How did you gain weight?...



  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    Allowing myself to indulge in poor habits. I spent a lot of time with my loser ex-boyfriend. He had bad habits, so I had bad habits. We got really fat together. I broke up with him, lost the weight and guess what, he is still a fat loser. Ha, ha!

    (It was like losing 367lb in a year. 100 for me and the rest was him. Ha!)
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    I was really skinny until I graduated high school. In high school, I ran cross–country and winter track and I played softball in the spring and summer. I ate whatever I wanted and stayed skinny because of all that exercise! In the beginning of college I worked out at the gym pretty regularly but got sidelined by a number of knee injuries (chronic because of the former track running). After the injuries started I spent about 2 years not exercising at all. Also, I moved to NYC and so while I was walking a lot, I NEVER cooked. I went out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and did not watch what I was ordering AT ALL. One summer, I alternated between pizza, burgers and thai food every night for dinner–disgusting. Then, I moved to France for a while and lost about 25lbs and felt great! (by the way, while in france I lost all this weight while drinking probably 2 bottles of wine per weekend, a 1/2 a baguette a night, and a pastry a day...also lots of cheese–that place is magical!) But, the weight slowly crept back on when I came back to the states as I was eating larger portions and more processed foods.
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    I was really skinny until I graduated high school. In high school, I ran cross–country and winter track and I played softball in the spring and summer. I ate whatever I wanted and stayed skinny because of all that exercise! In the beginning of college I worked out at the gym pretty regularly but got sidelined by a number of knee injuries (chronic because of the former track running). After the injuries started I spent about 2 years not exercising at all. Also, I moved to NYC and so while I was walking a lot, I NEVER cooked. I went out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and did not watch what I was ordering AT ALL. One summer, I alternated between pizza, burgers and thai food every night for dinner–disgusting. Then, I moved to France for a while and lost about 25lbs and felt great! (by the way, while in france I lost all this weight while drinking probably 2 bottles of wine per weekend, a 1/2 a baguette a night, and a pastry a day...also lots of cheese–that place is magical!) But, the weight slowly crept back on when I came back to the states as I was eating larger portions and more processed foods.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I moved to France... and I would eat whenever I got homesick!
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I always felt like I was bigger then everyone else in high school but looking back at pictures I really wasn't. I'd say I started to gain once I was about 18 - 19 and going to the bars every night (and for fast food after!).

    Since then I've lost and gained 60 -80 lbs at lest 7 times. I can lose no problem when I put my mind to it, it just comes back just as fast whether I lose fast, slow, healthy unhealthy.
    I actually blame the Dr. Bernstein diet which was how I lost it the first two times, it really killed my metabolism and how I view dieting(made me afraid of food)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I love ice cream, chocolate, cappuccino. big greasy cheese burgers, pizza and Olive Garden!! Simple as that!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I was not a small kid, more average... but my child hood was loopy, my father left when I was 6, my mother worked all the time, we lived on food stamps (so I started hiding food).. Kids would make fun of me in Junior high because my mom drove a beat up car... and then the emotions started kicking in... and I started eating... still I was not HUGE... but then my grandmother passed away, the dearest thing to me... and well my story is all down hill from there... by the time I was out of highschool I was easily 260lbs... and it kept getting worse, I would yo yo diet.. When I met my husband I was at my lowest adult weight which was about 240... then we got comfortable and before we knew it I was 297 and he was 360?!?! :noway:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Genetics, inactivity, love of food, eating my emotions, and some health conditions all contributed to myweight problem. I've been heavy since puberty and was never active enough to support how much I liked to eat. I gained about 100 pounds between middle school and graduating from college, and am working to lose some of that, improve my health and increase my physical fitness.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    In my mid-to-late-20s... going from working an on-my-feet-all-day job to a desk job, coupled with slowing metabolism, then meeting and living with my husband and eating a lot more. When I was single, I was content to just have a bowl of cereal for dinner, but as a couple, I wanted to have a real sit-down meal together. So that bumped it up a bit.

    Then I developed TMJ issues. A slipped disc in my jaw. Lost a good chunk of weight because I couldn't chew normally. Once I could eat again, I made up for lost time and gained it all back.

    Got a physically demanding job, then a dog, and lost some again.

    Lost the job, lost my Mom, got depression, gained weight. Got a little better, lost my Dad, got more depressed, gained more weight. Joined a gym, lost a little. Quit the gym, lost my cat, got even more depressed. Bought too much Halloween candy, gained more weight.

