Garbage bags to lose weight?



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You do burn calories sweating if Im not mistaken its about 300 calories an hour but should drink water while your in the bags to stay hydrated. Also sweating helps your immune system by indirectly cleansing your blood and lymph system. Lastly it is good for your skin.

    So don't make yourself sweat to just lose water weight and put it back on but don't think making yoruself sweat is stupid either.

    I doubt that it is 300 cals/hour, that is as much as some people burn exercising. I would guess more like 30 more cals/hour than you would burn if you were not sweating.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    MMA Fighters use 'Sweat Suits' to lose quick lbs for a weigh in, but it's so temperary it's not even funny ... not worth it IMO
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Let me rephrase how that was said for example sitting in a sauna at high tempatures is not going to burn many calories from sweating but if your exercising while making yourself sweat you raise your metabolic rate which therefor burns more calories than you normally would. It's like anything else you do just have to do it safe and make sure your hydrating.
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