How many lbs do you want to lose?

I just thought it would be interesting to see what peoples ideal weights were.

I am 160 lbs and want to lose 35 lbs



  • Dev_erz
    I just thought it would be interesting to see what peoples ideal weights were.

    I am 160 lbs and want to lose 35 lbs

  • soretooth1
    From what I have seen on the board so far I probably have the most weight to lose. I weigh 360lbs My first
    goal is the christmas challenge of 10lbs, I feel I can do more than that but that is my first goal. My first long term goal is May 16th my birthday I want to be at 260lbs. I know this is a long journey, but I am up for the challenge. Never been Skinny and have reached 40 years old, it's time for a change
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    at least 75+
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    I peaked at 220 and made my decision to lose. I figure I should be about 180, so 40 lb total for me and I'm down to 204 since the end of October. I don't have a particular goal date set. It took me 16 years or so to put on this extra weight, so a few months give or take to get it off is peanuts. :smile:

    (While I can still edit) I wanted to add that it's inspiring to hear some of you folks with a hundred or more pounds to lose and that you are doing it! Makes my measly 40 pounds pale in comparison.
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I started my journey at the beginning of September. I weighed 239 lbs and was very disappointed in myself. Today I weigh 201 so 38 pounds down & my goal is to reach 175 & maintain. 64 pounds sounded like alot three months ago but now I can almost see the end of the tunnel. This site is THE BEST & definately helps me every day.
  • tdroseler
    me? i weighed 348 when i started near the end of October. I battle Diabetes and an underactive Thyroid, which makes it harder to loose weight. So far i m down 7 lbs. I go to curves 5x week, and my first weigh and measurment is coming up on the 29th. My goal is to be down a total of 10 by then. Might just squeak it in there, lol. In total, i want to get down to 200 lbs...loosing 148. I don't expect to reach that for a long time, but i figure it is about making a lifestyle change. By the time i reach my goal weight, i might have made my changes into permanent habits, lol...
    The hardest times will be when i plateau...and i thank God for my finding this site. I know that even during the easy times, i will use this tool as best as i can. It is really working.:drinker: yay
    SUGARPLUM098 Posts: 60 Member
    I want to lose at least 30lbs and for the most 40lbs
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member
    I don't know how many pounds I want to lose. I want to lose INCHES. I want to be comfortable in my clothes and my skin and love my body. I haven't loved my body in a long, LONG time...scratch that...I don't think I have ever loved my body. It's hard work. The local YMCA was open this AM, so I went to work out for a little while. It felt good to actually push myself enough to go on a holiday, and I felt like a million bucks for doing it. Well, that's a little off-topic, but I hope everyone has a great turkey day!
  • peggy
    peggy Posts: 25
    Im 180 and i want to get to 150. But I'm really really out of shape, so What i really want is to tone and shape, which I think is hard work too. I get really inspired when I hear that someone is trying to lose as much weight as 100 or 150 pounds, Good luck to all of you, but remember it's not just the weight you lose but also how you feel about yourself. You actually WE should all be proud of ourselves for trying.:bigsmile:
  • rodeoruss
    My prayers go out to all of you on this Thanksgiving day. As today is the start of many challenges throught the holiday season. God willing and your determination, this too shall pass, as with the season. Keep your spirits high and remember Gods love for you is real. Keep up the good work and see it through purdy soon you'll see the new you. The true you God created you to be.

    Hitting the scales at 222 about a month back I too thought and prayed about to do. It took me the past 10 years to get here, and I too know I look forward to seen the old slimmer me. Thanks to older age and wisdom I can now see the light at the end of my trouble. I never counted cals in the past, I just ate what was there to eat. I was fairly good and heathy food most of the time - just to much of a good thing at one time. Not makeing time for more than one good meal a day. Even then, the meal was not becuse I was hungry, it was to keep me going. As I knew enough to know that food keeps the body alive. As I got older I found my metabolizm had kinda shut down. Then to find it was me who shut it down and how. I blamed it on age not eating habits. Glad to know the truth before it got really out of hand. Losing 50 lbs or so doesn't seem to be a big problem for me know that I know the truth about how it got there to begin with. Changing old habits has been a challege don't get me wrong. But with Gods help and prayer He has gotten me back on track...
  • playinwfire
    I'm 5" tall I'm I started with 154 and now I'm 152... my ideal weight would be 115 !!!
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I'm 5'1" and at the beginning of this weighed 139.5...I'm down to 137.0 (just started a little while ago ^_^) and want to end up ultimately at 110 and maintain. Soooo just about 30 lbs total, now 27 lbs more to go.
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    I weigh 140 right now and want to lose 15 ideal weight is 125, but I would even be happy right now with losing 10 and being at 130! It's the *old* remaining baby weight that I'm having a hard time taking off.
  • spoon1
    I started out the end of Aug. at 358 so I know what you mean about being one of the biggest ones on this site. I got on the scale this morning ,it was 287, so don't give up on your goals.I have been large my whole life but I finally ,thanks to this site, have been able to lose the wieght and also inches.I have dropped fron size 46 (which was tight) to a comfortable 42. My shirt size has dropped too.As my also in my 40's I know how hard it is .My goal is eventually get around 230-235.
    Keep up the Great Job.
  • soretooth1
    Thanks spoon1, It seems like a long journey, glad someone else has blazed the path. I to will
    lose this weight:wink:
  • jmlane1981
    I started at 188 and would like to get down to 130:love: , I am now at 181, so 51 more pounds to go. :sad: I will do it...I just have to stick with my routine because I always seem to give up too easily. Thank you for everyone's support...this site is a god send.:drinker:
  • yuna2003
    yuna2003 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everybody :tongue:
    i weigh 220lbs im 5'4 and 21 years old. :noway:
    i've been struggling with my weight since as long as i can remember.
    i found this site yesterday, and decided this has to stop and I 'am' going to make this change for good now! for right now my goal is 160 Lbs. once im there :love: i'll see if I'm happy with it or do i want to go down more :happy: so i have 60 lbs to lose ! if i go for my ideal weight, health wise that would be 125 then i would have to lose ...95 Lbs..oh I can do this!! and so can the rest of you !!!
    Yay TO US :drinker: !!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I'm 5'3", 5'4" on good days. I started at 170, now at 165. My goal is 140 or rather 22% body fat - so I'm not sure what weight I'll be.
  • salterdsalter2
    I am 5'8" and currently weigh 145. I want to weigh 125 but will settle for 135...
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I am 5'3 and when I began in Aug I was at 280. Very scary, I never realized I was that bad because I didn't own a scale. Though I didn't like the way I looked I haven't liked the way I looked for a very long time. I have gotten down to 250 currently. But my weight hasn't budged for 3 weeks probably 4 now. I am trying very hard not to focus on that. But to allow my body the time to get used to the changes as a friend recommended to me. He has lost about 85 lbs and is still going strong. I felt that was a very good way to look at it and I strive to do the same. This time of year is extremely hard for me but I am working to get past that.

    My ultimate goal would be to get down around 145 - 135 anywhere in there would be wonderful. But for my short term goals I would like to continue to go down in pant sizes. For me that is an accomplishment I always feel good about. I have so far come down one size. If I can loose my mommy pooch I might be down two but in time I hope to do so.

    Good luck to everyone here. No matter what your personal goal is you are not alone. I often feel that way to but it is important to always remember.
