Brides on a Mission: Week 12



  • NicolioRussell
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Not a clue. I've really been in a funk since our florida vacation (over a month ago)....but trying to get it back together. Trying to find that wagon. I've got a physical next week, and I really want to talk with my doctor about calorie goals and such before I get gung ho again.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got a teaching job! This is such great news. Full time, health insurance, and something I will love doing! It's going to help a ton with finance stuff. We also purchased our airline tickets for our honeymoon.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Had a funeral to go to on Monday. It was FH's uncle who I never met....but funerals make me sad and remind me of my own mortality. That and funerals remind me of my Gpa who passed away two years ago. He never got to meet FH and it always makes me cry when I think about him not being able to be at the wedding this year.

    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work:!! It's been so nice when keeping track of budget, guest list, etc...

    5. Any wedding news updates: Paid deposit on cake, photographer and airline tickets. Just gotta hammer things out with our caterer and then pay that deposit, too!!

    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: Usually pretty well. If I don't get to go work out, I try to really watch what I eat that day.

    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: I LOVE the spicy hawaiian marinade from World Market. It's not the most healthy thing, but a little bit goes a long way! A tablespoon packs a huge punch of flavor. I love it. It's great with all kinds of meat and veggies, too.

    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): I did well. Getting a new job helped me to stay positive.

    9. Weekly wrap up: It's all very up and down. It was overwhelming to pay lots of deposits, but it was exciting to get a new job. I'm trying to find the wagon that I was on!!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Ugh, I am so sick! I have been sick with a head cold since Friday AM and now I am aweful diarrhea (sorry TMI!). I feel that i have lost 5lbs by just using the bathroom! I haven't felt like eating much the past few days and i have been drinking a lot of G2. I am so glad there is an electrolyte drink low in cal! I am waiting to feel better and then I will be back to loging and working out. Hope everyone has a great week!

    aww hope you feel better!! (and you can so tell that your a nurse with your TMI... lol)

    Thanks! hahah it is funny because sometimes I have to go back to change my short hand typing I am used to from nursing! Not too many would understand! haha
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Brides on a Mission: week 12

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1 lb! But I'm so happy, I'm finally in the 160's!! Haven't been here in YEARS!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): My fiance came home from Vegas w/ his group of college friends, I missed him like crazayyy! hehe. Also, I fit into a pair of my 'skinny girl' jeans that I havent' worn in years!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): All is good...

    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work: I made myself this cute little binder when we first got engaged. Now, it hasn't been really updated, but I keep the paperwork in the folders on the inside of the binder.

    5. Any wedding news updates: I cut my guest list! Our venue holds 300, and I'm super excited to have a big wedding! But, since we're both paying for it, and both of our parents are helping, we decided on 150/150. We both have huge families, and nobody has more friends they stay in touch with that I've ever met in my life than my honey (which is an awesome thing!!!) So, it's been kind of tough. I was feeling like a mean girl, just snip snip.. cutting the list. But guess what, it had to be done! hehe

    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: Crap, I don't cope well! I worry, more than anyone I've ever met! Which is nuts I know, because I have a strong faith. So, say a little prayer.. and hope to get a good workout in. Working out is 'ME' time, and I love it! I just get in the zone, and everything is perfect in that moment!!

    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: Our favorite is Tereaki sauce, it addes exactly what we need to fresh grilled vegetables and chicken!!! Yum!

    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): Didn't really have to focus on this, I've just been feeling really well! Staying on track, and enjoying this challenge!! (And the results it has brought!!!)

    9. Weekly wrap up: Going to Duluth this weekend with some girlfriends, and looking forward to it! Kind of been nervous in the back of my mind for 'healthy' eating... but thankful I have MFP on my blackberry now. I'm wondering if its rude to bring some fresh fruits for myself? Or... if I just go out to eat w/ the group and truly get healthy food!?!?! Yikes.... I've never worried about this in the past. But I'm just on an awesome roll!!! Also, there will be lots of alcohol involved. I'm always one to enjoy my drinks, especially with my girls... but I may just stick to a few beers (easier to track calories.) Does anyone have any favorite low cal drinks? I'm down for something new.....

    Thanks all for the support! I love reading all the posts etc... Brides on a mission baybayyy!! ;)

    Try using soda water as a base for drinks, it has no cals. Vodka soda with lime!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Brides on a Mission: week 12
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: nada, if anything a gain but I'm not logging that for now. It was an off week and I know it. I am doing better now!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Had some great dinners/time with friends while my BF was away on work, then when he came back he surprised me with a dinner out at my favorite restaurant (: It was sweet and really the whole weekend he did things with me and it was nice. Absence does make the heart grow fonder <3
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I was discouraged in that I was over on cals almost everyday, it all kind of stemmed from being over the Friday before and beating myself up for it. Plus I didn't work out all week (until Friday) so that made me feel yucky. So lots of lowlights
    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work: N/A but I would suggest having things organized on computer!
    5. Any wedding news updates: n/a
    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: 1st off I always plan my days around my base calories. If I plan for excercise cals and don't get it in it REALLY screws me up. If thiings meal wise change I try to be as healthy as possiblie with the situation at hand. Sometimes it just means eating a small amount of the bad food. Either way I don't want to walk away from a surprise situation feeling awful.
    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: I'll think about this one! I like marinating in italian (common I know ;), and I love the orange sesame sauce from the recipe I posted last week, And there has gotta be something else. I will think!
    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): I did ok....biggest accomplishment was keeping logging even though i wasn't "on track"
    9. Weekly wrap up: Like I said, not the most successful week with eating and lack of exercise but in the end I logged a big workout Friday and a killer 2 hours on Saturday. I kept logging so that I could look back and understand what was going on with my body / eating habits and this week I am ON TRACK for sure (: I'm now thinking about a 5k and between the trainer comments at the gym and all my MFP runner friends i think i will do that soon!!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    I am new to this group, but I'm not so much a bride to be, as I have already been married. My wedding was horrible and everything that could have gone wrong, DID! So the hubby and I are going to re-new our vows next year on our 5 year anniversary. Everything that I couldn't do the first time around will be done this time and that means fit into my dream gown! The first time around, I had to buy a silver prom dress, because I didn't have the extra $$ to pay for a plus size gown! Not to mention there wasn't a selection for plus size gowns!!! So if it's still OK to have me in your group, here's my info::

    1. Name: Meg

    Welcome!! This is a great group of gals here, so glad to have you join the group! Feel free to add us all (I'll add you!) for even more support. Everyone is great about commenting on our posts and encouraging eachother throughout the week, on and off the message board.

    Annnddd I'm actually not a bride either (you are more of one than me ;) I'm not engaged or married or anything, just trying to get out in front of all that and lose the weight now before that happens. I happened to come across some fabulous people, including wannaburn who started the group officially!! She keeps us all on track with consistently posting and following up on us all.

    Glad to have you and good luck!!
  • vanrunninggirl

    I guess I'm just in love with this photographer and it's affecting my judgement!!! Haha I have a long time to make this decision, there are many other cheaper packages. That is up to an ADDITIONAL $4000, we already have $1100 towards the photographer through our ceremony package. I know I'm nuts but photos are THE MOST important thing, what would be the point in getting fit and beautiful if there is no documentation?! And I see your point about owning the photos, but most photographers consider themselves artists and feel they should have the rights to the photos they've taken (at least here in Vancouver, BC Canada anyways, and most I've seen in Maui). It sucks, but I might just illegitimately make copies at Walmart:S Is that terrible?!?! Haha, yeah this particular guy owns his photos but will give us lots of proofs with the larger packages, but we would have to purchase additional prints. Gah, weddings and all their details are EXPENSIVE!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): just having a lonely week full of doubts, i knew it would be like this, but everyone certainly has an opinion when it comes to weddings. because of a deposit on our venue, i'm totally broke, and my fiance was super supportive until the invites went out and now it seems he thinks the rest is my job.

    5. Any wedding news updates: I now have the (not sure if it's good) option of upgrading the photographer for up to an additional $4000!!! and anywhere in between. having a hard time deciding which package to get, knowing i will be paying for it on my own because the fiance does not value photos and therefore does not feel he has to pay for any. can you tell i'm not very impressed with him today? haha

    My fiance is less then helpful with the wedding also. I'm sure he would help out if I asked him to but he really isn't interested in doing anything just because...

    And $4000 for a photographer! that's ccrraazzyy! Make sure whatever you pick you get the FULL RIGHTS to all of your pictures! There are some photographers who will not give you the prints and you have to pay for every single print you want and you don't get to keep the "originals". We're getting a disc with full copyrights and I am going to be putting together the photobooks and such myself (I love that type of stuff and they're are so many good websites and programs for doing it now!).

    Good luck and I hope you have a better week! Positive thinking! :-)
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey all! I'm new here, started using this thing a few days ago, and i'm totally addicted! I'm getting married in about 9.5 months, and my fiance and i are both hoping to be much healthier by the time we get married. This group is a great idea for motivation and support for brides - it's stressful enough to EITHER be trying to lost weight OR plan a wedding... let alone both!!

    1. Name: Hosanna
    2. Age: 22
    3. City: Adelaide
    4. Occupation: Nurse
    5. Wedding date: January 14 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Isaac
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 10 months :)
    8. Heaviest weight: 105.3kg (132lb)
    9. Goal weight and date: 80kg (175lb) by the wedding
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Walking or weights circuit at the gym
    11. Favorite healthy food: Nothing beats an awesome salad sandwich!!

    Feel free to add me, i'll be around here a lot i think :) It'll be awesome to have more support!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 12 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this month: 3lbs 4 inches (23lbs in total and 16.5 inches in total so far!)

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): signed my info for my photographer...

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): more than a little stressed out over life...but my man comes home today so he can hug me

    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work: I haven't started the wedding paper work, so far it's just 2 pieces on my mirror in our room

    5. Any wedding news updates: the girls have picked their dresses, they're leaning towards the Dessy Wrap Dresses

    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: I don't that's my biggest problem...when something is out of routine I get really bitter

    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: I love the VH sauces and marinades, I don't make from scratch

    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): I did well, had a moment on saturday but after seeing my loss I'm totally recharged and ready to go

    9. Weekly wrap up: It was a good week...the weekend could be better but I did work out Sunday.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member

    I guess I'm just in love with this photographer and it's affecting my judgement!!! Haha I have a long time to make this decision, there are many other cheaper packages. That is up to an ADDITIONAL $4000, we already have $1100 towards the photographer through our ceremony package. I know I'm nuts but photos are THE MOST important thing, what would be the point in getting fit and beautiful if there is no documentation?! And I see your point about owning the photos, but most photographers consider themselves artists and feel they should have the rights to the photos they've taken (at least here in Vancouver, BC Canada anyways, and most I've seen in Maui). It sucks, but I might just illegitimately make copies at Walmart:S Is that terrible?!?! Haha, yeah this particular guy owns his photos but will give us lots of proofs with the larger packages, but we would have to purchase additional prints. Gah, weddings and all their details are EXPENSIVE!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): just having a lonely week full of doubts, i knew it would be like this, but everyone certainly has an opinion when it comes to weddings. because of a deposit on our venue, i'm totally broke, and my fiance was super supportive until the invites went out and now it seems he thinks the rest is my job.

    5. Any wedding news updates: I now have the (not sure if it's good) option of upgrading the photographer for up to an additional $4000!!! and anywhere in between. having a hard time deciding which package to get, knowing i will be paying for it on my own because the fiance does not value photos and therefore does not feel he has to pay for any. can you tell i'm not very impressed with him today? haha

    My fiance is less then helpful with the wedding also. I'm sure he would help out if I asked him to but he really isn't interested in doing anything just because...

