Stressors that cause binging....



  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    The Binge Eating Disorder thread is here

    I can attest to it actually helping me. I have had 2 binges since I started MFP. My *last* one was in February. I believe it was the middle of Feb. I have been binge free except for binging on pickles occasionally, but since they're about 3 calories and the most I eat of them is about 5....I've been good. Really good.

    BED/SED/EED (Binge/Stress/Emotional Eating disorders) are something that you have forever for all kinds of reasons, mostly psychologically triggered. The only way I found to get recovery, and I am *in recovery*, I am not *cured*, just *in recovery* is that I went to that thread after my first binge, and I just stayed. I stayed and posted, and talked about the reasons why, I talked about the nasty things that parental units said to me growing up, I talked about *wanting* to go for a binge, I helped people there out by telling them to "get back into your bedroom & away from the K"...I just sat in that thread, and just posted my life away. This is the *only* *thing* that has ever helped me. Not OA, not FAA, not even reading a million BED / overeating books. Just being there. The books gave me some ammo though, to look deep within which is where it all is, and I think most of know this.

    There is also an FAA thread, let me link, I do not post often on that one, but one of these threads will most likely help everyone on this thread. As I said I am in recovery, it feels really good, it feels great to be in recovery.....but I am not cured.

    I also made a Daily Goals thread for myself and anyone who wants to do it, see the signature lines. That also helped me a lot. Sending out some good energy here. :))
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    UGH!! TOM is EVIL for binging!! however I've recently fell in love with Special K POP chips - Especially the sour cream n onion ones...I pre- package mine in baggies - you get 27 chips in a serving. So I divide them out and I can just grab them and go!! :) I also love the Blazin' Buffalo Almonds, I put the servings in baggies also. The new Jello Temptations are a good way to cure a chocolate temptation...

    so are no additional sugar added fudgecicles.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I recently discovered that doing yoga has an immediate effect on my appetite. I think it might slow the metabolism and/or increase awareness of my body's true needs (which wouldn't be chocolate, sodium and refined carbs). Maybe it'll work for you.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    making myself do something (even just the next thing on my to-do list) BEFORE i let myself have a snack is something i've been trying. usually (especially if i have a glass of water right then, too) i will be so intent on checking the next thing off my list, i will forget i was craving something! also, when im doing anything that i love i sometimes forget to eat until the next planned meal time anyway :)

    in college it was horrible, cuz i'd be working on an art project so focused, that by the time i realized i hadn't had dinner the cafeteria was closed and i had to eat snacks i had in my room. so don't be too distracted from eating either :)
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you for all the great advice and distractions to try. And jane I'll go back to checking out that thread.