Should I buy running shoes?



  • dianarae82
    Make sure you research real running stores, not Foot Locker or Sports Authority. They'll probably be listed under speciality stores. Fleet Feet is a good one, along with Runner's Lane if you're on the west coast. If you go to Foot Locker the 17 year old kid will tell you that the entire wall is full of running shoes. The worst thing you can do is get shoes that will be counter-productive to running. Years and years of shin splints taught me that.
    And you CAN run. You just have to do it. I NEVER EVER thought I'd be out there running more than a mile, but now I'm up to 4 miles. It's amazing and addicting but you HAVE to stick with it. C25K should give you good results. You'd be amazed at what you can do!
    And remember: the mind will quit before the body. Talk yourself out of stopping. :) Good luck! I'm sure you'll do wonderful
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    My answer is a combo of everyone else's answers. Definitely get fitted. I wasn't a runner either. But I am now. In fact, some days I'll leave work early if it's sunny to squeeze a run in. Good shoes make all the difference for me. Someone mentioned running outdoors, definitely do that. It does make a difference. I was on week 4 of C25K, all indoors. When I went to run outdoors I couldn't do it. Machines can't accurately account for terrain, weather, and other variables you get running outdoors.

    So I started over on C25K but this time I'm doing it all outdoors, rain or shine. I can feel the difference running outside and I have to go harder than I did indoors.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    I want to try the Kswiss tubes (yes, I'm a Jillian Junkie) and went to try them on in our local store and theydidn't have anything in my size. How do they run as far as size? They are cheaper online at the Kswiss website, but I'm afraid to buy without trying them on.

    I think theyre spot on for size. Unfortunately my feet ARENT. im a 6.5 and they only do full sizes, so i bought a 7 and theyre fine, got room to swell
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member