Challenge Group (New Members Welcome!!!) 3/14-3/20



  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 60 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N? Y (2391mg)
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 90 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N? N (2752mg)
    WED - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 150/210
    Days Under Sodium:1/7
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    Caitlinlws-Welcome Back! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks! I got a little off track on vacation last week so I need the challenges more than ever this week...

    I missed yesterday, but I'm definitely in for this one!

    MON – Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: N

    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 60 ~ Under Sodium: N
    WED - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 00 (it's the long work day every Monday ~ Under Sodium: Y
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 240 ~ Under Sodium: YUP
    WED - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 240/210
    Days Under Sodium: 2/7

    In addition to the jacks I did step plyos and jumping rope. But this is part of my circuit training... tomorrow won't be as many, i don't think.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Nicolebs27, she_elf, Tarz84-Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    Shawnalee-A few?! LOL…Great Job!

    MON – Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: N
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: Y

    WED - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 0/210
    Days Under Sodium: 1/7
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    haha loveme: I knew I did them often but I had never really counted. I usually get in 3 sets of 45 jacks 3 or 4x a day.... maybe twice a week.
    But I just did them and went with it. Tomorrow is running and step ups in my circuits.... so no jacks tomorrow lol
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    This challenge sounds like a lot of fun!! I am definitely interested however, I just had a partial hysterectomy exactly 1 week ago. My doctor's app't is on Friday. I'm not sure when I will be cleared but, wanted to know if when I am cleared for exercise if I could still participate?

    I have been watching my sodium and reduced it to 1500 in my diary. I have also increased my fiber to 25-30 per day.

    This sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to meet new friends!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!!
    Absolutely! And I hope you recover quickly! :-D

    How very sweet of you Shawnalee!!! Thank you!!! I think this will be a fun group!!!
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    This challenge sounds like a lot of fun!! I am definitely interested however, I just had a partial hysterectomy exactly 1 week ago. My doctor's app't is on Friday. I'm not sure when I will be cleared but, wanted to know if when I am cleared for exercise if I could still participate?

    I have been watching my sodium and reduced it to 1500 in my diary. I have also increased my fiber to 25-30 per day.

    This sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to meet new friends!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!!

    Of course you can join! Hope everything goes well at the doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Awesome!!! Thanks! This is just what I need! I am getting stir crazy.:grumble: I want to start walking or something!!!! I will keep checking up on you all until I can participate. You all are doing GREAT!!!! Keep it up!!! :drinker:
  • Scubasab
    Scubasab Posts: 344 Member
    Hello girls!!! :flowerforyou:

    I just finished reading all the posts!! You all are doing a wonderful job with your sodium and jumping jacks!!!! :drinker: BTW...that's a water toast!!! :laugh: I am so jealous! I can't wait to start moving again! Which leads me to my next question....yesterday was my birthday and my fiance said he would buy me a new HRM for my birthday! I've been looking at Polar FT7 or FT40. I need something that is waterproof as I live in Florida and do workouts in the pool. If any of you can offer any suggestions or add input I would appreciate it! I would like to order one by tomorrow so that I have it soon. I'm hoping the doc releases me on Friday to at least start walking!!!!! :wink:

    Keep up the wonderful job girls!!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hello girls!!! :flowerforyou:

    I just finished reading all the posts!! You all are doing a wonderful job with your sodium and jumping jacks!!!! :drinker: BTW...that's a water toast!!! :laugh: I am so jealous! I can't wait to start moving again! Which leads me to my next question....yesterday was my birthday and my fiance said he would buy me a new HRM for my birthday! I've been looking at Polar FT7 or FT40. I need something that is waterproof as I live in Florida and do workouts in the pool. If any of you can offer any suggestions or add input I would appreciate it! I would like to order one by tomorrow so that I have it soon. I'm hoping the doc releases me on Friday to at least start walking!!!!! :wink:

    Keep up the wonderful job girls!!!!

    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it! I think when I was reviewing it, someone stated it was water proof but Im not sure. I wasnt looking for the feature because I rarely exercise in the water. You should go to Amazon and read the reviews for each. Hope you find the right one for you!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    I was just going to see if anyone would be interested in doing a challenge or had one it mind!

    I'm in and starting late but I'll make it up!
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: Y
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: Y
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 45 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
  • mona24523
    mona24523 Posts: 100
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 30 ~ Under Sodium: Y
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 35 ~ Under Sodium: Y
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 50 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 115/210
    Days Under Sodium:2/7
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Glad you chose to join us! Better late than never! ;) We do a new one each week so welcome aboard.

    Sabrina. I know someone who has the FT40 and they swim with it. So that seems suiting. I have the FT4 and I love it. It is waterproof but does not read under water-I don't swmi for exercise though so no biggy. I hope you find the perfect one!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Shawnalee-A few?! LOL…Great Job!
    :laugh: Seriously...

    For yesterday... I didn't log my snacks in the evening, but I've got to say yes, cause it was "just" sweets, and I made them myself, so I know the sodium was minimum.

    MON – Jumping Jacks: 30 ~ Under Sodium: No
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: Yes
    WED - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 30/210
    Days Under Sodium: 1/7
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    For tonight:

    MON – Jumping Jacks: 30 ~ Under Sodium: No
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: Yes
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 45 ~ Under Sodium: Yes
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 75/210
    Days Under Sodium: 2/7
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 0 ~ Under Sodium: N

    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 60 ~ Under Sodium: N
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 100 ~ Under Sodium: Y!
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 160/210
    Days Under Sodium: 1/7
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    Over sodium AND no jumping jacks?? It was an off day.

    MON – Jumping Jacks: 50 ~ Under Sodium: Y
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 46~ Under Sodium: Y
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 00~ Under Sodium: N (155 over)
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 96/210
    Days Under Sodium: 2/7
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 00 (it's the long work day every Monday ~ Under Sodium: Y
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 240 ~ Under Sodium: YUP
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 00 Jogging in circuits instead ~ Under Sodium: Nope :-/ but not by much....
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 240/210
    Days Under Sodium: 2/7
  • pjfmaui73
    pjfmaui73 Posts: 408
    Mon: 100 jumping jacks/ Under Sodium-No (way over-1800+)
    Tues: 0 jumping jacks/ under in Sodium-Yes
    Wed: 75 jumping jacks (all at once :smile:)/ under in Sodium-Yes
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    MON – Jumping Jacks: 60 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N? Y (2391mg)
    TUE - Jumping Jacks: 90 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N? N (2752mg)
    WED - Jumping Jacks: 120 ~ Under Sodium: Y/N? Y (1461)
    THU - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    FRI - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SAT - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?
    SUN - Jumping Jacks: ## ~ Under Sodium: Y/N?

    Total Jumping Jacks: 270/210
    Days Under Sodium:2/7