

  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    So as of right now I'm up 1.6 from last week. It could just be water or some other retention from being so sick last week...at least that's all I hope it is! :D I know even with going over a bit last week I wasn't THAT bad. Still much much lower in the calorie department than I used to be! The good news is I'm finally seeing the difference in my how my pants fit, and in the good way...so heck, it could even be muscle weight. Not going to stress too much about it, just going to work to reverse the trend. haha
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Hi Suzzanne
    Glad that you joined us. Are you doing Walk Away ThePounds?

    Sometimes I can't complete the walk because of my arthritis or my knee that was replaced. But I continue the walk but just sit on my bed for brief moments but keep my upper body moving and kinda marching my legs while sitting. I do this to give my legs the break yet keep my heart rate going. I stand up again agter a few second break. This way I can complete the walk. Try that and see how it goes for ya!!

    Good Luck!!

    I'm doing the Leslie Sansone (sp?) Walk at Home program that I found on my Comcast On Demand! I did the 1 mile on Sunday and I felt great and I think that jumpstarted my week! I felt some burn during the "workout" and I felt some tightness in my muscles yesterday but it felt good. Like I had worked the right areas. Then last night when I put it on to do it again... my muscles started screaming. I guess I can't do the same workout/same areas 2 days in a row. I've been sedentary for SO LONG and I have so much weight I'm carrying around that it's no wonder they were screaming. LOL I will try again tonight and do the moves I can tolerate... maybe I'll be okay since I gave the muscles a rest last night. I just can't use it as an excuse to not workout... the old me would have. This new me will not let it become an excuse!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    So as of right now I'm up 1.6 from last week. It could just be water or some other retention from being so sick last week...at least that's all I hope it is! :D I know even with going over a bit last week I wasn't THAT bad. Still much much lower in the calorie department than I used to be! The good news is I'm finally seeing the difference in my how my pants fit, and in the good way...so heck, it could even be muscle weight. Not going to stress too much about it, just going to work to reverse the trend. haha

    Last week was last week - it's in the past! This week is a new week and we have new challenges to face. :) You can do it! I have faith in you! We'll be here to support you and I am glad you are feeling better!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Tuesday check-in

    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday 2 for a total of 4.5 :drinker:
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    "Tuesday check-in" ( I like that)

    Under my calorie goal - had to adjust a couple things to stay there, but I worked it out. I entered what i was going to eat and when that put me over, didn't eat as much.

    45 minutes of workout - I actually got in 50.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm going to Tuesday check in too.
    Today I was under for sodium and only 1 gran over for sugar. Considering I had been 10+ over ever day I think being over by one is a victory.

    Hope u all are doing well!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Suzanne, thank you for your comment and your kind words. <3 I'm so glad you've joined us!

    The trend is reversing! I bumped up the water drinking a bit and lowered my calorie intake yesterday just to see if it WAS just retention and it appears to have worked! :D Today is my normal weigh-in day but I'm going to bump it out a couple days to see where I am at the end of the week for the challenge instead. Yay!!

    Much love to all!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    You're very welcome!

    So yesterday I had a little setback - I got injured at work. I am fine... I slammed my head into the corner of a shelf right after giving a patient an injection. I was cleared by one of the doctors but told not to exercise last night. I have a headache today so I may take today off too. However, I did stay under 1400 calories and I am hoping to do the same today, just in case I can't work out when I get home tonight.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Suzanne I'm glad you're alright, I can't imagine how much that hurts! I shudder just to think about it!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I'm already over for sugar, and it's only day 1. I was doing oatmeal with friut, and I'd go over, then I switched to just fruit, and i'm still over. Today I had an apple for brakfast, for lunch I had yogurt and I was already at 30 grams. Throw in the asparagus for dinner and I'm at -11 <sigh>

    Does anyone have some ideas for breakfasts that are lower in sugar and portable? I eat breakfast when I get to work. So yogurt, oatmeal, and fruit are usually my go to items.

    As for sodium I did well, I am under for the day. YIPPIE! 1 for 2.
    I KNOW!!!!! I am an oatmeal & fruit eater!! Totally surprisd on the sugar in the good healthy foods!! But I eat it anyway cus I HAVE to eat a banana every day or I get leg cramps in my sleep. :-(

    What about hard cooked eggs or pickled eggs. Yogurt & Fiber One cereal w/ a sprinkle of Dry Sugar Free Pudding mix? Peanut butter/jelly sandwich?? FF Cream Cheese & WW wraps?? Laughing Cow cheese WW Mini Bagels?? I LOVE peanut butter & Honey on WW mini bagels but then you have sugar in your honey. Egg & Ketchup sandwich?? .

    I need to eat a filling breakfast.
    Good Luck!

    I have to have higher protein in the morning I eat hard boiled eggs or cheese like Dee suggested, I try to get my protein boosted early because i feel full longer and can make it to luch with out munching all morning.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Rain went away so I was able to get out to walk.

    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday 2 for a total of 4.5
    Wednesday - 1.5 for a total of 6

    Feelin' good!
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I'm back :) and jumping into this week a little late, but I'm going for 250 min of exercise. I'm up to 100 min so far, but I need to jumpstart back into working out and eating well (which has gone surprisingly well so far lol).
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    What is the old saying about the best laid plans... LOL!

    today was a bit of a challange. a number of factors contributed a a few being I was a little late to work, had a product to get out the door and 40 minutes to do it in and a 5 1/2 hour meeting, which started 40 minutes after I got in. My nice packed lunch sat untouched, except the little baggie of red peppers I grab as a snack during one of the breaks. So I was over in sugar, but under in sodium.

    Looking forward to tackling the challanges of tomorrow.

    Suzanne, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury. Take it easy and hope you are doing better.

    Hope everyone is doing well! :smile:
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday Check in:

    Under Calorie Goal by 62 calories

    50 minutes of workout.

    Keep on keeping on, gang!!!
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Check in for tuesday and Wednesday:
    Tuesday 70 mins and under cal goal
    Wed 24 mins and over cal goal... just one of those days
    Total mins: 210/250.....not gonna quit cause I am close gonna see where I end up this week that way I can adjust for next week.
    its nearly 4am where I am at and its almost time to Shred... D10 L1 here I come...
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Thursday check-in:
    25 minutes on Sunday
    20 minutes on Monday
    30 minutes Wednesday

    I am hoping to get at least 25 minutes tonight, Friday and Saturday to hit my 150 minute goal! The head bump set me back a little and I wasn't feeling well yesterday. I still walked but I still felt BLAH.

    Today is a good day though - my head isn't hurting today, the sun is shining, and it's St. Patty's Day! I'm Irish... but will be staying away from any alcohol :drinker: or boiled dinners :sick: .
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have met my goal: I am at 155/150 for exercise, and will go over for sure. I am going camping Friday through Tuesday, so you may not hear from me again before Wednesday. I am back in for next week, and will tell you my goal when I return. Have a great weekend, and happy St. Patrick's day!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    40 min wal over lunch 2miles!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    My fingers are crossed that by Saturday I can say I made my goal of losing a pound from last week's weigh-in! With the bit of gain from being sick last weekend it'll be nice to see that number back on track! :D Congrats to everyone who has made their goal and to those that are still working - KEEP IT UP, YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday - 2 for a total of 4.5
    Wednesday - 1.5 for a total of 6
    Thursday - 2.5 for a total of 8.5 :bigsmile: