my morings the best......ahhhhh - slurp - good coffee! :drinker: