What would you do with $201 Million dollars?



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Roll around in it naked . . . that is a heck of a pile I would imagine!
    ...wonder is it would fill up a bath tub...


    Me? Make sure my kids would be taken care of. (double sure my ex wouldn't see a penny of it)
    Pay off all debts
    Move out of the state (the snow is really wearing on me)
    Plan a kick *kitten* winnebago trip with me and the kids over the summer that they will need therapy for years to recover from (payback from the trip to disneyland in the station wagon that still gives me night sweats)
    Be responsible and invest and prep for retiring
    ...and for charity? Give at least $100 to the guy downtown who does the most amazing robot I have ever seen.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    that is A LOT of money haha. firstly, I'd use some for my college education, and give some to both my brothers for their future college educations. I'd give some to my dad so he can expand his business. I would invest in my best friends dream, opening a baking business. I would buy my parents a new house. a fuel efficient car for myself. give a lot to everyone in my family for them to do whatever they please.

    I would also help out organizations here in the united states such as wounded soldiers. helping combat childhood hunger in this country, but more specifically, my community. American cancer society because I think it's a fantastic cause and near to my heart. also donate some to the animal shelter in my community so they can care for as many animals as possible.

    it's all a nice dream :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Oh! And finally investigate all the emails I get about penis enlargement. Just sayin'.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    First thing I would do is sever what little contact I have remaining with my family. I would disappear for a period of 3 years living a lavish lifestyle in some sort of tropical paradise that isn't prone to hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano, or tornado attacks (and has no extradition treaty with the US).
    Meanwhile I would hire a group like Blackwater, re-emerge under the name of General Powers Lightning!! and invade Cabo San Lucas (renaming it the Joemanian Republic of The kingdom of the Empire of Joe) declare myself Emperor for life, and subjugate it's inhabitants to a life of service to me (they would agree to this of course because who really wants to live in Mexico or the US when you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent). After we kill all the drug cartels, my Empire would slowly creep north all the way to San Diego where we would all throw rocks across the border and laugh.

    It would also be mandatory for everyone to learn Klingon for all official business and in communications with those we are at war with, that would just sound really badass!!

    All the statues of me would also be facing the general direction of Washington DC and flipping the bird!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    First thing I would do is sever what little contact I have remaining with my family. I would disappear for a period of 3 years living a lavish lifestyle in some sort of tropical paradise that isn't prone to hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano, or tornado attacks (and has no extradition treaty with the US).
    Meanwhile I would hire a group like Blackwater, re-emerge under the name of General Powers Lightning!! and invade Cabo San Lucas (renaming it the Joemanian Republic of The kingdom of the Empire of Joe) declare myself Emperor for life, and subjugate it's inhabitants to a life of service to me (they would agree to this of course because who really wants to live in Mexico or the US when you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent). After we kill all the drug cartels, my Empire would slowly creep north all the way to San Diego where we would all throw rocks across the border and laugh.

    It would also be mandatory for everyone to learn Klingon for all official business and in communications with those we are at war with, that would just sound really badass!!

    All the statues of me would also be facing the general direction of Washington DC and flipping the bird!
    So you would live the life of Jesse Ventura? LOL
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent).

    ...sorry to be dense :embarassed: but wouldn't it be silence in general then? or is that how you say it in sign language :laugh: :tongue:
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I would share it with my loved ones, open an animal sanctuary and travel.

    I would also buy a giraffe, because who wouldn't want a pet giraffe?
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent).

