Starting the 30DS over again who is with 1



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    You are so right, I feel SO good right now. Did much better today than yesterday, not very sore at all (just my shoulders from the ... alterior lifts? what are they called?)
  • tcampy65
    tcampy65 Posts: 19
    Ok folks...I hate to say it, but, I did not get day two done today (level one) because as I attempted, I could not perform even the cardio due to being soooooo sore! I cannot believe I am this out of shape....I am determined that I will get through this tomorrow and I'm going to do a warm up walk or something to warm my leg muscles up (I can barely get up and down the stairs today) watched 'biggest loser' shows, and this gillian kicked my butt 20 minutes!!!!

    Thanks for keeping me inspired to go for day 2 again tomorrow... :-)
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    did second day..the crunches are killing me
  • hollie06
    hollie06 Posts: 3
    I started the 30DS last week and LOVE it! I am a runner and it take A LOT to get my heart rate in the "fat burning" zone. The first time I did it was with a friend at her house. I wore my heart monitor and burned 189 in 23 mins! I was hooked...:) I loved it so much I wanting to see how much I would burn doing L1 and L2 back to back...and it was AWESOME... about 47 mins total... 435 cal later. (that was with 8lb DBs) Everyone keep up the great work!
  • tcampy65
    tcampy65 Posts: 19
    Good news.... I made it through level 1 day 2!

    ...although my body is still screaming at me...psychologically it's a huge esteem booster! I've been reading all the posts and looking forward to after the first week

  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Good news.... I made it through level 1 day 2!

    ...although my body is still screaming at me...psychologically it's a huge esteem booster! I've been reading all the posts and looking forward to after the first week


    A few weeks ago I tried to do 30DS and gave up after day 4 or so. The first day was really tough for me, my thighs felt like they were completely destroyed. I couldn't sit on the toilet, I couldn't stand up to get out of my chair, I could barely hold myself up to walk across the room. I took a day off, and completed day 2 a day late, but did far better than day 1.

    This round, I am beating the crap out of it. It seems very easy to me now, and I'm actually gonna try level 2 tonight. EEK!

    I just wanted to share my experience, because I really didn't feel like I was out of shape at all. I jog 11 min miles (slow, but still decent) and I did P90 for months on and off with great success. I did not think at all that I was too out of shape for a 20 min dvd.
  • believe10
    I am in. Starting day 1 level 1 today. Did for 4 days over a month ago, but then work changed. It was hard, but I felt better after I did each day. Last year I did the Couch to 5k program. Started March 23 and ran in a 5k race in June 4. I ran the entire way and have never been a runner. So this March I am committing to this! We can do it. Happy to have others on the journey.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I tried it yesterday, and was convinced to go ahead and do the whole thing. So today is day 2 level 1. I'm sore from yesterday and I have to work tonight, so I'm a little scared about doing today. But I'm going to - then I'm sorry, but I'm taking tomorrow off and doing day three on Monday. :)

    Good luck, everyone!
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    day 3 level one....
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    day 3 level one....IM SO SOREEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Yesterday should have been my Day 3, but I had a migraine and really couldn't do it :( I could barely walk without the pain. I am doing 2 rounds today.... will that make up for it? :wink:
  • jillinthbox
    jillinthbox Posts: 18 Member
    It is super motivating to hear from others doing the 30DS that it gets easier. The first time I attempted it I stopped after 9 minutes (and I'm 5'6'', 140lbs)...

    Now, I am on day 4 of level one and it IS GETTING EASIER!! My adjusted pushups are increasing in number and the squats aren't actually KILLING me, though I was fairly convinced they were..

    Seriously is great to hear from people saying that they use level one as their warmup for level two.. although I am a little scared to jump up to the next level, MFP's community has convinced me its totally possible!!

    Thanks everyone. :)
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Count me in! I started my first ever round on 17/03, yesterday was like torture but today not so bad at all it, seems I have worked through the pain. I considered myself pretty fit but this had me sweating and sore. Took before pics so am determined to so a difference in my after pics.

    When's everyone going to crank it up to level 2?

  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I had a bad headache yesterday and was unable to exercise. So today I did one session of level 1 (for yesterday) and one session of level 2!!

    Level 2 is AMAZING. It is so hard for me, and I really look forward to it getting easier. I can really feel different muscle groups going into action, and I was out of breath (not sure if this was from the new level, or since I did 2 in a row)

    It was fantastic, and I will be doing level 2 again tomorrow =)
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Level 2 is AMAZING. It is so hard for me, and I really look forward to it getting easier. I can really feel different muscle groups going into action, and I was out of breath (not sure if this was from the new level, or since I did 2 in a row)

    How were you feeling today? I decided to take on Level 2 this morning, really enjoyed some of the moves, some of them hmmmm well it was my first go let's just hope I get better!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Feeling great, not dead tired and immovably sore like when I started day 1. :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Just did my second try at level 2, it's still rough!!

    Gonna take me a good week to get used to this, lots of upper arm and core stuff that I am so weak at! Great to know that it'll just be me getting stronger and buffer as I continue!

    How are you ladies doing?? C'mon post your triumphs and woes about Jillian and her shredding, I want to read more than just me blabbing on :smile:

    This was day 5, am I right? Did I lose count?
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    tmmrw was suppose to be my 4th day but cldnt do it so today will be my still on level oine sionce this is my frst try at 30ds n im taking it slowly:)
  • samerene
    samerene Posts: 86
    done with another day..its getting easier:)
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    This was day 5, am I right? Did I lose count?

    Yep ... Day 6 being faced head on! So glad you're getting through level 2, I'm amazingly upright today after my first attempt yesterday. I'm from the UK so Jillian Micahels isn't a household name but I'm really enjoying her style, every workout I do I need to hate on my trainer a little :tongue:

    So glad everyone's going for it, going to mark my calendar at home tonight with day 30 woohoo!