Now I am humiliated???



  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm glad your feeling better this morning!:flowerforyou: You are doing an awesome job, and don't let anyone tell you different. Even if you're not exactly where you wanna be, you will be soon, keep it up!!!!
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Awwww....not to worry. First of all you look great! 2nd of all...I may be right there with you. I don't have a heart rate monitor and I go by the MFP calorie counter...I just record maybe 5-10 minutes less of each activity...depending on the activity itself and how long I actually do it. I just subtract a little to cover it. Hopefully that won't bite me in the *kitten* :bigsmile: But so far it seems to be working....And I can relate on the trying to push hard to impress :laugh: I do the same thing ESPECIALLY when the fiance decides to come with me :devil: :laugh: :devil: :laugh: But hey you've had some loss on here, you're doing good, and now with the HRM, you can do even better. Take it as lesson learned and move on from here!!! WORK IT GIRL!!! LMAO...whewwww this coffee makes me cccrrrrraaaazzzzzyyyyy :bigsmile: may be on to something could be the MFP pimp...:laugh: :laugh:
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    I think you're fine. i'm 5'5", weigh @146, am (almost :sad: ) 40, have been running for years and i burn on average, 130 cals a mile (which is a bit higher than most people, but my max hr (and thus my zones, for my age), are a bit higher than the "charts").

    i ran @ 5.7mi on tuesday and burned 738 per my hrm. that included a few minutes walking cool down.

    and Good job!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hey der!!! I appreciate your input all, thanks! I am going to just keep moving along!

    I had ice cream (no sugar added) last night with cherries on top...NUM! That helped!

    Thanks for saying we would be good for pimping! :laugh:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    kiddo, never feel bad about success.
    I think sometimes we don't realize how much we burn doing stuff.

    I think it's awesome you are doing so well.
  • jill927
    jill927 Posts: 471 Member
    Here is what my workout was for yesterday:

    ..............................................minutes........calories burned
    Running (jogging)....................52..............462
    Swimming (run in water)........70..............497 (I looked it up on several websites and did an average)
    Running (jogging)....................12..............114
    Running (jogging)....................50..............618

    HOLY CRAP! HOLY HOLY CRAP. you put us all to shame! :sad: lol You're my role model! :)

    We love you princess!!!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I jogged for 22 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down and burned 280 calories. Yours seems about right!
  • christina31
    christina31 Posts: 124 Member
    I would like to buy You, along with some other MFPers, for what you think you are worth and then sell you for what you are worth. I would be a millionaire several times over.

    Princess - I think Fatsis just summed it all up...

    I'll second that motion!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Hokay, and tonight's verdict!!!

    My Mom flew in tonight (her arms were too tired to run!), so we went walking. It was a nice pace but I ended up doing over 2 miles and I did 248 calories. This included saying hey to neighbors, ripsticking with my son, hopping like bunny for 1 feet with my daughter, balancing on the crack in the road with my son, tip toeing past a huge dog, high fives to the family as we passed each other, and trotting to catch up with my hubby on his bike.

    WHEWH!!! No wonder I usually go running with ONLY hubby by my side AFTER the kids go to bed! :laugh: :laugh:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I am posted yesterday that your calories burned were 1194 after running 4 miles? was that a typo? So all your calories for the day were more than 1194 (based on what you typed here) but that was after running three different time and walking in the pool? What was your total miles after running the three times you posted here?

    and you are a beautiful woman - stop with the fat and dumpy remarks! We will only have positive talk here!! :flowerforyou:
  • Here is what my workout was for yesterday:

    ..............................................minutes........calories burned
    Running (jogging)....................52..............462
    Swimming (run in water)........70..............497 (I looked it up on several websites and did an average)
    Running (jogging)....................12..............114
    Running (jogging)....................50..............618

    wow... do you eat all them cals? i strugle eating the 1400 i occationally do, most days its 1000

    anyway, i'm huge comapred to you and i'm 5'8", but my HRM says about 400 cals for a 20 minute jog

    you're awesome btw :wink:
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Here is what my workout was for yesterday:

    ..............................................minutes........calories burned
    Running (jogging)....................52..............462
    Swimming (run in water)........70..............497 (I looked it up on several websites and did an average)
    Running (jogging)....................12..............114
    Running (jogging)....................50..............618

    wow... do you eat all them cals? i struggle eating the 1400 i occasionally do, most days its 1000

    anyway, i'm huge compared to you and i'm 5'8", but my HRM says about 400 cals for a 20 minute jog

    you're awesome btw :wink:

    Thanks friend! Nope, I don't get in all those calories. But I am noticing that when I do a "super push" workout once a week, I lose the most weight the following week. I did have one of my favorite Chili's meal split with my husband and a little left over for him to take to work the next day. I also had an extra glass of milk, yogurt ice cream that night, an extra banana early in the morning, and I nibbled 1/4 piece of chocolate. YUM!

    I managed to eat some of them, but I ran out of tummy room well before calories. YUM!

    Do you normally eat your exercise calories?
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    - I look like a Saint Bernard when I run since I am new at running, hardly any rhythm at all.

    I laughed SO hard after reading that. I'm glad I'm not the only person in the world that is challenged when it comes to running in a correct or even NORMAL LOOKING way!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    This is me, too! I work out at a gym where there is a guy who runs triathlons. When I told him I am starting to be able to run a little better, he looked at me and said, "Of course you can run. We are all runners." I replied, "No, no. You know when you see someone on the side of the road jogging and they look like they are in a whole lot of pain and probably shouldn't be doing that? That is what I look like when I run." :laugh: So glad to know there are others in the same boat as me!!! (By the way, I now try to mostly stick to spinning classes. Not quite so hard on my joints!)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • douganl
    douganl Posts: 283 Member
    Don' worry about a thing are HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    YOu exercised that long in ONE DAY? sheesh, I can barely manage an hour a day! You are admired!

    Don't worry about what your scale says to you, and certainly change the self-talk, babe (and you are a babe, make no mistake). Me, at 168 lbs, I talk to myself all the time -- "I may look goofy with two three pound weights walking 3mph down the ghetto streets, but I'm gonna look fine as f in two months while all these other cows are still sitting on their porches with 200lbs stuffed into 5lbs worth of spandex..."

    It really does work.
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