    ...sorry to be dense :embarassed: but wouldn't it be silence in general then? or is that how you say it in sign language :laugh: :tongue:


    I make my own rules in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent)
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    In order

    1. Donate 20% to my favorite charities and start a charity in honor of my Aunt GiGi
    2. Share 25% with my family and friends
    3. Invest 10%
    4. Save 10%
    5. Set a trust fund for my nephew
    6. Pay off my debts
    7.Buy a house near a beach
    8. Go shopping like there was no tomorrow
    9. Visit all seven continents
    10. Visit space
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I would also buy a giraffe, because who wouldn't want a pet giraffe?
    Umm true screen shot if you enter "Giraffes are" in google search

  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    First thing I would do is sever what little contact I have remaining with my family. I would disappear for a period of 3 years living a lavish lifestyle in some sort of tropical paradise that isn't prone to hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano, or tornado attacks (and has no extradition treaty with the US).
    Meanwhile I would hire a group like Blackwater, re-emerge under the name of General Powers Lightning!! and invade Cabo San Lucas (renaming it the Joemanian Republic of The kingdom of the Empire of Joe) declare myself Emperor for life, and subjugate it's inhabitants to a life of service to me (they would agree to this of course because who really wants to live in Mexico or the US when you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent). After we kill all the drug cartels, my Empire would slowly creep north all the way to San Diego where we would all throw rocks across the border and laugh.

    It would also be mandatory for everyone to learn Klingon for all official business and in communications with those we are at war with, that would just sound really badass!!

    All the statues of me would also be facing the general direction of Washington DC and flipping the bird!
    So you would live the life of Jesse Ventura? LOL


    Jesse Ventura would be banned from TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent) as well as anyone who looks like him, or has been involved in professional wrestling, or former members of UDT teams that claim to be Seals even though they weren't integrated into the Seals when they were in the service.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Ok, I'm bored of this now, I think I'll go buy a lotto ticket
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    First thing I would do is sever what little contact I have remaining with my family. I would disappear for a period of 3 years living a lavish lifestyle in some sort of tropical paradise that isn't prone to hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano, or tornado attacks (and has no extradition treaty with the US).
    Meanwhile I would hire a group like Blackwater, re-emerge under the name of General Powers Lightning!! and invade Cabo San Lucas (renaming it the Joemanian Republic of The kingdom of the Empire of Joe) declare myself Emperor for life, and subjugate it's inhabitants to a life of service to me (they would agree to this of course because who really wants to live in Mexico or the US when you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent). After we kill all the drug cartels, my Empire would slowly creep north all the way to San Diego where we would all throw rocks across the border and laugh.

    It would also be mandatory for everyone to learn Klingon for all official business and in communications with those we are at war with, that would just sound really badass!!

    All the statues of me would also be facing the general direction of Washington DC and flipping the bird!
    So you would live the life of Jesse Ventura? LOL


    Jesse Ventura would be banned from TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent) as well as anyone who looks like him, or has been involved in professional wrestling, or former members of UDT teams that claim to be Seals even though they weren't integrated into the Seals when they were in the service.
    I was going to disagree, thinking that any professional wrestler's time there would be cut short by steroid use, but trapped on an island with potential roid rage miiight be a bad thing.
  • tcampy65
    tcampy65 Posts: 19
    ......RELAX....and enable my family & friends to relax...and then get programs going for people in this country to never have to worry about food, shelter, and basic needs of life.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    That was my thinking too, but then again... I would already have an army of Luchadores.. Not sure what to do with them. I would probably send them over to take over Micronesia
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Start an organic farm CO-OP... the size of Texas. Make the first step in solving deforestation, hunger, and unhealthy eating all in one swoop. Maybe all the other billionaires would see it as trendy and do so also.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    you can live in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent).

    ...sorry to be dense :embarassed: but wouldn't it be silence in general then? or is that how you say it in sign language :laugh: :tongue:


    I make my own rules in TJROTKOTEOJ (Pronounced "Joe Land," the letters are all silent)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You are so hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Before I even collected the winnings, I'd hire a financial planner, a lawyer and a security consultant (too many crazies out there). :embarassed:

    The sweet couple that owns the corner liquor store would probably be able to retire once I got my bar built too. :laugh:

  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Before I even collected the winnings, I'd hire a financial planner, a lawyer and a security consultant (too many crazies out there). :embarassed:

    The sweet couple that owns the corner liquor store would probably be able to retire once I got my bar built too. :laugh:


    I will remember my long ago promise to you first. :wink:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Buy a diamond studded jean jacket :] People will think it's bedazzled..and I'll make sure to point out they're Canadian diamonds :wink: