How many sizes do you have in your closet?



  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    i have sizes 4 and 6 mostly, some 8s (mediums?) and very few 2s (probably cut bigger, like american eagle. bahhh must fit back into my clothes again!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    Well, my pants are split between two closets. At school, I have size 4 and 5. At home, I keep my 6s and 8s. They are huge on me so I only wear them when I go home on the weekend. I haven't had the time to make a big shopping trip and replace my pants yet, so I only have four pairs of pants that actually fit me. Luckily, some of my pants have an adjustable waistband so I don't have to waste too much money.
  • amycakes812
    amycakes812 Posts: 441
    I have one pair of size 16 jeans and a shirt that I kept just as my reminder to never go back. That aside, I purged all of my clothes as I shrunk...thrift stores and Walmart were a wonderful thing to get smaller clothes. Now I have (a few) 2s, 4s, XS and S tops hanging in my closet. I do have 2 pairs of size 6 jeans that I hope to not need, but kept just in case! Once I stayed within the same weight/ size range for a year, I grew a fetish for Black House White Market and bought several pieces from there. I find it VERY encouraging to have more expensive clothing as I DO NOT want to grow out of them! If what I have starts to get snug, I know it is time to get back on MFP, log my food, try to get in some work far it has worked!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    My smallest is a pair of UK size 10 jeans. I will never wear them again because they're really worn but I just want them to fit again.
    My biggest is a 50's inspired dress, unfortunately with 50's sizes!! So by todays standards its about an 18, but the label says 22!
    My biggest in "real" sizes is a pair of size 20 jeans. Too big even when I bought them though.
    I wear a 14-18 depending on shop, style and what part of my body it's for!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    2 pants sizes in the closet, 4 in bags headed for Goodwill. Haven't bagged the button up shirts yet, planning on wearing them over tank tops this spring. 3 sizes of buttonless shirts and sweaters in the bags too. After the next size drop I will have to go shopping, I will be in unexplored territory!
  • timetripper42
    4x 3x 2x L and I am a 3x at the moment getting close to a 2x as for pants 50s then 48s then 46s then 44s then42s and 40s even a few pair of 38s which is my goal
  • Cori615
    Cori615 Posts: 100
    Size 7,9,13 and currently 15 :/ although i think i might be able to squeeze into my 13 it just won't look right lol
    shirts M,L,XL currently L :)
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    mostly size 4-8
    but even now that I am pretty steady my tops range from small-large....
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    mostly size 4-8
    but even now that I am pretty steady my tops range from small-large....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Just UK 10 and 12. I give away all the clothes that don't fit me. I think I have some post baby size 14 jeans in the attic.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    If you count my wedding dress (a 12), then 3 sizes. The size 6 I'm currently in, the 8s I most recently left behind, and my wedding dress.

    There's not a lot in my closet, actually....I assume the rack of exercise clothing isn't what you were talking about (since those are sorted by "too grubby for public, too loose for yoga, and yoga appropriate" rather than size.) And I have some sweaters that I maintain still fit the size 6 me at least as well as they fit the size 16 me.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Haha, I have sizes from 14-20 in my closet.. I'm currently fitting my 16s again, but can't wait to make it to 14 (and below!) I don't have any single-digit clothes because I've been overweight since middle school (yikes!). I'm hoping to change that though, and end up at an 8-10 and not have to worry about a plus size section when I go shopping with my friends!

    Once I get into a 14, I'm thinking of throwing out all of my 18-20s jeans. Or I might keep the sloppiest pair of 20s I own as a reminder to not go back there, I'm not sure yet.
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    before i started my lifestyle change i used to have 20-28 sized clothes.

    now i have 14-18. just added the 14 size this weekend. i wanted to cry and dance in the dressing room.
  • sherrisluzinit4good
    sherrisluzinit4good Posts: 50 Member
    I mostly have 16-24. The smaller stuff is not even necessarily anything I'll want to wear again, just stuff I'll use to see if I fit those sizes again. The 24s are too big, but some of the shirts look OK too big. Right now I'm between 20 and 22.

    I'm with you there sweetie... 16's on up to 2 XL for me. I have kept my fav stuff and I've decided I'm doing Goodwill or Flea Markets to find what I need until I get to the right size for my frame. I have NO IDEA what that is, it has been soooo long!! LOL
  • caitylynn62
    caitylynn62 Posts: 99 Member
    this is a very interesting post! I thought I was the only one with wide ranges of sizes! For my pants I have everything from 4's-10's, 4's being things like jeans from american eagle which stretch and are pretty tight, and 10's being things I bought when I was a size 8 and bought becasue they were on sale and looked fine with a belt. Cant wait until I can fit into the 4's easily!