from treadmill to outdoors



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I love running on the treadmill and hate running outdoors - mostly because of the risk someone will actually see me running. I distinctly remember a teacher in elementary school teasing me about how I ran (scarred for life - lol) Funny thing, coached TRACK for a year just out of college (7-8th grade boys) - they were desperate. I remember running outdoors with them one practice, and a high school boy I worked with at the swimming pool saw me and said, "you've never run a day in your life, have you." me: "is it that obvious?" him: "I'm afraid so..." ha :)

    No choice now, though - signed up for a 5K in May - planning a 10K in August WHOOT!!

    Thanks for starting this thread, and to all the runners with advice, it's been so helpful!

    Please don't worry about people seeing you running. Most of those who catch a glance haven't gotten of their *kitten* for years and are envious--seriously!

    And here's a little story for you from my run today:

    I'm fat. 40 pounds overweight. Today was Week 2, Day 1 of the C25K program for me. I do it in my neighborhood.

    I was heading into a corner, running. I could see that an attractive young man was running towards me and was going to intersect my path. Well, of course, I got the chime to start the cooldown as soon as I spy Mr. Awesome and he spies me. About 20 seconds into my cooldown, he passes me.

    This is where you should start to feel better. ;)

    For the next 20 yards, he kept looking back and motioning me with his arm to JOIN HIM. Yup, me, fatass middleaged lady gasping away was hit on (in my best view of the situation) or at least encouraged (in my realistic view of the situation) by someone far younger and fitter than myself. This is what runners do--we encourage each other! No matter how fit or unfit we are. It's like a secret club. You are in that club if you just step out the door!

    So don't worry! Just get OUT THERE!

    If a young, handsome and fit man could follow my wobbling *kitten* and thighs and then still give me encouragement, I daresay you could find the same. ;)
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Luckily I was forced to start running outside, so I never really experienced the "OMG this is so much harder than the treadmill!" feeling, lol. But I found the treadmill helped me to learn a good pace. When I want to work on speed, I run the treadmill bc I know how fast I'm running. Then I take it outside and can "feel" how many mph I'm running. Does that make sense???

    Just wanted to say that I am running a couple 5K's this spring (we have like one a week starting this weekend) then the Crescent City Classic the day before Easter (a 10K) then the Jazz Half Marathon in October. Can't wait!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I personally think outdoor running is a lot harder than treadmill running, but I like it a lot better. I don't get bored, I don't stare at the clock, distance, or calories burned...I just keep my head up and run and enjoy everything around me.

    Outdoor running is definitely harder on your body, too, so make sure you have good shoes!! I went to a local running store and he was able to do a gait analysis and fit me to a shoe that's good for my foot, and my knee/ankle pain went away almost immediately.

    And as far as being embarrassed to run outside with other runners, I've come to find out that most other runners are really friendly and LIKE to see other runners out and about. I've recently joined a couple different running clubs and I'm still well over 200 lbs, so I don't come close to keeping up with most of them, but if you surround yourself with people who live a healthy lifestyle, chances are you're going to learn something from them. They've all been very friendly, welcoming, and encouraging to me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm easily a full minute per mile faster OUTSIDE compared to on a treadmill. I just have issues on the treadmill! I'd rather run in 20 degree weather than run on a treadmill LOL

    Try to get outdoors more, and if you can't, put the incline of the treadmill between 1 and 2% to help with the resistance. Good luck on your race!!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I love running on the treadmill and hate running outdoors - mostly because of the risk someone will actually see me running. I distinctly remember a teacher in elementary school teasing me about how I ran (scarred for life - lol) Funny thing, coached TRACK for a year just out of college (7-8th grade boys) - they were desperate. I remember running outdoors with them one practice, and a high school boy I worked with at the swimming pool saw me and said, "you've never run a day in your life, have you." me: "is it that obvious?" him: "I'm afraid so..." ha :)

    No choice now, though - signed up for a 5K in May - planning a 10K in August WHOOT!!

    Thanks for starting this thread, and to all the runners with advice, it's been so helpful!

    Please don't worry about people seeing you running. Most of those who catch a glance haven't gotten of their *kitten* for years and are envious--seriously!

    And here's a little story for you from my run today:

    I'm fat. 40 pounds overweight. Today was Week 2, Day 1 of the C25K program for me. I do it in my neighborhood.

    I was heading into a corner, running. I could see that an attractive young man was running towards me and was going to intersect my path. Well, of course, I got the chime to start the cooldown as soon as I spy Mr. Awesome and he spies me. About 20 seconds into my cooldown, he passes me.

    This is where you should start to feel better. ;)

    For the next 20 yards, he kept looking back and motioning me with his arm to JOIN HIM. Yup, me, fatass middleaged lady gasping away was hit on (in my best view of the situation) or at least encouraged (in my realistic view of the situation) by someone far younger and fitter than myself. This is what runners do--we encourage each other! No matter how fit or unfit we are. It's like a secret club. You are in that club if you just step out the door!

    So don't worry! Just get OUT THERE!

    If a young, handsome and fit man could follow my wobbling *kitten* and thighs and then still give me encouragement, I daresay you could find the same. ;)

    lol omg, this is so funny! When I first started running outside with my friend, I always asked her, "How bad is my butt jiggling right now?"
    We did the Couch to 5k program last year and ran our first 5k race together. Planning to do a 10k this year. I've had off and on struggles with shin splints so I fully agree with others who say to take it slowly, run on soft surfaces, get good running shoes, have rest days, but most importantly, just keep doing it. Good luck to you!!!