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  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    I don't know how many songs are written about the lengths that extraordinary men go to for the women they love. What about the extraordinary lengths that women go to every day for the men who refuse to love anyone more than they love themselves? That would be a great music video. I can empathise with where you are. I spent 2 years with a "man-child" right out of high school, and then spent 4 years married to another one. Then, I went through some deep soul searching (paired with a wonderful therapist, and a little help from anti-depressants). I'd like to say that my life is "happily ever after", but let's face it- that only happens when you're animated by Walt Disney. In real life, the struggle continues, but so do we. That's where I am now. I eventually found a wonderful, supportive man (who acts like a man instead of a boy). We have out struggles. We win some and lose some, but at least we're on the same team. I feel genuinely loved and supported, even when he makes stupid comments - he's great, but he's still a guy - not a god. I wish I could give some wise sage advice to fix the problem, but all I can say is, "hang in there", and remember what you're worth. If you don't - then others probably won't either. Even between relationships, you're never really single. Don't take me for a Bible-thumper, but God really is there, and He hurts when you hurt - and He hurts when you hurt yourself. God delivered my husband to me - and me to him. I hope He does the same for you.
  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    I love the last thought in your post - that you will spread the wealth. My husband laughs when I go and tell people that they look nice. He says it's awkward and silly. He said I sound like an old lady - I told him old ladies are awesome, and I plan to become one some day. I told him he doesn't understand - and he doesn't, and that's ok.