Winning the Battle of the Bulge (Slowly)



  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member

    AM trying to really stay focused this time around

    Focus is a critical thing! Isn't it? It's also very helpful to have other people around you who are trying to eat and live healthy! I'm thankful to have that right now.
  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member
    I also just posted a new before (244 lbs) and after (182 lbs) photo of me on my profile page. I am going to get down to 169 lbs, even if it kills me. :-)
  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member
    Hell you all... It's time for me to go and do my Biggest Loser DVD workout. I know.. I know ... It's 9:06 pm here in Chicago, but who cares. I might as well sweat, instead of sit here and eat potato chips. I'll check back in an hour to see if anyone else got up off of the couch.... even for 10 or 15 minutes. Come on, let's do this TOGETHER! :-)

    We can do this.
  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member
    30 minutes down.... 30 minutes to go....
  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member
    Done! Did any of you join me?
  • scott608
    scott608 Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning! Let's get at this again.