What do you do for fun?

MsMe79 Posts: 54
I know this has probably been done lots of times before, please humour me :)

So what do you do in your spare time that you love doing?

I'm a muso. I sing, play piano, violin, clarinet and recently gotten serious and getting right into guitar. I am a songwriter, and I guess my genre is more country style, but I love all music.

I also love traveling, I have been to London, Paris, Krakow and the USA twice. Can't wait to do more travel.

I've recently started to enjoy cooking, and that is exciting and love trying things.

So what do you love doing?


  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I love going to the gym, it helps that hubby also loves going to the gym so we go together, he does most of the same classes as me, although he draws the line at Zumba lol. I also love playing piano, I started learning last March and am preparing for doing my grade 1. I love playing with our puppy Smudge and mooching about doing stuff round our vegetable garden. I live right by the Brecon Beacons so taking Smudge walking around the national park and the other forestry commission sites near us is brilliant. I also love camping and am really happy the weather is getting warmer so weekends away will start soon!
  • hannahncakes
    I love to read pretty much anything I can get my hands on & I enjoy writing I write short stories, poetry and fanfiction. I also love playing with my 3 year old daughter :smile:
  • Vendorf70
    I love to build and fly RC planes.

    I play guitar and piano, which is great for relaxing. :)

    I also love to do stuff on my computer, programming robots, drawing 3D and making music.
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    I love to read, play video games, and work on my photography.
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I love swimming.
    I absolutely adore scuba diving. It's my passion.
    Diving Holiday in December!
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    i love arts and craft projects with my 2 yr old daughter, i love to sing and drive on roadtrips, i also love shopping lol, i love dancing and acting like a fool haha
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Well photography was my hobby until I started a business then it became a "job." Honestly going to the gym is fun for me. I am too old and married to be shakin' my booty in a club so I LOVE going to Zumba because I love to dance. I read but always the Bible or theology books. I like to hang out and snuggle with my kids too. Gosh I didn't realize how boring I am until replying to this topic!! LOL
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    Watching NASCAR!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I sing, though I have had a sore throat for about 3 months and I don't like my voice at the moment. Before having children I was a semi-professional singer (opera), so I have lessons and sing in the Cathedral choir. I am doing a couple of festivals in the summer too.

    I read a fair bit. I am starting a Masters degree in September, so have a lot of course work reading to do - medieval archaeology/history.

    I also have 2 children, so spend a lot of time carting them around to their activities. Not so much fun for me, but I spend a lot of time on it!

    I love gardening when the weather is good, and I do aerobics, circuits, cycling and running, all of which I really enjoy too.

    I am also a very keen photographer. I love doing macro photography and portraits. I never run out of insects and flowers in the garden to do close-ups on! I am photographing a wedding in the Autumn! Eeeek.
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    I love to sing! I sing at a lot of weddings, its not my profession but because friends ask me to do it, then their friends ask me to, then their friends....

    I love white water rafting, skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, attempting to surf, hiking, camping (mmm smores)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Play golf (poorly),garden and walks around the farm.
    Used to tractor pull but that got too expensive and cut throat.
  • MrsMills712
    MrsMills712 Posts: 350
    Indoors - Cake decorating projects.
    Outdoors- Fishing
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I am a beekeeper
    I love to garden
    BIG bookworm, I have a very large Stephen King collection
    I write, sometimes paint
    and I guess getting tattooed has become somewhat of a hobby also.....
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Riding my motorcycle
    Sitting around a campfire, or down by the river with friends
    Anything with a cold beer in my hand!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    martial arts, play vid games, watch movies/tv

    i love golf but really havent had much chance to play in the last year.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I read alot,I love concerts and strip clubs.
    I love exploring old cemeterys,and doing gravestone rubbings
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    @Fear.....I have read up on how to do that....I didn't even think to add that into mine, I love going to old cemeteries and taking pics, and just reading the stones.....but have not done a rubbing yet....do you have any pics of the ones you have done?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Painting, drawing, sewing, sculpting, making jewelry, and all kinds of handyman stuff. Lowes is my Happy Place.