So discouraged



  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I'm 4ft 9 1/2in (haha) My healthy BMI says I should weight between 85.5 and I think 114. I started at 162 so in order to be at the low end of my BMI I'd have to lose about half of my body weight... And honestly that just makes me laugh. It's never going to happen. I have big boobs and a big *kitten*... I'm ok with that, I just want them to be firmer and in the right places! Haha you have a goal because that's where YOU want to be. If/When you get there he'd probably have no idea how much you weighed. Keep your goal and when you get there *kitten* how you feel and adjust from there. Dont worry about it now. Good luck!