    Then I got the depression under control and started here. :smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Always was a heavy kid, I started noticing it right around 4th or 5th grade that I wasn't as small as everyone else. High school wasn't fun and I wasn't very active. I tried softball for a few years but I gave it up to focus on school stuff after 9th grade. Got to college and seriously overate and overdrank so I added another 40 or so pounds to an already overweight self. Took me until after graduation to have the time and motivation to deal with it all. Now I"m down 65 lbs and I've never been this small in my entire adult life. I was a size 12 or 14 when I was 15, now I'm a size 6.
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I was always was on the larger side. HS i was around 180. Then college came and i was working 2 full time jobs and i was able to drop down to 145 (from constantly being on the run) Then, I got pregnant. Gained about 30 pounds and then didn't lose any of it. Instead, i gained due to horrible relationship problems and life stress (I am an emotional eater) I got up to 220. Then, i lost the bad boyfriend and lost 35 pounds. Then a few years later, I got together with my husband and the weight crept back up to 205 from being lazy and eating whatever whenever we wanted. I stated MFP and now am down 23 pounds so far. My goal is to get back to 145 and stay there!
  • Asomething
    Asomething Posts: 62 Member
    I was always "chubby" as a child & teenager. Then I moved out and had money only for bills & cigs and lost 30lbs. Then got married, quit smoking and tried to start having children, had lots of trouble (3 miscarriages & infertility issues). Between the meds and depression eating I gained 70 lbs. 3 kids & 8 years later I've inched up another 15 lbs.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    My gain started when I first turned 21 and drank a lot of beer. About 10 pounds later, I started trying to eat better and make healthier choices for alcohol. I was back and forth for another few years and at about 5 pounds heavier than I wanted to be, my boss did an exercise challenge at work. We got an extra 15 minutes of lunch time if we used it for exercise. I lost those 5 pounds in no time. And then, I met my fiance and got comfortable in our relationship and those 5 pounds were back. After we moved out of our parents house into a house of own, I gained about 15-20 more pounds in almost a year. So now, I am trying to lose 10 pounds before my first alterations appointment for my wedding dress on May 1st. I want to be the weight I was when I bought it, and then I will work on the next 10 and keeping them off for our wedding.
  • kalebsmama07
    was skinny as a child...n tiny...we moved to a diff state after eleamentry school...started school n blew up after the first yr....stayed at 140's thru high school..... food was my comfort for moving n starting a new school n new friends...then after high school...things went down hill i got kicked out of my parents house...then me n my fiance now had our son....who is now almost 4...and after having my son in 2007 my parents split n i was an emotional ive had my ups n downs n ive been working toward getting down to 140lbs since january of 2008 with a starting weight then of 188lbs... ive lost almost 50 im just playin up n downs rite now and after almost 10 yrs with my fiance im getting married in 54 this is another stressful n emotional time for me especially with food...n dealing with family matters of my parents..coming around each other since the split... ps...alittle of not enought exercise n bordem mixed into one...
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Not chubby as a kid, but not thin either.

    I got a bit lazy after leaving the Navy and gained 10 lbs; got back on track for a few years but once I stopped using my tracking website (now defunct got those 10 lbs back again. THEN, I got pregnant. Let myself go nuts basically, hoping breastfeeding would magically melt the pounds away. It didn't. If anything I was hungrier when I was EPing.

    10/2008 - 150 lbs (pre-preg)
    07/2009 - 198 lbs (immediately post-partum)
    10/2010 - 182 lbs (decided to get healthy again.
  • as1789
    as1789 Posts: 46
    Parents didn't know anything about nutrition so fed me anything that was cheap as a child (and I was PICKY). I didn't know anything about nutrition, obviously, so I stopped eating in 8th grade because I was sick of being the fat kid. Got to a size 6/8 sophomore year in HS and gave up on not eating and stuffed my face. Gained it all back plus another 15ish to hit my highest weight of 235. Now (5 yrs later), my parents adopted a healthy lifestyle last year (as soon as all the kids left the house..) and lost a ton of weight. I am, again, sick of being the fat one, so I have to teach myself proper nutrition and exercise instead of not eating like last time because that didn't seem to work out too well.
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    Got hooked on chips, love of pasta and hate exercise.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Boredom eating, and not enough exercise
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i gained some bad habits at home as a child. my mum was a nurse, so food was often convenience food (little packets of chips and chocolate coated museli bars for school lunches, packet creamy pastas with tea etc.)

    but i don't blame it all on that, i got fit when i left home and was healthy and turned into a gym junkie, but i've always had a soft spot for potato chips and anything "bready" and love my chocolate.

    i started putting on weight in my late 20's even though i was still going to the gym 3+ times a week, riding and walking to work, i just liked too much food. And then when i got pregnant, i used it as the biggest excuse to just binge like crazy and eat anything i wanted. i stopped exercising, and put on 10kg with each child.... yuck!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I was always the skinny, middle child up until I was 11-12...lived with my mom and 2 sisters and we were ALL overweight. No healthy eating habits, no exercise whatsoever, I slept, went to school, work (high school) homework, ate and repeat daily. Then i was about 19-20, got back together with a ex boyfriend who lived 7 miles away and the only way up there was a bus/bike (sometimes our parents) a lot of times to save money for bus/gas I took my 21 speed mountain bike and rode 7-15 miles a day up and back and dropped 60-70 pounds over 6 months..then we broke up, i met someone else and moved away, then the weight came back on..ALL of it. Now im trying to lose again. :happy: