Fellow Canadians



  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    I am from Richmond Hill, Ontario (suburb of Toronto).
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I also have relatives in Oshawa and friends in Kitchener. :bigsmile:
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Wow neat to have so many fitness pals as neighbors. Welcome all! What are you all doing towards achieving your goals by way of exercise, etc? I am looking for some good meal ideas. I do cook, but can be tricky as I sometimes have to make 2 meals as my boys don't go for all the real healthy stuff. They won't eat fish or vegetarian style meals so I usually have to prepare something different for them
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Yay, got my ticker to work! I am so NOT technical!
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Bonjour fellow canadians:

    Just came back from a 45 min bike ride. Tried out my shoes with clips. had to practice clipping on and off. Didn't fall off trying, but it was close. May try out a boxing class later, but it is sooo nice out today, that I would rather spend it outside. My hubby tried to get me to go to a spinning class, but when you have a good bike and gorgeous day, why ride in, right?

    Make it a good day

  • klikittyklak
    klikittyklak Posts: 144
    Kitty: Where in France are you? Such a beautiful country. Lucky because the rest of Europe is so accessible to you. I just got back from Israel and italy and I am still amazed how easy it is for Europeans to travel.

    I'm in the Rhône-Alpes region. Yes, it is easy to travel! I am 1 hour or so away from both Italy and Switzerland. :smile:
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Hey peeps:

    How is everyone doing this Sunday? I sort of fell off the wagon eating wise yesterday as we were invited out for dinner. Did okay on the food, but the liquid refreshments put me over the edge. Today had a bridal shower brunch, so though I made good choices, the day isn't over yet. Have a few cals to play with, less than usual as I did no exercise (sunday is usually my rest day), plus it is pouring here, and I am not motivated to work out at home. But it is the start of a new week, my weigh in day will be Wednesday's so 3 more days to see the effects!

    Kitty: What a beautiful region you live in. Do you get to ski?

    Have a great day all

  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Hey fellow canuks:

    OKAY, still chugging along, working out and the big news is I am down 2 pounds. The cardio is really working. Actually did a YogaX workout today, and it was tough. Haven't done this one in about 2 months, so must say it was humbling! Tomorrow is a total body workout,, so will be lifting some weights, something I am looking forward to. How has your week been?

  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Just checking if my weight loss tracker is updated!
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Nope, how does one do it!??
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Okay, the dweeb got it.
  • hey am from Ottawa too just joined the site tonight found it b mistake actually.
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Hello from Beautiful British Columbia, in the Okanagan Valley. I am still struggling with trying to lose even a pound. I quit smoking 10 months ago, and my body has just not figured out that it can now lose the extra weight. I joined cardio bootcamp just over a week ago. I LOVE it, it is a very intense one hour work out ranging from running, yoga, bosu ball, skipping, weights etc. So I have signed up for a month and I am really hoping that I see some results.
    Have a good one....:drinker:
  • klikittyklak
    klikittyklak Posts: 144
    Kitty: What a beautiful region you live in. Do you get to ski?

    Nope, no skiing for me. I am a violinist so it is essential that I keep my arms/hands intact! I am such a klutz even on my own two feet that I think adding planks of wood would only increase the problem. Especially when it would allow my feet to splay in two different directions!

    I see you lost some weight, Carol, congratulations! I have been stuck on a plateau for what seems like forever. :sad: And (this seems more on-topic, and it's also true) I have been missing Vancouver tonnes lately. So you Canadians make sure to appreciate what you have! :laugh:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hello from Beautiful British Columbia, in the Okanagan Valley. I am still struggling with trying to lose even a pound. I quit smoking 10 months ago, and my body has just not figured out that it can now lose the extra weight. I joined cardio bootcamp just over a week ago. I LOVE it, it is a very intense one hour work out ranging from running, yoga, bosu ball, skipping, weights etc. So I have signed up for a month and I am really hoping that I see some results.
    Have a good one....:drinker:

    Hey! Vancouver Island here :drinker: The bootcamp may be a great thing! Be sure to eat all of those exercise calories!!
  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey! I'm noticing there's nobody here from the east coast. I feel like a loner! LOL. I'm originally from Newfoundland but I just moved to Halifax, NS. So far I'm loving it! I'm going to have to recruit some fellow maritimers though.....
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Hey Peeps, how is it going this 'hump' day? Just got back from an 11 km hilly bike ride, my legs really felt this, especially after my killer yoga session yesterday.

    Dawn: The bootcamp sounds great and really challenging! Love that it seems to have a great variety, no chance to get bored. Congrats on quitting smoking!

    Kitty: LOL on the pieces of wood! I hear ya on not wanting to jeopardize those hands, do you play violin professionally? I have certainly hurt myself skiing, even fractured my thumb once, so you have good reason. Thanks on the congrats on losing weight. This was just my vacation weight, now the real work begins!

    Ctucker: Welcome, for sure recruit some other east coasters.

    Angie: Welcome, we are almost neighbors. I am just down the road in Montreal

    Okay off to shower

  • Hello fellow Canadians,

    Greetings from Northern Ontario ( 5.5 hours north of Toronto):smile:
  • klikittyklak
    klikittyklak Posts: 144
    Kitty: LOL on the pieces of wood! I hear ya on not wanting to jeopardize those hands, do you play violin professionally? I have certainly hurt myself skiing, even fractured my thumb once, so you have good reason. Thanks on the congrats on losing weight. This was just my vacation weight, now the real work begins!

    Yes, but not as much as I used to, I'm going to school and thus am not able to work as much. Still no on the ski thing though! :laugh:
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Hello from Alberta about 45 min from Calgary
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