Wanted : Accountability Partners



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Lost another pound... weigh in was today.

    However, totally off track today and yesterday.

    Did not meet my goals at all.

    Tomorrow's goals:
    1)make it through the day without suddenly binging or really blowing it!!!!!!!!
    2)plan my meals and stick with the plan.
    3) Eat earlier in the morning, rather than wait until the late afternoon before I eat anything all day.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Linda, congrats on another pound!! whoohoo!!

    I didnt check in yesterday but did pretty darn good goal wise! Had a busy busy day at work so it was easy to stay on track with food and calories but by the end of the day I had gone over in at least half of my counts... oh well! Today will be better. I exercised yesterday for 45 mins, YAY!

    Today's goals:

    -exercise again!!!! keep it up!!! ;o)
    -try to stay under in most of my counts (i always go over in protein and sugar but yesterday i went over in a couple of others also)
    -drink lots of water to try and make up for going over in sodium yesterday!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    welllll where is everyone?

    sloooowwww day at work today. Went out to lunch with coworkers to a mexican resaurant nearby- SO good but SO many calories!!! I could only estimate but I think I had 900-1000 cals. whoops! :tongue: Will have to exercise tonight, have a light dinner and make up for it tmrw.

    Goals yesterday met, acutally workerd out again! was hard to make myself but I'm proud that I did it through my discouraged attitude!

    have a really super light dinner to make up for my HUGE lunch!!, exercise half hr minimum, 2:30 and still most of my water for the day to go, so get that 64 ounces down!

    I got a compliment today from a coworker :blushing: said I 'look skinny!' hehe. I think it's just because I'm in flattering scrubs today- stepped on the scale this morning and definitely no change. almost a pound up from bloat, too much sodium lately. oh well.

    have a good weekend everyone!
  • meg_hand
    meg_hand Posts: 15
    I'm in too! I need any support I can get, and having others to monitor my accountability is great! I can get discouraged easily and that little extra push from others when I slip can always help!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Welcome, Meg!

    I won't be posting much for the next 3 weeks.
    I am cotinuing to diet and exercise while I'm away.
    So far, so good!!!!!
    45 minute walk today, 59 minute aerobics yesterday, 20 minute walk the day before.
    Haven't been binging! Have really been doing good!!!
  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in! Friend me. I am up a size since last summer & I won't buy new clothes! Accountability is why I joined.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey all! It's Monday again!

    My fiance and i have been talking a lot about our efforts to live a more active and healthy lifestyle, and we're getting more and more used to it every day.

    My goals for this week are:

    - Exercise at LEAST 3.5 hours by the end of the week - equivalent to 30 mins a day. I know it doesn't seem like much, but when i get strings of shifts at work i just literally have NO energy to do anythign when i get home - so it could be a push.
    - Make sure i'm drinking my 2L water a day - i do most days, but sometimes i fall short
    - Only eat meals that have been prepared at home - so that we know exactly how many calories are in each.

    i lost another 700g last week, which is awesome. But, that was including having some binge days, so i'm hoping that being entirely back on the wagon this week will help to lose even more!

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Babyworms, great goal to exercise everday! I have the same challenge. I workout in the evenings and am usually POOPED! It's so easy to talk myself out of it.

    The other challenge that comes along with that that I've had trouble with is being able to eat back my exercise calories! I love to eat- don't get me wrong. But I think I've been planning incorrectly: logging exercise at the end of the day after I do and and finding out I've got 800-1100 cals to eat for dinner. What? how am I supposed to eat that many over 1 meal and still be healthy, I think to myself. So I've usually ended up 400-500 under my alloted cals after exercise. Gar. So this week I'm going to try entering my exercise in the morning when I'm entering breakfast, snacks and lunch for my workday- that way I know if I can have extra with lunch or a larger snack.... I'll see how that goes. I figure once I've already entered the exercise and eaten some of the extra calories it'll be more motivation to ACTUALLY exercise! ........hopefully.... :wink:

    So, goals today.....

    -exercise when I get home.... even though I don't want to (my monthly visitor started today.... so i'll be doing something light for sure. thinking yoga)
    -get all my water in
    -don't have anymore signifigant sugar for the day

    Have a great day ladies :o)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Our little thread sure has been quiet lately........

    Today's goals: 1) exercise tonight dang it!!! I didn't do it after work yesterday.... was pooped :ohwell: 2)go shopping after work today- need more veggies n fruit so I keep eating healthy!! 3) Stay under in sugar counts.

    Not much else to say today, gotta get back to work!
  • getnfitn2011
    hey hey!!!
    I thought I would pop in here and see if I could revive our little thread!!! I have been kinda MIA because I am the process of moving and finishing up the school year (I homeschool for those that didn't catch that.) I have missed being in here!!! Welcome to all teh new faces!! Starla you are so cool to keep coming in here. I am with ya kow so even if its just us two I am with ya and I will be that accountability partner!!

    Just recap whats been going on in my world...I think I am have that PMDD...I could figure out why about a week before TOM comes knocking I have crazy sweet cravings (I am on shakeology and really don't even crave sweets most the time), like no drive or energy, and moodswings that could give a girl whiplash!! Then a friend told me to look into PMDD and the symptoms...yep got every single one! I found that there are lots of all natural aids to help with this so I am really excited! I just kinda thought I went off the deep ened for a week every month and thats just teh way I was ..DUH!! I am a ding dong sometimes!! Anyway so i am excited to see how these supplememnets help me with this ugly issue!!! Other than that I am pushing through my workouts and logging all my food...even made my diary public which was SCARY!!!!

    My goals...
    1- Stay positive
    2-log all my food
    3- CRUSH my workouts 6 x a week
    4- Just keep momentum going!!!
    Anyway, thats whats going on over here....I hope to hear from ya'll soon!!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Hi! I am still here :smile: not every single day though- been MIA for awhile.

    I had a decent weekend- exercised and logged food diligently and wonderfully saturday but took sunday off of both - but I don't think I did too bad of a job! Yesterday I was pooped when I got home- so I didn't exercise like I had planned and as a result went around 200 over in calories.. oops! I got to work, was here for a couple of hours and then got a call from my mother- she locked herself out of our apartment (my mom now lives with me... not able to work a job that would let her have enough money to have her own apartment) and it was too cold yesterday to make her wait around for me into the evening, and she doesn't know any neighbors in the other apartments.... so off to home I went! I'm lucky enough to have wonderful coworkers and an amazing job. Yesterday clinic was just slow enough that it was no problem for someone to cover while I drove the half hour or so home to let her in and then back to work. Worked out well! Mom and I certainely learned our lesson though about needing to hide a key outside somewhere. I rent a privately owned condo so there isn't anyone on the property with keys- so mom made a few copies yesterday of the the key and we quickly buried one in a pot on the back patio (ground floor apartment) so that this doesn't happen again! It's funny how roles reverse as we age. I never had that particular issue happen to me when I was younger but I could see it happening to someone's kid and having to leave work to let them in the house, ya know? Anyways though it made for a long day so that was my excuse to not exercise... too tired... I'll do much better today! I've eaten wonderfully so far and plan to go home and use my trusty gazelle while I watch tv (that's why I like it so much! I get a good sweat from it and watch tv at the same time ) My goal for the week is simple: Don't get on that darn scale in the bathrooM!!!! I want til the week after next, the day before I go to my nursing conference on the 26th, because that weekend I have another night out planned with friends, so I'd rather weigh before all of that and then stay in that blissful place of what will hopefully be happiness until I weight again a couple of weeks later. It's so hard not to get on that scale!

    Anyways, I need to get back to work!