Now I am humiliated???

PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I hope I'm not making an idiot of myself. Someone sent me a note saying my HRM might be off since I burned so many calories yesterday working out. It is a fairly new monitor and when I log in my calories it clocks it in within a few calories of the exercise calories programmed on MFP.

I am now feeling stupid, humiliated for posting my "success" if I am doing something wrong here. I know it's midnight, but I don't know what to do. :cry:

Here's as much info as I can think of that might change or alter my run from those who are "RUNNERS."

- I'm tubby. Maybe the extra calories are my chubby legs trying to hurdle around each other and my belly and arms wiggling as I go?

- I'm 5'2" and run at my healthy hubby's pace who is taller and has a faster stride than mine.

- The neighbors were outside so I didn't want to look stupid so I pushed myself harder today. :tongue:

- I use my HRM when I run and constantly (almost too much) check my heart to make sure it is tracking as accurately as possible.

- I ran in the Florida humidity and heat. It was 98 degrees before the heat index.

- I carry my water bottle when I run

- I look like a Saint Bernard when I run since I am new at running, hardly any rhythm at all.

- I have never been a runner, or tried before now (could I be this out of shape???)

Here is what my workout was for yesterday:

..............................................minutes........calories burned
Running (jogging)....................52..............462
Swimming (run in water)........70..............497 (I looked it up on several websites and did an average)
Running (jogging)....................12..............114
Running (jogging)....................50..............618

Now I feel fat, dumpy, AND stupid. GREAT! :cry:



  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I hope I'm not making an idiot of myself. Someone sent me a note saying my HRM might be off since I burned so many calories yesterday working out. It is a fairly new monitor and when I log in my calories it clocks it in within a few calories of the exercise calories programmed on MFP.

    I am now feeling stupid, humiliated for posting my "success" if I am doing something wrong here. I know it's midnight, but I don't know what to do. :cry:

    Here's as much info as I can think of that might change or alter my run from those who are "RUNNERS."

    - I'm tubby. Maybe the extra calories are my chubby legs trying to hurdle around each other and my belly and arms wiggling as I go?

    - I'm 5'2" and run at my healthy hubby's pace who is taller and has a faster stride than mine.

    - The neighbors were outside so I didn't want to look stupid so I pushed myself harder today. :tongue:

    - I use my HRM when I run and constantly (almost too much) check my heart to make sure it is tracking as accurately as possible.

    - I ran in the Florida humidity and heat. It was 98 degrees before the heat index.

    - I carry my water bottle when I run

    - I look like a Saint Bernard when I run since I am new at running, hardly any rhythm at all.

    - I have never been a runner, or tried before now (could I be this out of shape???)

    Here is what my workout was for yesterday:

    ..............................................minutes........calories burned
    Running (jogging)....................52..............462
    Swimming (run in water)........70..............497 (I looked it up on several websites and did an average)
    Running (jogging)....................12..............114
    Running (jogging)....................50..............618

    Now I feel fat, dumpy, AND stupid. GREAT! :cry:

  • mb2bthin
    mb2bthin Posts: 47 Member
    You are too funny and way too hard on yourself. Good thing it isn't midnight in California. Okay, either way you look at it - you exercised and you did a great job of it. So, even if calorie counter was off, which it may not have been... who really cares. You are doing great, you are staying healthy, you are running and setting a great example for your kids...umm and neighbours :tongue: .

    So, enjoy, sit back and if the calories they said you burned off were higher than they were.. so what, adjust next time.

    Don't have my hrm for now, so other than this little pep rally around you, this is all I can do kiddo.

    We all still luv ya!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Okay, so I don't think you're off

    I run about 6.0 and I add intervals of 6.6 and 7.0 (or I try the last one sometimes yes, sometimes no) and I run for about 30 or so minutes and burn 340 or so calories..
    So for an hour of running I think that could be right without knowing your actual weight and stuff.

    However, my roomie runs at 7.5 or 8.0 and she weights 108 and burns less than I do.. so yes, weight does matter.

    What pace are you running and are you running or are you jogging? The pace matters too.

    If you have an HRM it is probably the most accurate so why questioning now, cause of a nay sayer.... pssshhya... let it go. You have done wonderfully since I've been on this site!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    No, don't even think it. The HRM is fairly accurate. Record your calories, eat them and rejoice.
  • jbeasinger
    jbeasinger Posts: 57 Member
    good for you!
  • Saluna
    Saluna Posts: 56 Member
    Oh I had the same a note sayig my calorie counter may be off.
    Took my a day to recover and to licked my wounds and then, I researched and my counter was accurate for my size, weight bladibla.

    You are doing great and it will get better :wink:
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    Wha???? Who sent you a note?

    You seem to be within the perfect range to me......I'm 5'3" and those numbers seems pretty accurate. Jogging burns tons of calories. I could see it if you were strolling around the block, but not running.

