Weekend is coming...how do you get thru?



  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I wrote myself an eating plan for this weekend and have stuck by it.
    It has really helped!
    Good luck :)
  • NewToFitness
    Look up on mfp how many calories are in the food before ordering it. When u order food first thing is divide your food in half take half home and eat only half. Fill up on salad ignore the bread.

    This definitely works for me. I check the mobile app to see how many calories something is on a menu, and that normally scares me away from eating it.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    It's actually taking a lot of anger in me to finally change my eating on the weekend. I think with the right foods on the menu, I may regain 1 pound because of sodium intake, but with a cocktail, I'll regain 3 pounds during the weekend alone! Tonight, I ordered water with lemon and I ate toast (you can ask for just bread and salad with dressing on the side so you can control the amount of dressing you want). I was really proud of myself. The yo-yo with my weight (lose five pounds in a week, regain 3 on the weekend, lose the 3 again during the week, etc) is frustrating me, and I am getting really tired of it. I had lost almost 30 pounds in a year, and then I regained 7 around Valentine's day, and have had trouble returning to where I have left off. The weekend weight gain has brought on this difficulty, and adds unnecessary stress to losing weight. There is a goal that we've set for ourselves, and we need to give it extra attention during the weekend.

    Let's "survive" the weekend together so we can reach our end goal!
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    My hubby and I went to the Chinese buffet today. I worked out before, drank water with the meal, and saved calories by not eating other meals today. I just had coffee and a Fiber One bar this morning, and then we went to eat around 2:00. Then I wasn't hungry afterward. I guess if I had been hungry I would have had a salad or fruit for a late snack, but that wasn't an issue.

    I suppose there are fitness experts out there who will tell you that this isn't the BEST way to eat, but for the occasional splurge, I think it's okay. I was just barely over my calories today. For me, the bottom line is to make sure it's worth it, and then make accomodations for it.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I work weekends graveyard shift so I don't go out or get tempted in anyway. I just treat it like a normal workday and pack my lunch and go to work. I used to "misplace" my wallet alot to avoid the tempation of going on a late night fast food binge while @ work. if I didn't have my wallet, I didn't have $. No $ no fast food!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I find that drinking alcohol does the worst damage on the weekend. Even "light" alcoholic beverages have the same reaction as heavy ones. If you are a drinker, try to do without it. You'll be happier you did.