How did you gain weight?...

ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
edited September 25 in Chit-Chat
Not wanting to offend anybody.. But how did you gain weight?
Have you been big since a child?
Or did you pile on the pounds when you first moved out of the family home?
Maybe it was relationship weight?

So go on.. I'm curious :)

For me,
I first put on weight when my parents split up and I had three people (mum, dad, grandma) who all fed me differently. I was 7 so was happy to get Mars bars every tuesday from my grandma and bake a pudding for after tea. I didn't care that my dad bought takeaways all the time when I was there on weekends. And I loved that my mum gave me dinner money to spend as I wished.
Then I lost weight....
And gained it all back and much more when I settled in a happy relationship!
Takeaways, parties, sharing a big cae that I'd baked for us, you name it we ate it!!


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    small kid, and thin in HS (size 6)
    had kiddie #1 and lost all the weigh within a few weeks..thought I was a hot shot..LOL
    Had baby #2...not significant/crazy weight gain high 30's total, but being home with 2 kids under 18 mnths all of a sudden....stopped all walking/work out and I held on to about 25+ pounds for too long

  • emotional eating
  • ms_erica
    ms_erica Posts: 173 Member
    I was always a chubby child and then everything went to the right places when h.s came around...once those years were over with i gained over 130 lbs after having my two first children a year and a week apart...i think a lot of it came from unsolved emotions/laziness
  • At 25, stop excercise and was eating terrible. Never really learned what healthy eating is until now.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    2000, i was 45 kilos i was 13. My nan fed me! I had just moved down from living with my dad. I had competitions to eat as many sausages as i could every friday night. Then i just kept eating til i was 95 kilos and woke upto myself! i lost 17 in my first attept but gained most of it back, so now second time round!
  • Not wanting to offend anybody.. But how did you gain weight?
    Have you been big since a child?
    Or did you pile on the pounds when you first moved out of the family home?
    Maybe it was relationship weight?

    - Not working out.
    - Eating crappy food and drinking 1-2 CASES of soda every day, facilitated by a job in the video game industry.
    - Not getting on the scale.
    - Not having honest enough friends to tell me I was getting big.
    - Being on depo provera, which increased by appetite.
    - Having lots of excuses to eat.

    Yes, I had had weight issues all my life, but it became a serious concern after I started working at a company surrounded by people who would eat and play video games all day.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Ever since I hit puberty, I've struggled with my weight. There were times where it got pretty high, and then I'd lose it again = freshman yr of college, first pgncy, 2nd pgncy....I've weighed almost 50 lbs more than I do now at times. So I've been dieting and exercising since I was a teen.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Mine would definitely be "relationship weight gain" although I like to blame it on puberty as well.
    I was in the best shape of my life going to the gym 3 times a week and doing yoga every night when I met my boyfriend three years ago. However gym time quickly turned into time spent with him,and eating out a lot as new couples tend to do
    Glad I am liberating myself now of the weight before "comfortable 15" turned into 50.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I had a baby. Gained 45 pounds. 20 came off right after childbirth, then 10 more over the next year. Took me 5 more years to take it all off with a lot of yoyoing inbetween.
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I was always thin my lowest weight was 135 pound which for my height was too skinny... Then i moved from Australia to Canad when i was 22 and the weight just crept oup on my 6 yrs later my highest weight was 215 and i was like ENOUGH!!!!

    I dont know if it was stress of moving countries, no friends, no job all combined but come on that excuse can only work for like 6 months after u settle down right? So i guess i just got into loving food for everything...

    Enough is enough and this year I WANT MY SKINNY BODY back i do not want to be 135 again i will settle for 160 mmm oh to be that weight where i can go shopping and things will look good again *jumps with excitment*
  • brandi16
    brandi16 Posts: 56
    I was thin and in shape my whole life...until I blew out my knee for the second time. I had reconstructive surgery on my knee, then a few months later got pregnant with my first child. I was sick the entire nine months...then had the bright idea to have my shoulder fixed since I had put it off for 7 years. Six months after that, I was pregnant with my second. After I had my second, I just had no interest in working out or taking time for myself, so I didn't. I was overweight for about a total of 7 LONG years...that is my story in a nutshell...
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I was a heavy child, runs in the family, short and heavy, but my sister gained the "other" gene, taller and thin. I was a normal child and weight didnt seem to be an issue until I was in about the 2nd grade. By high school I was fed up with being made fun of, soooo.... My sophmore year I went from a size 16 to 0 in less than a year. Yes, I starved myself! Then, 2 children came along and after years of the diet roller coster I am ready to do it right. There is no quick fix (I learned the hard way) unless it is a lifestyle change and if I was overweight for many years then I can be patient long enough to get to my ideal size with time and the right way.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    A combonation of PCOS and hypothyroid.

    It sucked. But at least I know now.
  • Young marriage, pregnancy/miscarriage, divorce, stress, alcoholism, laziness, etc. I ended up gaining 100 lbs in about 2 years. It took about a year and a half, but I lost 80. Over the last year or so, I've gained about 30 from a cross between a change in medicine and massive amounts of stress. But a lot of that is gone now. :) So I hope to knock off 30-50 lbs.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Mine was not enough exercise... and boredum eating... eat when I was bored, or when I had things I needed to get done... haha some how I was always standing in the pantry! Now I go exercise when I have stuff that needs done... still procrastination but a better form I think!
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I was always what one would consider slightly overweight, though looking back at high school I think I looked HOT. I was taller than most of my friends growing up, and went through puberty first (I'm a nice hourglass, even with the extra weight). I had been eating a low fat diet at my parents' house since I was nine because of my dad's health problems. So going away to college was the first thing that caused me to gain some weight. I gained about 30 pounds through college, and could not shed it before I got married (I wasn't doing it the healthy way, to be sure). My husband (we're separated now) loves fast food, and our house is near the center of our town, so much closer to McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and his favorite (which I can't stand except the custard) Culver's. In almost 4 years of marriage, I gained about 100 pounds! I started losing with MFP shortly before he left me, and have lost about 20 more pounds since he's been gone.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I was a tiny child, but heavier teenager, got up to 170's in my early twenties ... I lost 50 lbs, but have been up and down 20 lbs from winter to summer.. .I live in a snowy mountain town, so every October - March I gain 20 lbs because there isn't much to do other than go to the gym (and 20 lb gain is still with consistant 4 hour a week exersising) But in summers we hike, and swim, play tennis, beach volleyball etc... So when it comes to winter, hard to keep the weight down

    No biggie come June it's always back off :)

    Growing up it was bad food choices, no ifs and or butts about it
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Honestly, just having a miserable life and not wanting to have to do anything about it. I got heavy years after having my children. I was forcing myself to live a life I thought I was supposed to be living ("married," stay-home mom, no hobbies, nothing to enjoy except going out to eat with my ex), and I thought it was too ambitious to finish college. So I felt stuck and just kept gaining and gaining and gaining, until I finally did something to alleviate the misery I had wrapped myself in.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I got pregnant with my daughter at 19 years old and my weight just balooned! I gained 70 pounds with my pregnancy but was sick all the time and didn't know what the heck was going on. I was tested for toxemia twice but nothing came up. Apparently my body decide to change as I had a hard time controlling my weight from then on . . . now almost 22 years later and I have finally figured it out . . . ha ha . . . apparently drinking a couple of beer everyday and not exercising is not healthy!
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