UK Northern Numpties vs Southern Softies Spring Challenge



  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    Northern team

    Current weight: 200lbs
    Height: 5' 7 (170cm)
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Morning losers!

    Weighed in this morning and am 261lb ( 18 stone 9) am 5'5" so makes my BMI 43.4. It'd be nice to get to under 40 during this challenge so I can lose the morbidly obese but might be a bit of an ask as I need 3lb a week and I'm slowing down now. Found a spreadsheet from January 2009 on my PC when I was 23 stone 6 with a BMI of 53 and super morbidly obese. Never again!

    Good luck to all
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi Rosy,

    My first weigh in on the new challenge.

    Am down 0.4lb from 143 to 142.6. -- :yawn: not exactly earth shattering, but Stroutman (the "lean people getting leaner" guru on this forum) says that's good going at my range, so will take my 'almost half a pound' loss and mustn't grumble... :grumble:
  • susie1100
    susie1100 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am new to this site and would like to join your challenge. I weighed in this morning at 176lbs and I am 5'8'' tall. I live in Croydon so that makes me a Southern Softy. Looking forward to posting a lighter weight next Saturday.
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Another pound off this week, so I am now 169 (Height 5'4")

    Southern Softie Em xx
  • IanGiles
    IanGiles Posts: 54
    I know my diet changed dramatically this week, the previous week was fish & chips, Indian, Dominos and a Chines,e but I'm a tad shocked, I can see the difference in my stomach and face.

    I've been eating under my calorie count every day except one and have done 3x 15mins, 1x 26mins and 1x 40 mins on the treadmill and have lost a total of...


    Down from 202lbs to 189.4lbs (5'11")

    Ian (the North)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    0.5lbs off for me which im ok with as i reached goal last week and anything now is a bonus, so weight now is 125lbs (8st 13lbs), id like to get to 8st 12lbs but not fussed about how long it will take!
  • rachie78sw
    I lost 1lb 3/4 this week taking me to 164.8 (height 5ft 8)

    Rach (Southern Softie) xx
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    0.5lbs off for me which im ok with as i reached goal last week and anything now is a bonus, so weight now is 125lbs (8st 13lbs), id like to get to 8st 12lbs but not fussed about how long it will take!

    im 5'3" which makes my BMI 23
  • Rhian_81
    Rhian_81 Posts: 49 Member
    Unfortunately, no weight loss for me this week. I stayed the same at 166lb. My BMI dropped but not enough for a lb loss.

    Will work hard next week, I don't want to let the southern softies down.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would love to join in, and am as Southern as you get (on the South Coast), but I don't own any scales, so a weigh in is kind of impossible for me!

    I promise I will lose LOADS, though!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Ian that is fantastic well done!

    Im changing my weigh in day to Sundays as another challenge I have joined starts tomorrow and since I normally weigh in Monday - just in case I have lost weight Id like to start from that rather than last weeks weight :)

    So will update tomorrow if I have lost anything or not. TOMs here at the mo though and I tend to weigh more when he is visiting! grrrrrrrr!!!!!!

    Well done to everyone who is losing keep up the good work!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I would love to join in, and am as Southern as you get (on the South Coast), but I don't own any scales, so a weigh in is kind of impossible for me!

    I promise I will lose LOADS, though!

  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    It is 1.1 pound loss for me this week.

    Now at 138.9 pounds. (5ft5)
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    aaarrrrgggghhhhh I stayed the same ?!?!?!
    I did have 2 not so great days when TOM arrived and he is still here so I am guessing thats why :(
    so still 138lbs for me :(
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    not sure whether this counts as my starting weight or my first loss but 2lb off this week :-) come on southern softies gett innnnn!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    0.5lbs off for me which im ok with as i reached goal last week and anything now is a bonus, so weight now is 125lbs (8st 13lbs), id like to get to 8st 12lbs but not fussed about how long it will take!
    can I edit please? I was actually 1lb down. Updated on phone app which always messes my updates :-)
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi Rosy

    Just weighed in for week one and am down 2lbs (making me 160). So close to target now!

    K x
  • sezp
    sezp Posts: 69
    If I'm not too late, I'd like to join the Southern Softies!

    I weigh in on Fridays and my SW for this challenge is 212.5lbs. I'm 5'7".

    Wooooooo! Good luck everyone!

    Sarah x
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    ok week one weigh in for me.... last week 275.5 this week 271 so thats 4.5 pounds for the numpties (i'm still 5'8" - i'm hoping that doesn't change)