    And $4000 for a photographer! that's ccrraazzyy! Make sure whatever you pick you get the FULL RIGHTS to all of your pictures! There are some photographers who will not give you the prints and you have to pay for every single print you want and you don't get to keep the "originals". We're getting a disc with full copyrights and I am going to be putting together the photobooks and such myself (I love that type of stuff and they're are so many good websites and programs for doing it now!).

    Good luck and I hope you have a better week! Positive thinking! :-)

    oh hey I totally understand!!! they are the most important thing to me as well!! I am paying 3500 for my photographer!!! sooo I know what you mean and you pay for what you get!!! luckily my 3500 comes with the rights soo I can print them off at WM!!! :)) soo YAY for you!!! and yes weddings are ridiculous!!!! ;))
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 12 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: so far .5 lbs!!! not bad since I am just now really getting back into it!!! I just hope I can stick to it!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): my MOH and future SIL came in for a couple of days!!! love her!!!! and we wrapped up photography meetings/consults with photographers!!!!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): friends!!! ahhhhh LOL and my insecurity is always going to get the best of me!!!!

    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work: I have a wedding book organizer!! until I finalize my decsions I also have folders labeled and all the info in there (ex: photographers/ all the ones I am interested in OR got from the bridal expo are in there..once the final decision gets made I will put that folder away and the photographer info in the book!!!) and I also have a wedding folder for emails in my email!!!

    5. Any wedding news updates: YAY we picked a photographer last night!! and confirmed with her!! we are set!!! if you are interested check her out!!! Amp'd Photography!!! and let me know!!! and when my MOH was in town we went and visited the site and said our thoughts outloud in the room!! and I think it will be amazing...

    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: just do them!!! sometimes I pout and whine but you got to just deal with it and move on!!!

    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: I am really loving the Kroger brand Roasted Red Pepper Vingerette Dressing <-- loves it AND for my salads I am really liking the low fat T. Marzetti Cole Slaw Sauce!!! its not many calories and a little goes a long way!!! i love the taste!!! :))

    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): umm I will always need work on this one!!! :0(

    9. Weekly wrap up: since last week I have been very busy but productive!!! and no weight loss last week soo far on Tuesday im .5 down from last week soo that makes me happy!!! hopefully I can keep it up!!! and I think I have a little more motiviation now that the photographer is booked!! soo I know those pictures are going to be taken soo I gotta look GREAT!!!
  • jonisalie
    jonisalie Posts: 26 Member
  • NurseNatalie2011
    In the past few weeks a few family/friends have asked my and/or the fiance if he has lost weight. I really didn't think anything of it but then I gave him a good look up and down. It did look like he has lost weight. I asked him and he said his pants are a little loose, but didn't think anything of it. He got on a scale yesterday and has lost 15lbs! I coulnd't believe it. He said that he isn't eating as much bread (he noramlly eats about 3 slices with dinner every night!!) and just cutting back on portions a little. We both somewhat thought it has been the new healthy recipes I have been cooking too. I have been trying a lot of new things lately and he has been loving them. He has even asked me to make one of the chicken mexican dishes again and we just had it like 2 weeks ago! Ahhhh so exciting we are both losing! :happy:
  • NurseNatalie2011

    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: I am really loving the Kroger brand Roasted Red Pepper Vingerette Dressing <-- loves it AND for my salads I am really liking the low fat T. Marzetti Cole Slaw Sauce!!! its not many calories and a little goes a long way!!! i love the taste!!! :))

    I have a Kroger near me and I love their brand. I can find a lot of healthy things there. Is the roasted red pepper dressing a low fat one? I haven't seen it lately but I will look next time I go to the store!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I just saw this thread :) I'm getting married on May 7th

    Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
    1. Name: Gaby Palacios
    2. Age: 28
    3. City: Surprise, AZ
    4. Occupation: Fitness consultant and Human Resources
    5. Wedding date: May 7, 2010
    6. Fiancés name: Matthew
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 1/2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 205 lbs
    9. Goal weight and date: 160 lbs
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Circuit traning and yoga
    11. Favorite healthy food: All veggies, fish, avocado, greek yoguyrt
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    1. Name: Natalya
    2. Age: 24
    3. City: Durham
    4. Occupation: Grad student
    5. Wedding date: July 28, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Kael
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 135 (currently 126)
    9. Goal weight and date: 118 by the wedding!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running. Well it's a love hate thing.
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tomatoes, bananas, almond butter
  • kalebsmama07
    I just saw this thread :) I'm getting married on May 7th

    Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
    1. Name: Gaby Palacios
    2. Age: 28
    3. City: Surprise, AZ
    4. Occupation: Fitness consultant and Human Resources
    5. Wedding date: May 7, 2010
    6. Fiancés name: Matthew
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 1/2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 205 lbs
    9. Goal weight and date: 160 lbs
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Circuit traning and yoga
    11. Favorite healthy food: All veggies, fish, avocado, greek yoguyrt

    welcome glad ur here and best wishies with ur weight also to getting married in may....may 8th is my day tho...=) healthy eatting...:wink:
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    1. Name: Natalya
    2. Age: 24
    3. City: Durham
    4. Occupation: Grad student
    5. Wedding date: July 28, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Kael
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 135 (currently 126)
    9. Goal weight and date: 118 by the wedding!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running. Well it's a love hate thing.
    11. Favorite healthy food: Tomatoes, bananas, almond butter

    Hey! Welcome to the group!! Like i said on your post, feel free to add us all (: Just put a note in your add to people that you're a memeber of the group. Shouldn't have any problems.

    Good luck!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I lost 2.8lbs (I think that was the difference). Since I have been sick for a whole week I dont know how true it is. I am 100% back on track today....going to the Y after school and logging today! What a change from the past week of sitting on the couch.
  • kalebsmama07
    update: weigh in today.....after 2 brides on a week has gone by ive finally weighed in at 141.6 i was lower than i was before especially where i had tom last week.....but i did some lunges and squats for a bit last nite and think i had a little water gain eneded up being 143.6 this am... but im going with the 141.6 as this was my weiight the past couple days until this am after exercising so i think my muscles retained water.....
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 3.8 :happy:
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I had Monday off from work and my fiance also has that day so we got to spend the whole day was great! Also, had a job interview....still waiting to hear if I am going to get the 2nd interview or not...
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I have been caving as far as food cravings go....which is ok a little bit, I know...but I have really relaxed my diet and need to get back to what I know is healthy!
    4. How do you stay organized with all the wedding paper work: I just have a wedding folder and put everything in there. Soon...I will have a wedding tote because, things are becoming a bit to large for the folder
    5. Any wedding news updates: Not really this week...still getting excited
    6. When something unexpected occurs and puts your daily routine off, how do you cope with the changes that need to be made: It depends, I usually just try to problem solve, find a way to get around the issue...if it throws me off and I literally cannot fix the mistake...I try to not get too down on myself. In the past, this is what I have done....after one mistake told myself that I couldn't do I just keep with it, get back up and try again....and turn to all of your for support when I need it :-)
    7. Share a healthy and quick dip/sauce/marinade (can be bottled and not an actual recipe) you like to use: Fat free italian's a great marinade
    8. How did you do with the week 11 challenge (changing negative thoughts into positive ones): This is a constant battle for me...I am trying though.
    9. Weekly wrap up: Glad to have a loss again this week after not having one last week. I am going to try to push really hard this's been awhile since I have had a loss two weeks in a row and I am currently down 28.2 I REALLY want to get to thirty which is totally doable if I can be good all week!