INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    hahahaha dizzyness is an understatement, hahahahahaha....just doing the level one drills i get dizzy and out of my sorts....

    The first time I read that I thought you got dizzy and out of your SHORTS. :blushing:
  • armywifeinpink
    hahahaha dizzyness is an understatement, hahahahahaha....just doing the level one drills i get dizzy and out of my sorts....

    The first time I read that I thought you got dizzy and out of your SHORTS. :blushing:

    hahahahaha, yea if you read it fast it does seem thats what im saying, hahahahaha, to funny, maybe i should have worded that differently, hahahahaha
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Earlier I posted about weight loss and measurements. So I decided to check both. Stepped on the scale and it hasn't moved eventhough I feel like I lost some weight. Then I did my measurements... Lost 1/2" around my wasit, 1/4" around my hips(belt line for me), and 1/2" around my neck. That change accured since this past Saturday. Insanity is working!!!

    Shakemybooty-Thanks for the compliment.

    Does anybody else stretch before they press play? I have to loosen up before the warm up...
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Today I finished Week 2, Day 2 and 3. Its hard to complete Pure Cardio without taking breaks. Guys, I am disheartened with my weight gain today. It went from 188.4 to 189.6. Apart from Insanity I have been doing 5K runs since the last week. I know few days my calorie intake was higher. But this weight gain is a bummer. Did any of you guys seen a weight gain during the workouts?

    Ugh...I feel for you!! I'm up 3 lbs since starting. I've been trying to pay more attention to my sodium and fat intake, and access my calorie intake overall. Both could be factors as I'm not sure that my calories are actually high enough...and add in that my sodium shoots up on certain days. Access your diet a bit, see if there's anything you can tweak there. I can't say if it's helping or not because I'm only on like day 5 of adjusting some things. But it is a bummer. I've read a lot of ppl have the same just stick with it, your body will be toned and appreciative of all the work you put in!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Earlier I posted about weight loss and measurements. So I decided to check both. Stepped on the scale and it hasn't moved eventhough I feel like I lost some weight. Then I did my measurements... Lost 1/2" around my wasit, 1/4" around my hips(belt line for me), and 1/2" around my neck. That change accured since this past Saturday. Insanity is working!!!

    Shakemybooty-Thanks for the compliment.

    Does anybody else stretch before they press play? I have to loosen up before the warm up...

    Great progress!! Awesome!! Glad you are seeing results.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Day 20/63 - Plyo Cardio Circuit. Third week almost done!!! Feeling sort of burnt out when doing the workouts. Not sure if that is because of where I am in the program or if it is just me being tired/unmotivated. I do my best and get through it though so that is all that matters :happy:

    Dhathri - my weight also went up. I feel like I am getting more muscle but I have not seen a change in measurements yet. I feel so much stronger but it is very disheartening to see the weight go up. I have been pretty good about my diet and I also walk for just under an hour on the weekdays as well so I started eating more calories this week to see if that would help. Weigh day tomorrow so we shall see.

    Rest day tomorrow then my first 5k on Sat! We will see how well I do at this since I haven't been training for a 5k at all. Hoping it burns close to as many calories as Pure Cardio so I don't have to do it when I get home :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs. Day 23 for me. 1 more day and I'm on to Core Cardio & Balance. I'm a little nervous about what it will be like doing the same DVD over and over again for 6 days...but that's the program so I guess I'm locked in!! :tongue: My legs were still not 100% today even after the day off. But pushed through and got a good burn in. Had to take a few more breaks than I have been just to shake my legs out!! :grumble: But then back at it. I'm starting to think the fact that my memory is awful helps me with this whole process...I never seen it coming!! I HATE those push up jacks ( I think that's the name...again blame my memory) but did not recall them being in this (again, I just did it 3 days ago so I should remember!) but I'm all gung-ho and then BAM- hit the mats for push ups jacks! :explode: No, really!?!? Alright...Shaunnie baby, I'll give it a whirl!!

    Back at Cardio Power & Resistance tomorrow...that's the one (I think!!) that kills my calves though I don't recall exactly what part of it causes the intense burning sensation!! :laugh:

    Enjoy the day...almost the end of the work week...we received a nice big dose of slushy snow yesterday :noway: so I keep hoping for spring!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Day 20/63 - Plyo Cardio Circuit. Third week almost done!!! Feeling sort of burnt out when doing the workouts. Not sure if that is because of where I am in the program or if it is just me being tired/unmotivated. I do my best and get through it though so that is all that matters :happy:

    Your still pushing... That means you are motivated... Don't sell yourself short!!!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    LOL! I actually like the Plyo. I don't mind the drills so much as I do having to spin around and sprint like a madwoman. That just makes me dizzy! I think I am just biased now against Max Cardio Conditioning because someone told me it was Pure Cardio on steroids... so I decided right then and there I didn't like it :laugh:

    :laugh: at description of Max Cardio Conditioning. So true!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Today I finished Week 2, Day 2 and 3. Its hard to complete Pure Cardio without taking breaks. Guys, I am disheartened with my weight gain today. It went from 188.4 to 189.6. Apart from Insanity I have been doing 5K runs since the last week. I know few days my calorie intake was higher. But this weight gain is a bummer. Did any of you guys seen a weight gain during the workouts?
    I'm currently on week 4 of month 1. I stayed even the first week, went down the second and back up the same amount I lost the week before for the third. I actually upped my calorie intake before starting. I'm on 1500 calories per day and then add on exercise calories. I eat a ton - I'm usually very hungry earlier on during the day but then it evens out by the evening. I haven't been doing very well in eating dinner this week. I've been so sleepy that I'm falling asleep around 8 or so. I have to get a handle on that.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Did Cardio Recovery this morning... Nice break, but only burned 200 calories... Not very happy with that, but is recovery... Does anybody else have a problem with balancing on one leg? I almost fell a few time...

    I was hoping by the end of this program to be at my goal weight of 275 only 21 more pounds to lose, but I read where people are having problems dropping weight... So I decided not to worry about the weight. This is about getting in shape not just about weight loss. I can alread feel my muscles starting to re-develop, so I'll be adding muscle weight. That is fine with me. As long as I lose inches off my waist and neck, then life will be good. But the one thing I can promise myself, is that when I'm done in 56 more days, I'll be in better shape, healthier, feeling, and looking good. That is all that matters!!!!

    Keep going strong!!!!
    LOVE your attitude, Ed! And congrats on the inches lost! :smile:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good Morning All.

    Today was Max Recovery for me. I'm with Reese on these. Although my quads are fire (lasts all day too) I really miss the cardio burn from the regular workouts. I've been adding in Cardio Abs on the recovery days, but didn't have time this morning. Oh well. I know my body needs the recovery.

    I hope everyone figures out the weight gain issue. I can see where I'd get discouraged too, but don't let it stop you. You've all come too far to stop now. :)

    Have a great day.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Jennie, good luck on the 5k!! I'm sure you'll do great. :smile: Are you making sure you get in your protein? What are you getting in after your workout to replenish the muscles? I think that has a lot to do with how you feel.

    Reese, I really don't like Cardio Power & Resistance. It's those stupid jumps! The "girls" just don't like all that up and down action. :laugh:

    Today was a recovery day. I can't even lie, at one point I had to stand up while doing a lunge hold. My legs were really past fatigue at that point! I thought I was going to collapse. :laugh: Ed, I'm a master at balancing on my right leg; my left leg notsomuch. I am very shaky on the left side. Even when we do the standing quad stretches, I have to hold on to something on that side in order to keep upright.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Rest day tomorrow then my first 5k on Sat! We will see how well I do at this since I haven't been training for a 5k at all. Hoping it burns close to as many calories as Pure Cardio so I don't have to do it when I get home :laugh:

    Good luck on your run Saturday.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Mama-I thought I wouldn't like repeating the same workout for 6 days but I don't really mind it.

    Jennie-Good luck on your 5K!!

    Cee-Does this mean you're not doing the gumby bendy lunges like those stretch arm strong people? :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Thanks for all your encouragement guys! :love:

    Cee - I have upped my protein considerably this week. I have been at 100g or more everyday this week so hopefully it will help. This week my recovery drink has been either lowfat chocolate milk with protein powder or almond milk with protein powder. Sometimes I do alittle chocolate/almond milk half and half with the powder :) Then I have my regular breakfast about an 30-45 minutes after I am done.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Mama-I thought I wouldn't like repeating the same workout for 6 days but I don't really mind it.

    How are your shoulders feeling?! :tongue: Is it Core Cardio and Balance that burns your shoulders or Cardio Recovery? I forgot :(
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Mama-I thought I wouldn't like repeating the same workout for 6 days but I don't really mind it.

    How are your shoulders feeling?! :tongue: Is it Core Cardio and Balance that burns your shoulders or Cardio Recovery? I forgot :(

    LOL-It's Core Cardio & Balance.You wouldn't think such a simple move would make you wish your arms would fall off. :)
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????

    I wouldn't restart. I'd stick with it and do as many push ups as I could physically do. I thought I would die the first week of month 1. After that first week, the soreness went away. I KNOW I will die the first week of month 2 but I'm hoping I will resurrect again a week into it. Hang in there! You can do it!