Men! I need your help!



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    There goes my hopes and dreams LOL

    it's ok, we can still cuddle :wink:
    I use smileys all the time and it's fabulous!!

    Sup bro? :smile:
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    :laugh: The fact that you are concerned about your daughters boyfriends texting style shows you need a hobby
    LBATL Posts: 76 Member
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    Seriously? That's a pretty rude response.

    Obviously you have too much time on your hands if you are worrying about this kid's texting style. Good luck with this - all you are going to do is end up alienating your daughter which will push her closer to her boyfriend. Kick her *kitten* out if it's that serious. The world has bigger problems then men using may have to google "emoticon" since that's not in your generation's vocabulary.
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    WOW! Seriously? I think that's a very appropriate response to your question. Why do you care if he sends smileys to his guy friends? Why do you care that he sends her coded love notes? That's adorable!

    Just give her a break and let her make her own mistakes. She'll thank you later for it. She's not a child, she's allowed to date who she wants.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    I use smileys all the time and it's fabulous!!

    Sup bro? :smile:

    I meant ummm... Manly.. it's very MANLY!!

  • HalfofHilary
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    WOW. . . That wasn't nessesary. She gave an honest opinion, and you asked in a public forum. There really wasn't a need to be nasty to her and jump down her throat. But then again, I suppose sometimes the truth does hurt us adults.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Um, who cares how he texts? Whether men do it or not (and I know lots who do, and are perfectly lovely people and boyfriends/husbands to their significant others), it's not exactly indicative of a horrible person to use smileys in a text message.

    I also agree with the other posters. If you ask for an opinion, you'll get it. No need to be rude to people who don't tell you what you want to hear. And what you are looking to hear, honestly, is so irrelevant to any real issue that I'm kinda confused as to why you even care about it at all.
  • rockabyesarojane
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    If you do not want honest UNBIASED opinions you should not post a topic. Not everyone is going to tell you what you want to hear.

    to be fair. we're not men. which is what she asked for.
    but i would think the more input the better- that's just me though.

    although i have to admit that i don't see the harm in finding out from someone around the same age what thier perspective might be to figure how best you'd want to handle the situation when it comes to directly dealing with the daughter in question.
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Reminds me of Charlie Murphy in The Boondocks "Bi*ches love smiley faces" haha.

    But in all seriousness, the guy is 20, he's still kind of a kid, kids these days grew up texting and using emoticons so it's probably not that uncommon for his demographic.

    I don't use them that often when texting but I do use them occasionally in an IM. My favorite one to use is :D because I detest the phrase "lol" and I refuse to use it... except for just now, that may have been the only time I've ever used it in my life.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    Pretty good advice.

    I have three daughters. I've always been supportive in their choices. Haven't always approved, but always been there for them. If you try to manage their lives, they will be less likely to confide in you, and the less likely they are to confide in you, the more likely they are to turn to someone else for help when they need it.

    Texting. I think it's ridiculous, but it is what it is and everyone in her generation is doing it. How is it that you are reading his text messages?
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Sounds kinda homo to me...
    Me too.

    Wow., way to be bigots. Congrats!
  • PokenStick
    PokenStick Posts: 204
    From your description he sounds more like a high schooler than a 20 year old...but not necessarily "homo" or weird.

    And yeah, when trying to convey emotion online, I've used smilies to other guys....hell I've used hearts before.

    .....nvm maybe I'm just the weird one.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I have a 20 (almost 21) yr old daughter who is dating a 21 yr old LOSER- yes he is a loser- he barely graduated from high school- and hasn't worked since. Lives at home so his mommy can baby him. My daughter graduated from high school - has held a full time job and will graduate in 6 weeks from college w/ her bachelors in Criminal Justice. He is mean and degrading towards her- yet she thinks he is her EVERYTHING! It kills me. I hope everyday that tomorrow will be the day she finally smartens up. We've had never ending discussions about him which ALWAYS end up in an arguments. She has had a nervous breakdown because of him- yet she still stays with him. But she is an adult. As hard as it is- As parents we sometimes have to be willing to step back and bite our tongues - allow our kids to make mistakes and learn from them. In my opinion, as long as they aren't talking marriage or babies- let her be- if he's not the one for her- she'll realize it sooner or later.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    Wow!! My apologies to alecta. You had great advice and insight. Unfortunately, Marla is not looking for advice and insight; she is looking for someone to agree with her opinion of her daughter's boyfriend and, possibly, someone that might enjoy slamming him with her.
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I don't use smileys with dudes. But that's not the situation here. The situation is a guy texting or FBing with a girl. A girl he is dating.

    I've been married for the whole text/FB era... but I'd imagine given the stupid stuff I did and said to girls when I was single that I would be all up in the smileys, especially if it was something that would score me points with a girl I was dating. HTH
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    #1: Alecta337 is 100% right. Her response was thoughtful and honest and I stand behind her words as a former 19-year old girl.
    #2: Marla64 might want to reassess who is behaving "like a third grade girl".
    #3: If you think smiley faces are "homo" you're absolutely ignorant to what it means to be homosexual.

  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I use smileys all the time, but most of my male friends and i have an unspoken agreement that we're not going to spontaneously start making out with each other.

    :laugh: Dammit Taso. You have a knack for making me bust out laughing.
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    I use smileys all the time, but most of my male friends and i have an unspoken agreement that we're not going to spontaneously start making out with each other.

    There goes my hopes and dreams :cry: LOL

    He said most! There's still a chance... (for you, not me)
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    If I got a text from one of my buddies and it had a smiley face or something he'd catch some serious hell. I'm still getting used to them dropping lol or something.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    All right gentlemen--

    So, I have this 19 year old daughter, dating a 20 year old guy whom my husband and I detest. He is more like a third grade girl. Stays up all night skyping and texting my child. Sends her cute love notes in code on her facebook page, and uses smileys in replies to his male buddies.

    So I ask you, gentleman...... Do dudes use smilies with other dudes?

    Please, please, please-- your opinions, please?

    Do I use smilies with other dudes? Yea - sometimes if I'm trying to convey what I'm saying in a lighthearted mood. But I also go by Mikey sometimes and I use pictures of cute puppies as forum avatars so I must be gay. Don't tell my wife though - it's a secret.

    The fact is that technology has changed in the many years since you were in the dating world. Cell phones, computers, internet, Facebook - they all give you access 24 hours a day into other peoples lives. For better or for worse that's the way the younger generations like it. If she is making your cell phone bill go through the roof or keeping you up at night then tell her to stop or get out. If this guy is a drug addict or abusive or just a jerk then tell her your opinion and that you disapprove. But if he is just a nice guy that wants to get to know everything about your daughter then give him a chance.
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