This is depressing



  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    My goal is 150 and it still puts me in the overweight category. I have to be like 125 of less to be considered normal. I don't think I weighed that in high school when I played sports.
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Because BMI does not show the difference between fat and muscle, it does not always accurately predict when weight could lead to health problems. For example, someone with a lot of muscle (such as a body builder) may have a BMI in the unhealthy range, but still be healthy and have little risk of developing diabetes or having a heart attack.
    BMI also may not accurately reflect body fatness in people who are very short (under 5 feet) and in older people, who tend to lose muscle mass as they age.