    Great Job!!!! I wish I had that much energy!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I hope I'm not making an idiot of myself. Someone sent me a note saying my HRM might be off since I burned so many calories yesterday working out. It is a fairly new monitor and when I log in my calories it clocks it in within a few calories of the exercise calories programmed on MFP.

    I am now feeling stupid, humiliated for posting my "success" if I am doing something wrong here. I know it's midnight, but I don't know what to do. :cry:

    Now I feel fat, dumpy, AND stupid. GREAT! :cry:

    Ok, here's my thoughts--

    1) I learned to be a little leery of even my HRM because mine went nuts and started given weird readings--I would go for a 30 mile ride and it said I burnt 350 calories :noway: BUT, I called the company and they said it was broken (obviously) so send it back. But they can go bonkers sometimes. If you really feel yours is off, call the company and ask.

    2) That said, I've gotten the same comments at times on how much I burn but they don't realize how much I weigh and just HOW much that impacts calorie burn. I can burn easy double or triple what some burn but that is only because I am still so heavy. Even after losing 47 pounds, I still weight 233 pounds, so that is a factor in calorie burn.

    4) some of us have higher metabolisms then others--I'm NOT one of the blessed ones!--so you could be burning up more calories than others very easily

    3) And this is the most important--attention9ha.gif


    My gosh, girl, I wish, I wish, I wish I weighed what you do!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You look great! just as you are right now--I've wondered sometimes why you want to lose more but I know that's your choice but you LOOK MAHVELOUS! If you didn't lose another ounce, you could still model or something like that.

    So, don't even begin to think of yourself as fat EVER AGAIN or I'm going to have to jump on my bike, rennrad.gif

    come down to Florida and give you what-for! th_Silly_avatar_by_Dicx.gif

    Now, here's a big MFP hug for you--get back out there and keep hitting it, and you'll see the rest of those pounds melt away!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I wish I had your energy

  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340

    Now I feel fat, dumpy, AND stupid. GREAT! :cry:

    Princess I am SCHOCKED! What an unusual tone from you!

    No. You are NOT any of these things. If anything people who send around notes with comments like this are stupid! They do not know you, your efort, weight, parameters... how would they know what your RM should say????????

    As long as it works OK, trust your HRM and don't let anybody irritate you!

    (whispering in princess' ear: but please tell shorerider you still think like that:devil: )
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    PrincessLaundry, I think your HRM is good. I ran for 41 minutes this morning and it told me I burned 395 calories. I am 5'3" and weigh 130 so it was pretty close in numbers to your first run yesterday.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh...please don't call yourself stupid! You aren't!!!! This is a learning experience for us all and hell, I don't even know if what I'm doing is right. But you know what?! We are doing SOMETHING! We are making a change for our body! And it's a good one! I wouldn't worry about it so much that you make yourself feel so bad! I'm sure there's a way to figure it out. And look FABULOUS!!!!!! That's what you should base your success on! The things that you see changing!!! So, I wish you luck and just keep up with the EXCELLENT work you are doing!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    oh man, I hate to hear u being so down on yourself. You are beautiful and intelligent. Don't let this bring down your self image! I say your numbers seem accurate enough. If someone else thinks they are not correct, then let them think that. As long as you are getting in shape, and not gaining weight, then I would assume you're doing everything right! Chin up gorgeous :)
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    I think you are doing a GREAT job! and you look AWESOME!!!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I think what most people don't and can't tell...EVER about how I look...Is that I do hold my weight well, always have. According to the "stats" I am still 30 pounds overweight. I just look like it. My body is the one made for those games where the guy guesses your weight. :tongue:

    I'm also so slow that it was definitely over an hour of running to get that simple 4 miles. :blushing:

    Short legs travel slow, and tired short untrained legs go even slower and move more.

    This AM when I woke up, I feel better, I think it was the tired, late night, stuff...That got me so doubting. I'm still losing weight, so that is the key!

    Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm sure it is accurate! 600 cals in an hour run sounds exactly right!

    Nothing to worry about Princess...

    You are smart, funny, and beautiful... not those other three yicky adjectives...
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    - I look like a Saint Bernard when I run since I am new at running, hardly any rhythm at all.

    I laughed SO hard after reading that. I'm glad I'm not the only person in the world that is challenged when it comes to running in a correct or even NORMAL LOOKING way!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    Now I feel fat, dumpy, AND stupid. GREAT! :cry:

    You are none of those things. You are doing an amazing job.
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    I would like to buy You, along with some other MFPers, for what you think you are worth and then sell you for what you are worth. I would be a millionaire several times over.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I would like to buy You, along with some other MFPers, for what you think you are worth and then sell you for what you are worth. I would be a millionaire several times over.

    Princess - I think Fatsis just summed it all up...
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